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dont know what to do

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  • dont know what to do

    hey i have been falsely accused of rape about a week ago by a 17 year old girl i admit i had sex with her been to the police station on my own acored and they arrested me then gave my account of what hapenned [no soliciter silly i know that now but had faith in the truth] let out on police bail after about 2 hours till mid febuary, i have contacted a soliciter now and he said he woud cntact the police officer towards the end of january to see whats going on. my line manager at work has just rang this morn saying he has to suspend me with out pay till we see what happens.the other partner in the business wante to sack me. only three of my so caled freinds have spoke to me since then and one of them was a merry xmas ..................
    the good news is my partner and parents and famaley that know are with me and partner is upset but thinks we can be ok but she dosn't know i lost job yet she at work more good christmas cheer for her my daughter of 9 months is and the few other people that i love are all that i keep going for can anyone give advise on the work situation as we all have bills to pay and any other will be greatly recived .everything spinning round my head again and again
    thanks hopefully

  • #2
    Simply putting it - you are innocent until proven guilty!!!! - meaning they can not suspend you full stop.
    How long have you worked there for? - go to the CAB pretty quickly I would!
    And I think you are quite lucky being there at the station for 2 hours, I was there for 17. Good luck


    • #3

      I have to disagree with part of what quinnb has stated - your employer can suspend you pending investigations as this is very dependent on exactly what your job is.

      For example, a teacher or doctor may well face suspension due to the possibility of risk to others before a verdict is known.

      What they cannot do, is sack you, as this would be classed as unfair dismissal for the reasons stated by quinnb.

      Unfortunately now is the waiting game. All you can do is hound the police. I was given the investigating officers mobile phone number, and I'm sure she got sick of hearing from me.

      Firstly, pass the message along to the police via your solicitor that due to this, you are no longer receiving income and this could well have knock on effects for your family - also make it clear that you aren't beyond filing a complaint to the IPCC should matters be unduly delayed.

      After that, find out when the local Inspector will be talking to the CPS about your case, and chase it up regularly. Guilty people do not want constant updates on their case, so there's no way that can be used badly against you.

      Good luck, and post back here whenever you have something to say. It really does help.


      • #4
        Ok I stand corrected - I was just looking at my experience and my company quite happily let me carry on working.
        However surely if they suspend you, they can't do it with out paying you!
        Again I could be wrong but it is worth checking out,

        As for pestering the old bill - I don't think that will help a great deal as they work to thier own time scales and no body elses. Also may be worth making a complaint but to the forces professional standards (as complaining to the IPCC they will just refer back to them anyway). That way when they come out to see you - it may give you a guage if they think you have done it or not. The guy who came to see me less than a week after I was arrested told be though I had to read between the lines it was never going to go to court.
        This set my mind at rest I can tell you,

        B4 I was arrested I thought the british police were the best in the world
        2 complete twats from Bedfordshire proved that to be a total lie!

        I called it operation pantomime and the dc and the ds were the front and back legs of the panto horse! - they really were useless and exhibited key stone cop policing.

        These are just my experiences/thoughts/opinions, I am not sure if they will be of help to anyone but they gave me an insight anyway.


        • #5
          thks for the posts
          feeling bit more posative today dont know why .
          i dont work as a teacher or doctor am in construction going to find out about what happens about suspension of solisitor today and hope i can find some sort of income hopefully off old employer.
          would of exspected to be sacked or suspended if i had been charged but think they jumped the gun a bit lucky gf is working so still have her wage which covers all bills just .
          all advise about any thing is greatfully apreciated


          • #6
            How did your employer know about the allegations?
            People Appealing Convictions of Sexual Offences ~

            PAFAA details ~


            • #7
              my employer new about allergation because it was his sons freind that made them work in a funny company which is family based and freindship so i thought .
              my solisitor suggested write a greivnce letter about not getting paid or resign and claim constuctive dismisle .
              will have to think on it a bit
              any ideas thnks


              • #8
                The trouble is I think with that is - I work for a multi national blue chip who have legal departments and are very hot in sticking to the law.
                As I was told and I quote "You don't work for a sweet shop"
                But these smaller companys I think tend to be able to get away with some employment laws,

                I know a few people who work in construction, they don't get sick pay, holiday pay and when there is no work then there is no work and they can go a month without any money. In essence they are self employed in a way, So I am not surprised they are not paying you,

                I can't advise you what to do - maybe try and get another job and cut your losses and it may be worth looking at other forums which specialise in employment laws! This site is not really geared up for that I don't think.

                Also speak to the CAB before you do anything, they may be able to help you.


                • #9
                  Had it been the police who notified your place of work you would have had a case at least for suspension WITH pay. However that is not the case. I take it tha tyou are not a member of an employees union?
                  People Appealing Convictions of Sexual Offences ~

                  PAFAA details ~


                  • #10
                    spoke to freind who works in human resoures and he pretty much said same as solisitor but got appointment at cab any how .

                    feeling bit down again after all the christmas and new year stuff gf is at work so at home with the kids.
                    couple more of my freinds have txt wich brightend my day a bit but can't stop thinking about everything will i need to be questioned again will i be put back on bail after the 13th of feb wy can't the girl see what she has done is cruel and ruind my life and it will be never the same again.
                    i wish the police would hurry up and can try get some order in my life again


                    • #11
                      wishing for a thing does not make it so I am afraid and the police work to thier own time tables not yours as I found out to my anger, They have big case loads and there are bigger prioitys like murders which push you further down the queue. Even when they have finished thier enquires they have to consult with the CPS which again have big case loads to.
                      I know and believe I know what it is like to have to sit and wait but that is exactly what you will have to do.

                      Again easier said than done try to remain positive I found doing that very hard but in the end it is good advise - and most of all the best advise is to keep your head down and low and do NOT get into any more trouble and keep off radar.


                      • #12
                        Welcome to the world of false allegations. The girl doesn't care otherwise this would not have occurred.

                        All you can do is to try to make notes of your recollection of events and also talk to anybody who you came into contact with around the time of the alleged offence.

                        Hopefully the 13th February will be a lucky 13 and you get an NFA. If you are charged then is the time to find a solicitor who is experienced in defending false allegations as opposed to sexual offences. There is a difference.
                        People Appealing Convictions of Sexual Offences ~

                        PAFAA details ~


                        • #13
                          found a solicitor and he going to start contacting people towards the end of january and find out what is happening and hopefully it will be all over by febuary the 13.

                          is it normal for the solicitor to wait till the bail is nearly up i suppose the police should have made all the enquiries by then and should be being looked at by the cps?
                          is this why?


                          • #14
                            Many solicitors do not lift a finger until the suspect has been charged as there is little or no paperwork until then.

                            If this is the duty sol then hopefully he will keep to his word and chase things up.

                            The police are obliged to "investigate" each and every allegation. Once they have collected "all of the evidence" (this often means that they have omitted to interview witnesses helpful to the defence) they then send the file to the Crown who them make a decision whether there is a realistic prospect of conviction.
                            People Appealing Convictions of Sexual Offences ~

                            PAFAA details ~


                            • #15
                              didn't see a duty solicitor at the police station had faith in me telling the truth would be ok mabey stupid i know that now but a freind who is a family solicitor asked around her firm and came up with three names for me to contact thats how i got on with this one .

