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need help and advice please

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  • #16
    I should think you are bloody angry - any right minded person would be. I'd be inclined to phone the police back and go above the plods head and make sure that you are making a complaint rather than commenting on what's been done.

    As far as I can see - you are now the victim and they should be protecting you and your children.
    And God promised men that good and obedient wives would be found in all corners of the world. Then made the world round .... and laughed and laughed and laughed ..


    • #17
      Wrong move to go to the police. Never ever tell them anything that might help your case.

      You must take screenshots of these pages and forward them to your solicitor asap.

      Once you have all the info you need contact Facebook and tell them what has happened and that your children's lives may be in danger (I doubt it will be but best to err on the side of caution).

      See your solicitor for advice. The police will not help as you have found out.
      Last edited by Rights Fighter; 12 March 2010, 12:01 PM.
      People Appealing Convictions of Sexual Offences ~

      PAFAA details ~


      • #18
        You could make an official complaint about the officer concerned citing that you feel your children's well being might be in danger - start off at Police Standards Dept.

        Do not tell them that your MIL is monitoring FB but that you found out about the invites via your children's sites.
        People Appealing Convictions of Sexual Offences ~

        PAFAA details ~


        • #19
          It is harassment, and he is entitled to have the police deal with it. I had similar while waiting for my trial, and separate, ie not-OIC, police visited said party and issue warning letter.
          Getting a response from police is one thing, but clearly his attitude warrants a sternly-worded complaint to that Force's HQ.


          • #20
            cheers for the reply's peeps sorry for venting just felt i needed to get it off my chest....i been on the phone again to my Sol and she's just told me she already started a file last month about bringing the OIC up on charge's for the way he has handled the case and she's put what i told her on, she has said the amount of things this officer has done so far in the case has been a pursher tatic methored that the police dont do any more and got stop from using around 20 years ago, she also contacked facebook and stated who she was and that the cow's sister is interfering with a on-going case and she needs her account banned.

            i,ve got to go and see my Sol soon any way and she is going to run over all the things about the said officer after we have gone over things about my case.


            • #21
              I hope its a useful meeting and things get done.
              Last edited by RFLH; 12 March 2010, 02:40 PM. Reason: rotten spelling!
              And God promised men that good and obedient wives would be found in all corners of the world. Then made the world round .... and laughed and laughed and laughed ..


              • #22
                well once again sorry for the slow reply's

                had a good chat with my Sol and she said when the CPS put there thing's in on the 26th of this month there is a chance it might be thrown out of court.
                i,am not going to build my hope's up on it that way if they dont it wont be a shock.

                on a diff not i been battling with the social services to try and sort out a meeting with my kids...and sad to say i,am still looking at another 5-6 weeks ( thats what the social services said ) for checks to come back on people that can supervise the meetings.

                it's now been 11 weeks since i saw my kids becasue of this false clame i,am at the point were i feel i should just give up and stop trying to fight the social services...they are as bad as the police and it's just a losing battle.

                i read up on the childern's act 1970 witch the social services keep saying is why they are keeping me away, but i have yet to find any thing on that act were it says about a false clame on a 3rd party person would result in access to my own childern would be stopped.


                • #23
                  I have a feeling they make rules up as they go along - ask them to send you a copy of the point they say - then compare it to the original, I should imagine its online.

                  If they refuse or fail to do so, take it up with your MP.
                  And God promised men that good and obedient wives would be found in all corners of the world. Then made the world round .... and laughed and laughed and laughed ..


                  • #24
                    i dont even know were to start.......i've just had a phone call from the SS asking if i can come to a meeting on monday witch i anwsered yes to the second she asked, and then she told me what the meeting was's to see if my children need to be put on the at risk list, and at this meeting there will be a few people there i.e the police-SS and a few other angence's as the SS worker put it.

                    i asked her about this list and she said it's to look to see if they need to go on it. i also asked her after my case is proved to be all false and when i,am found not guilty will the kids be took off the list...she said no and that even when i,am found not guilty there is still not a 100% i,am aloud to go home!!

                    i rang the family Sol i have thats ment to be working on this part for me and she said that even if i am found not guilty at court then it's up to the SS to say if i,am aloud to go home to my family.

                    so not only do i and my family have to go though all this hurt untill the trail is over with. but even after we still have to fight yet more battle's to become a family again.

                    i just dont know if i can carry on with this any more and feel it would be so much easyer to just end it all

                    i thank all that have gave me help and advice and i,am happy i found this web site...thanks


                    • #25

                      The reason you are having to do battle with the SS is because of all the high profile cases recently where they have been shown to have failed.

                      The departments are now being ultra cautious, this isn't helping you but hopefully you will be more at ease if you feel that the forthcoming meeting hasn't been covened just for your case but is a general policy.

