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Need Help.False accusations for 40 yrs ago!!!!

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  • Need Help.False accusations for 40 yrs ago!!!!

    I am writing this because I am worried sick for my dad.

    He has been falsely accused by a woman of underage rape, which supposedly happened 40 years ago. ( he was a lodger at the property and semi dating the girls mum.)

    We have a running feud with the family which started 18mths ago and then 3 months ago 2 police officers appeared on the door step to arrest him with this outrageous lie.

    Upto 18mths ago the family had been like family to us. Weddings family parties, then i fell out with them over something and nothing and obviously my parent took my side since then they family started to make things difficult ion all sort of ways which I wont go into on here, but it is pretty obvious to us all that it is a vendetta......

    and who could think of anything worse.....not just rape (not that it less a crime)...but under age be labelled....because even though we all know its rubbish.....Dirt sticks....people make up their own minds.

    So far we have had to wait since the arrest til he went back to see how far it will he has to go to court in january. the solicitor said to wait til the court date and then they start their thios normal... we are devasted. we thought surely it will not go that far and now......our lives could all be destroyed and we dont know where to turn.

    please any advise would be grately appreciated.

  • #2
    You would be surprised just how far these cases really do go.

    I must warn you that the police and others also monitor this forum so please do not write any identifying information on here as any alibi evidence could be fed back to the accuser who will then change her story to fit.

    I will PM you.
    People Appealing Convictions of Sexual Offences ~

    PAFAA details ~


    • #3

      im going through a similar thing & its tearing my family appart & dont know how to help etc . This is a nightmare isnt it & would not wish this situation upon anyone !

