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Thanks for that advice, I'm sure a lot will find it useful.
And God promised men that good and obedient wives would be found in all corners of the world. Then made the world round .... and laughed and laughed and laughed ..
Hiya - I often look at this forum, It amazes me, shocks me that so many people seem to have been or are in similar situations to myself,
I was one of the lucky ones more or less - ok the police let a criminal away with a crime and they did - BUT she lost her baby because of it and I came out of the whole experience a lot better of than she did.
Back to my original theme - one of the things SS kept saying to me is most of thier "clients" just used the net for facebook and the like and they had never or rarely come across someone like me who actually used the net as a research tool.
I think anyone in a situtation with authority should research research and more research. That way the police who also tried to lie to me aswell as the SS did not get away with it.
Again anyone in a situation with children involved with SS - I do have a lot of experience of that and of the way the family courts work etc and I would be glad to assist if I can.
it'd be good if you did quinnb - because I know nothing about it!!
give that baby a hug from me!
And God promised men that good and obedient wives would be found in all corners of the world. Then made the world round .... and laughed and laughed and laughed ..
Well i got to see the kids today and man i never knew i could cry sooo much :-) thought's of when i first saw them born in to this world came rushing back and melted my heart once again,the joy i felt was so strong and over whelming i thought i'd died and went to heaven. after peeling my wonderful children from the BIGGEST hug in the world and wiped away the tear's of joy shared by all i truley felt blessed in sharing a moment that will stay with me for ever.
i LOVE them so much and will for ever more.
sorry just needed to share some good news :-)
the SS are sorting out more visit for me hopefully next week :-)
So good to see you posting. So pleased to see you happy!
And God promised men that good and obedient wives would be found in all corners of the world. Then made the world round .... and laughed and laughed and laughed ..
well i,ve been given copy's of my statments from the cps yesterday and i was also ment to have (full) copys of the so called victom's statments but i,ve been given a brief out line of what was said i.e they were not a transcript like mine was.i thought i would have been given full copys.
also i got given copy's of the medical records that were done on the said victom and when googlin things about this i,am bit lost and need some help if possible,
brief out line of what was wrote:
(cow bag) was examined in the frog leg position for the genital examination and in the left lateral position (a position where the young person lies on their left side with their legs in the right angled position at the hip and knee) for the anal examination.
The hymen (ring of tissue at the entrance of the birth canal) was folded and thickened secondary to the effects of the female hormone oestrogen.
ok i did alittle research about the Hymen and it says that this is basically what is broken when a women has sex for the first time I.E losing her virginity.
yet on the examination it says it's still there and is also thickened....does this mean she is still a virgen?
also on my statments there is alot of things missing that i know for 100% sure i said and also alot of thing's i know i never saidand also thing's i know for a fact the officers asked and said that seem to be missing, would it be worth me asking for the statments to be transcripted again?
at the moment i,am going over and over what i,ve been given from the cps to see if there is any thing else i,am not sure about and things that might be set out wrong in my statments and such.
And God promised men that good and obedient wives would be found in all corners of the world. Then made the world round .... and laughed and laughed and laughed ..
As per the link RFLH posted, your solicitor should have been given a copy of your interview tape (if no solicitor present you should have been given the copy)
If you have the patience you should listen to the tape, comparing it to the written statements the CPS have given you, and make a written note of any discepancies to give to your solicitor.
Obviously in an ideal world your solicitor would do this but remember if he is a legal aid defence solicitor he will be snowed under with work for which the MoJ is trying to pay him less and less, so it is necessary for you to help him as much as possible with the tedious research and show him the highlights for him to action.
It is important to do this as it is more than likely that the CPS have cherry-picked the helpful (to them!) bits out of your interview for the prosecution to use in any trial.
With regard to the medical examination I do fear that this is an instance where you need your own 'expert' to interpret what their 'expert' has said
Purely as a layman I think it is significant that tearing or bruising has not been mentioned in the report as this would be expected when a virgin has been raped, but as I said, I am no expert.
PS Edit to add that you don't get a full copy of the 'victims' statement unless the matter comes to trial, the abridged version covers the salient points so that you/your solicitor can prepare a defence statement
Last edited by Casehardened; 3 April 2010, 06:16 AM.