                      Fortunately I've never fallen foul of the SS so can't give you specific advice regarding the meeting on Monday, but in general terms when dealing with any government agency I would prepare very carefully beforehand (you can be sure they will all arrive with lots of paperwork and an agenda)

                      Write down the questions that you think you might be asked and list some answers.

                      Write down questions that you want to ask them.

                      Treat the meeting as a job interview i.e. stay calm and polite and put yourself over as best as you can.

                      Don't let them dominate the meeting/interview; challenge (politely & calmly!) any points they make which you feel are unjustified and ask questions in return

                      Finally ask about the appeals procedure in respect to their decisions; this will perhaps make them consider a little deeper before reaching one.

                      PS Don't even consider giving up; everyone will then simply assume your guilt

                      PPS I wonder if it would be possible for someone to go to the meeting with you as support, e.g. your solicitor (though you will probably have to pay for their time) or a good friend
                      Last edited by Casehardened; 19 March 2010, 08:30 PM. Reason: To add PPS
                      'What doesn't kill you makes you stronger'


                      • #26
                        Sorry Casehardened, I've been in that same situation when I was on bail. They will not allow any solicitor to enter the meeting, and no one may enter it apart from close family with a tie to the child/ren in question.

                        I found in my own case that the meetings were a steamroller effect, where nothing I said made any difference to anything they said or did. I too was only accused of at that point, yet they stopped me having all contact whatsoever with my child.
                        I and my partner had separated at that time, and I was living with family. My child was allowed to visit his grandparents, but I had to actually leave beforehand so my child was never able to catch sight of me. I haven't seen my child since the beginning of 2006, months before my trial. During my time on bail, the SS made up lies about me to my partner, which she was shown the truth in official papers by my family. The damned SS woman didn't even have the decency to apologise to me for lying about me, she apologised to my partner.
                        My partner stood by me throughout the trial, saw the lies of the other party for herself, then two weeks after I was convicted I got a Dear John letter. I've no doubt it was the SS who turned her against me, and she's told me she never wants to hear from me ever again, and nor does she want our child to either. Christ, anyone would think I was Satan.
                        I'd have them all lined up and shot, if it was down to me. They are the one species in the human race I would not talk to.

                        You can do all you like with the SS, but rules of fair play do not count with them, and no matter what evidence you say or put in front of them, they will do what they feel like "in the interests of the safety of the child" and if your partner doesn't play by their rules, they will blackmail her by threatening to take the children into care because by seeing you, your partner is putting your child/ren at risk.
                        Get a very very very good Family Lawyer, but it's very hard to beat these people.
                        Last edited by LS; 19 March 2010, 08:44 PM.


                        • #27
                          LS is right. SS are a law unto themsleves, and legal rights do not come into anything at all.
                          LS: I'm so sorry to hear about you not being able to see your son. That is what I would find the most difficult thing of all, were I in your shoes. In fact words fail me. How terrible.

                          here's a big hug for you:


                          • #28
                            Thanks Saffron, and thanks for the hug. Yes it's hurtful but at least my folks get to see him once or twice a year. In a way the hurt is tempered by the fact that his mother is a very selfish person and I'm better off not seeing how she's bringing him up. She and her family will give him all the qualities I hate in people - selfishness, usury, nastiness, hypocrisy, greed, and a desire to take pleasure in other people's pain. That's not someone I would have brought into the world.
                            If he's not like that when he's eighteen then he'll come looking, but I'm not holding my breath.
                            Mutual hug...
                            Last edited by LS; 20 March 2010, 01:24 AM. Reason: usual typos, missed words etc


                            • #29
                              I have attended meetings/conferences with SS and I have not been a member of the family. I made them aware that I work for a solicitor and I wore a suit to look the part.

                              It depends on the area I suppose as to what rules they follow. It might be worth the OP asking if he can take somebody purely for "moral support" if they don't allow a solicitor or sols rep.
                              People Appealing Convictions of Sexual Offences ~

                              PAFAA details ~


                              • #30
                                I have considerable experience of SS and yes they are a law to them selves.
                                They also move the goal posts constantly and yes I was lied to on several occaisons. In my experience and opinion the sols are all in league with them and in fact I was told by my SS that dont even listen to the sols. They have them all in thier pockets pretty much.

                                However I did some serious and I mean serious reseach on the childrens act, placement with parent regulations. All SS post thier policys and procedures online in which I read all of them. That way when they quote something at you - you can quote back at them. That did scare them and they backed off a little then.
                                I think that is thier weak link - i.e I got to know my "enemy" and all thier "battle plans" were a google search away, That way I managed to circumnavigate a few of thier procedures which made life a whole lot easier.

