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Im being falsely accused -im a wreck

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  • Im being falsely accused -im a wreck


    Friday before xmas i was out on my work xmas party. Also out were my old office and colleagues who i had arranged to meet up with at some point in the night. I bumped into them in a bar and had a few more drinks, everything was as normal everyone having a good time.

    I left this bar with colleagues from my new office to go to our final bar before going home. A couple of people from my old office followed but did not get a drink apart from 1 girl who did. I have worked with her for 6 years and we used to get on really well when i was in her office. She was her usual flirty self but she was trying it on with one of my friends who i had arranged to meet in that bar also.

    Time came to leave this bar so we headed outside for a taxi. i turned around as i was walking to the rank and saw this girl linking into my mate. We stood in the taxi que for a bit and the chat was flirty. I jokingly said 'do you think you could take on me and my mate' which she laughed and replied yeah. My mate stupidily then suggested getting a hotel room. I wasnt keen on this as i did not want to pay, however he agreed to pay. Saw a hotel over the bridge and started walking. She then phoned home and told her daughter 'mam isnt coming home tonight, ill see u in the morning'. She then started complaining to my mate that her daughter was trying to hand the phone over to her apparent ex boyfriend and thats why she wasnt happy on the phone.

    We got the room and she walked in unaidied. took all her clothes off and started performing sexual acts on us. After we finished, my mate wanted to go home as he has a gfriend and needed to get back. I told him to go if he liked and he left. the girl was in the bath at this point and i went in to see if she was ok. She then started performing sexual acts again on me and we had sex again.

    We finished and i went back to the bedroom. i decided that i wanted to go home too, to avoid embarrassment of waking up in the morning as we had known eachother for quite a while and it was never sexual, just mates. I spoke to her and said if she needed anymore money for the room to see me at work and i would give her it. She said yeah ok and i left.

    In the morning i got a call from my mate saying a serious allegation had been made against him and he was arrested. i was arrested at dinnertime and in the police station for 11hours.

    She is stating she cannot remember a thing from the final bar, basically saying she was too drunk.

    It has totally wrecked my life, my mother is constantly breaking down and i am now suspended from work with pay untill the investigation is over. i asked my solicitor while in the police station if this would go to court and he said 'unlikely' but i just keep thinking of the worst and then break down myself.

    Any positive advice would be appreciated

    Thank You.

  • #2
    Firstly I assume you have been bailed to go back to the police station
    My guess it has been a month or so. I am guessing also that your bail conditions state not to contact the person who made the allegation directly or in-directly.
    If you got arrested on a Saturday how did your work find out so quickly?
    Again I am really confused how they could suspend you - innocent until proven guilty but obviousily I am wrong on that premise.

    Again I could be wrong but drunken consent - is still consent. I would have thought though however if she was that drunk the hotel would not have given you a room for the night. It must have been fairly obvious I would have thought that 2 men and one woman asking for a room would have meant. The hotel must have CCTV and would have seen u all come in together etc etc.

    Also how could your mate ring you - surely he was in the police station and he would not have been allowed to call you?

    At the end of the day - it may go to court and then it boils down to her word against yours and your mates - good luck and I hope you are ok.

    I in my time have taken many girls who have had a drink home from clubs etc and that would be my worst nightmare that one of them accuses me of rape the next day.

    I must admit the police were bloody quick in arresting you - it took a week for them to come and get me,


    • #3
      Firstly I assume you have been bailed to go back to the police station
      My guess it has been a month or so. I am guessing also that your bail conditions state not to contact the person who made the allegation directly or in-directly.
      If you got arrested on a Saturday how did your work find out so quickly?
      Again I am really confused how they could suspend you - innocent until proven guilty but obviousily I am wrong on that premise.

      Again I could be wrong but drunken consent - is still consent. I would have thought though however if she was that drunk the hotel would not have given you a room for the night. It must have been fairly obvious I would have thought that 2 men and one woman asking for a room would have meant. The hotel must have CCTV and would have seen u all come in together etc etc.

      Also how could your mate ring you - surely he was in the police station and he would not have been allowed to call you?

