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father accused please help

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  • father accused please help

    Hi i was wondering if any one can answer some of my questions, last week my father was accused of "touching a 13 yr family relative while she was in bed" this apparently happend a few month ago yet she has been back to my fathers house quite happily with not a care in the world ect,now i belive my father 110% that he has never ever touched a child in the wrong way and i trust him 110 % with my children the thing is what i would like to know is that he got accused of this 6 days ago and yet the police have only just came today to take him in for questioning yet her grandmother said she gave a statement to the police 6 days ago surely they would have acted quicker than this and came earlier to see my father,myself and my family know the other family are trying to stitch my dad up for moeny and are heartbroken for my father as this is the worst thing in the world to be accused of and it ruins lifes,please can anyone advise me how long my father will be at the station and what the procedure is next for him,also if they bail him will he be allowed to come and stay with me and my children,thankyou any help is greatly appreatiated.

  • #2
    Hi kiara,

    It's with a heavy heart I welcome you here, but this place is somewhat of a paradox. It shouldn't be needed but is greatly appreciated.

    Originally posted by kiarra View Post
    he got accused of this 6 days ago and yet the police have only just came today to take him in for questioning yet her grandmother said she gave a statement to the police 6 days ago surely they would have acted quicker than this and came earlier to see my father,
    You would think so wouldn't you? I thought the same, but it doesn't appear to be the case. I hope you can take some solace in the fact that the Police acted quicker than they often do (which, frankly, is disgusting in itself), and this has saved your father & your immediate family from a lot of undue stress.

    Originally posted by kiarra View Post
    please can anyone advise me how long my father will be at the station and what the procedure is next for him,also if they bail him will he be allowed to come and stay with me and my children
    Unfortunately, what you're asking there, is "how long is a piece of string?" In my case, I was at the police station 4 hours total.

    Your father has the misfortune of not attending voluntarily, and this inevitably delays matters at the police station - eg, waiting for the solicitor to arrive, talking to the solicitor before an interview begins etc etc.

    I hope that it doesn't come about, but prepare yourself & your family for you father to be in a cell overnight. I can't forsee him being detained longer than tomorrow afternoon, but I could well be wrong about that. The best advice I can offer you is to call the police station he was taken to (the phone number can be found on the Force's website usually) & ask to speak to someone in the custody suite. They may be able to advise of a better timeline.

    As for when he's released, generally this is bail pending further enquiries. This usually has conditions of not approaching/communicating with the complaintant, either directly or indirectly as well as others. So long as there's no history of allegations of this nature (and I have no reason to think there is from the wording of your post), I can't see him being around your children as being an issue.

    The deal with bail at this stage, so long as he's not actually charged (which is highly unlikely) is that he is still innocent, and so should be allowed to continue his life as much as possible, whilst allowing the investigation to continue.

    I hope the above is of use to you & your family, and good luck with matters.


    • #3
      How long he is at the police station really depends on the "legal advice" he takes.

      Gone are the days when you can call your own lawyer (unless you pay) and in many cases the first legal advice you might get is over the telephone to the duty solicitor.

      Some duty sols are useless but some are very good. if your dad gets one that he feels confident with then once he is out of the station on bail he/you can research the practice where the duty sol hails from and see if they have experience in defending false allegations of abuse as opposed to defending sex cases. There is a difference.

      If your dad has any medical problems then he will be seen by the duty plod doctor who can decide whether he is fit for interview, or not.

      I see you have already noted that the accuser has returned quite happily to see her alleged assailant. You (and your dad) will need to make notes of this type from now on, dated and timed.

      Any contact from the accuser, no matter how small, should be noted. Any text messages, emails or MSN contact etc should be saved and if possible copied to a disc such as a memory key. That way if the police take any evidence such as mobile phones, computers etc you will have your own copy. Unfortunately there are some corrupt officers who think nothing of hiding evidence so you need to always keep copies.

      Christmas and New Year seems to be a favourite time for people to make false allegations of sexual abuse for whatever reasons!

      Please feel free to PM me if you need to talk further. This is a very public forum and the police regularly visit - so best not to write anything that can be identifiable to you, your dad or the area where he is/where the alleged offence took place.
      People Appealing Convictions of Sexual Offences ~

      PAFAA details ~


      • #4
        I have seen you and others write this on a regular basis about the police coming on to this site on a regular basis.
        What evidence do you have to support that view? Just interested thats all.


        • #5
          A couple of members have been warned by friends that Plod have been reading their posts and reporting back to the accusers. It does happen.


          • #6
            Recently one member's case was NFA'd and the police actually told him or his sol that the accuser thought he was bragging (he wasn't) and so his thread was pulled.

            We sometimes get the guilty trying to hide among the innnocent and the police get "intelligence" from open sites such as this one.
            People Appealing Convictions of Sexual Offences ~

            PAFAA details ~