Please oh please do not rely on the accusers state of virgin intacta. On the private forum we have a member whose husband was alleged to have raped his niece several times over the course of 6 years from age 10. She had NO injuries whatsoever and was completely intact.
The "experts" stated that this finding neither confirms nor denies abuse took place and that the "finding" is "neutral". He was convicted regardless.
The hymen thickens during puberty/adolescence.
You need to be concentrating on finding a motive for her to lie, and evidence that she has falsely accused somebody before, of a sexual offence. This would need to have been an official complaint.
yeah i,ve been doing that and each statment i have read though pull's apart other statments...i.e she was ment to have told a mate about it on the phone after it was ment to have taken place yet the other person states she was told face to face the next day and the details she was told dont match eva.....on another note after reading though the medical report again the experts stats " (cowbag) is in full puberty (physically and adult) and has been since the age of 12."
i.e she was ment to have told a mate about it on the phone after it was ment to have taken place yet the other person states she was told face to face the next day
That won't cut much ice with the jury as the Crown will say that the "victim" was so traumatised that she made a mistake.
............is in full puberty (physically and adult) and has been since the age of 12."
so 2 years before hand she hit full puberty.
I would re-read that report because she cannot have fully matured at the age of 12. She would go through puberty and then adolscence. Even then a female cannot be fully developed physically until late teens at least.
well i have been to see my barrister yesterday and i was shocked at the way he started the meeting.....he started off by stating if this goes the wrong way i,am looking at 15 years and then started badgering me with questions over and over again and not given me a secound to reply and i felt soooo small i almost broke down then he stopped and said " this is the way the cps barrister will go at you, this is to show you what you have to come" i see the method in why he did this but Dam it was a big shock...i found out he is a defence barrister as well as a cps barrister....i never knew they were aloud to do both.
near the end of the meeting he said some thing that gave me some hope in a since, he said " if i thought you had done this i would tell you to go away have a good think about things have a good talk with your wife and family then come back and tell me the truth, yet what i will say is go home now with your wife and stop looking at the papers have a break and do some thing to take your mind off it for a few days atleast"
what i did come out with was the thought of i DONT want to be one of these people that go to jail for some thing i,ve not done then years later the truth comes out and i,am cleared..... i have got faith in him and like i said i just got abit of a shock when he started the meeting.
my deff papers are going in soon then my ple not long after...then the dreaded start date.
Hi Needhelp, yes barristers will be working defence one day and cps the next, this is standard and one of the reasons I feel this system needs a kick up the backside. I agree it keeps them fresh, but it means they're no better than each other and therefore to my mind they're of no benefit.
If my barrister had told me he thought I was lying, he'd have been told in no uncertain terms to F off, so I have no doubt many of them will continue to represent even if they feel you're lying, but they won't try very hard on your behalf. This is why I feel I ended up convicted - no one was particularly interested in what seemed far-fetched, but no one was interested in dealing with the prooof which proved it was all true, so no doubt I came across as lying. If you can find a barrister who believes in you, he will move heaven and earth to find you innocent. I only ever met one such person and he's now a Recorder and so not available any more.
To an extent it's a lottery, but at least he's trying to prepare you for the cps interrogation in court. I didn't find mine that bad, it's just that he was particularly rude and insulting in court and I really just wanted to retort.
I did get some relief when he accused me of something which got my goat, so I told him that if he thought that then he needed glasses because he couldn't see the proof in front of him.
As I've said before on a number of occasions, it's bad enough to be accused of something you're innocent of, and worse to be convicted of it, but at the end of the day I think we're mored scared of something happening than the actual event itself.
As a convicted person myself, I still hold my head high because the world thinks I'm something I'm not, and if the world's too arrogant to see it, then that's everyone else's problem. Life doesn't end with being unfairly or wrongly convicted, it just gives you another set of problems and another set of people to scream at.
I love it when officials visit or get on my case, because it gives me a chance to vent my anger and frustration at them and all they can do is sit there and take it. It's better than counselling.
So don't despair, it'll probably come right for you in the end. But it's not the end of the world if it doesn't. I've been wrongly convicted as a paedophile, which is a far worse situation than your worst case scenario.