      At the end of the day - it may go to court and then it boils down to her word against yours and your mates - good luck and I hope you are ok.

      I in my time have taken many girls who have had a drink home from clubs etc and that would be my worst nightmare that one of them accuses me of rape the next day.

      I must admit the police were bloody quick in arresting you - it took a week for them to come and get me,


      yeah i am on bail until 13th of feb. i was arrested on 19th december.

      i have been suspended because she works on the same site as me and has reported it. i just cant believe she is doing this.

      Even the police have admitted in our interviews that mine and my mates stories are identical and they thought everything was 'tickety boo' as they said. it just looks dodgy because we nicked off during the night. I wish i had just stayed til the morning now and made sure she was ok.

      i didnt know she had a bfriend till the morning, who she had a barny with apparently earlier in the night. There are witnesses to this and she was after anyone. We were the unlucky ones in the wrong place at the end of the night.

      My solicitor reckons she has had to make up this story to her bfriend to get him off her back for staying out, then say she cant remember nothing to the police to get them off her back aswell.

      Its just a nightmare.


      • #4
        The OP said:

        "Friday before xmas i was out on my work xmas party"
        This would be Friday 18th December. He has posted today which is the 30th December so it has been 12 days, not a month.

        In the morning i got a call from my mate saying a serious allegation had been made against him and he was arrested. i was arrested at dinnertime and in the police station for 11hours.
        His mate was probably released from police custody when he made the call.

        We do not know what the OP's job is so it could be that they had no choice but to suspend him, if he works with vulnerable people/children or directly with the public. The police would have had plenty of time to notify the employer if the OP works in the public domain.

        It is not unusual for the police to act immediately - it is often down to how long it takes the complainant to go to the police.

        At the end of the day it boils down to was consent given? Was it drunken consent? Clearly the complainant says it was not otherwise she would not have gone to the police.

        Did you have a duty solicitor at your police interview? Have you checked on the internet as to whether he/she is experienced in defending sex cases?

        See if you can do some background digging to clarify whether this woman has previously accused others in similar circumstances.

        Do not post too much detail on this site. It is open to the public which also means the police.
        People Appealing Convictions of Sexual Offences ~

        PAFAA details ~


        • #5
          In the morning i got a call from my mate saying a serious allegation had been made against him and he was arrested. i was arrested at dinnertime and in the police station for 11hours.

          His mate was probably released from police custody when he made the call.

          Beg to differ R/F I don't think there is any way they would release his mate for 2 reasons

          1 He could tip off and meaning the poster could go on the run.
          2 They could get thier stories straight.


          • #6
            He was staying at his gfriends but the police went to his home. His mam rang him to say police had been round, and he then rang me asking what was going on.

            How long does this go on for? i have never been involved with the police before so havent a clue on these things. I just want it to be over.


            • #7
              I was on bail for 4 months - which apparently is quite quick, but then they took my PC and my phone which takes ages for them to go through as there is such a back log.
              Did they take your phone/PC?
              If it goes to trial and you are charged I would say you are looking at a year from now to it gets to trial.
              I hope you dont get charged but if you do - I wonder what will happen with your job as you are still innocent until proven guilty. If your company has an employee assistance program I would get on to them now to find out.


              • #8
                It is not completely unheard of for one person (possible co-def) to be released from the police station before another is picked up.

                People's experiences differ. It has been known for the police to release a suspect after interview even if there is another person to be investigated. There can be any number of reasons for that depending on the circumstances of each case.
                People Appealing Convictions of Sexual Offences ~

                PAFAA details ~


                • #9

                  Even if not charged.

                  1.Gain copies of CCTV footage of you entering hotel > lifts > corridor etc & each individual leaving. You want to see the interaction between the 3 of you & the manner in which you behave.

                  2.Witness statement from desk clerk at hotel who booked you in.

                  3.Witness statements of people that were with you that night.

                  4.Statement of her phone conversation with her boyfriend & text messages.

                  If the police & CPS see all the above I believe they will see that you have a case to prosecute her for liying so they may not charge.

