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This is sick

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  • This is sick

    My parents split up in august after a 27 year marrige, everyone new it was coming as they have had not had the best marrige in the world, it became very nasty and bitter, my dad came to live with me and my mother hated it.

    about 3 weeks after they split my father went back to the house to pick up some things and try and talk with my mum calmly to sort out things, the got talking laughing about old times as you do and ended up having sex.

    My dad decided a few days after that he should not hae had sex with her and told her its not ever going to work lets just leave it at that whcih she did, then it got nasty again, text, phone calls and out of the blue 2 days ago my dad gets arrested for Raping my mother 3 months ago.

    since then she has been with him on her own in his new flat beging him back and god knows what, they have took statements and are now leavin it to the CPS to see if there is a case, does anyone know what will happen next?

    she has lyed so many times in her statement and did not mention anything about going to see him after the alleged attack were as my dad has been up front and told them all the truth.

    this mad me sick, can not get over this is happening to my dad he is the BFG no one would ever think or consider him do that.

    Just don know whaat to do.

  • #2
    There is not a lot that can be done at the moment as there will be little or no paperwork as he's not yet been charged.

    If he is then he will need to find a solicitor who is experienced in defending false allegations of sexual abuse.

    He will need to write things down as he remembers them from the time it happened (I assume you refer to the consensual sex you mentioned as the alleged rape) and if in the meantime your mum contacts you or him then to note everything done and said in a diary/journal.
    People Appealing Convictions of Sexual Offences ~

    PAFAA details ~


    • #3

      Thanks for that he has been rememberin lots since the policske to him so ill tell him to start writing it all down, we have found a solicitor and they are the best round here, the waiting gme is the worst really not know what is going to come out of it.

      Yes the day they has sex was the day she is now saying its rape just because he wont go back to her, they have taken his phone what do they expect to get from that?


      • #4
        I sincerely hope you do have the best solicitor - is this what the sol told him or have you done some research?

        Police should check the phone to see if there are any messages or calls from her after the alleged rape which would throw doubt on her allegation.
        People Appealing Convictions of Sexual Offences ~

        PAFAA details ~


        • #5
          Hi Bestmum

          It is also definitely worth keeping ALL the text messages/emails/voicemails and giving them to your Dad's sol. These could be invaluable. If your Dad has deleted them then speak to his phone provider, as they can retrieve the messages. Make sure he has absolutely no contact with your mum at all, and that he keeps a diary of every time she tries to contact him.

          He has not been charged as yet, so all is not lost. Stay strong.



          • #6
            sorrynot sure what u mean has the soclicitor told me what?

            ow ok that makes sence fo the phone thing then, the solicitor has been recommened by a friend who works for the court so we should be ok but I hope it does not go this far.

            do you tink the cps has a case? because at the moment its al he said she said.

            and she called the police 3 weeks after the alleged whcih was 03-09-09 and they did not arrest him till this monday just gone nearly 3 months after why is tat?


            • #7
              Thanks Safron, his phone has been taken by the police to see what has bee said and done since the date she said- yes he is going to start writing everything down and b y god he wont be going nere her but she is trying to get him to through other people but we have all emails and everything so.

              I know u say all is not lost but what this has done to us is un descibable it really is, my poor dad I dont know if he will get over this one.


              • #8
                I do so feel for you - this is your own mother doing this to your dad but not only that, she is actually damaging the family too.

                Her pride is really coming before any common sense.

                All evidence of her trying to contact him through third parties must be collected if at all possible and handed to the sol. Your side of the case must not talk to anybody who will talk to her as this is "indirect contact" and "messages" can be misinterpreted and reported to the police.
                People Appealing Convictions of Sexual Offences ~

                PAFAA details ~


                • #9
                  Originally posted by bestmum View Post
                  sorrynot sure what u mean has the soclicitor told me what?

                  ow ok that makes sence fo the phone thing then, the solicitor has been recommened by a friend who works for the court so we should be ok but I hope it does not go this far.

                  do you tink the cps has a case? because at the moment its al he said she said.

                  and she called the police 3 weeks after the alleged whcih was 03-09-09 and they did not arrest him till this monday just gone nearly 3 months after why is tat?

                  You say that you have the best solicitor round by you. Hopefully your friend who works for the court is correct. He or she needs to specialise in false allegations as opposed to defending sex cases. The two are different.

                  Nobody here can know if the CPS believe they have a case as we do not know what evidence they have and have no access to any paperwork. At the moment he's not been charged, am I right?

                  It is often the case that somebody will wait some time before reporting a rape - this is often done to explain away lack of forensic evidence. It happens all the time unfortunately.

                  Please do keep posting as there is usually somebody around who will reply.
                  People Appealing Convictions of Sexual Offences ~

                  PAFAA details ~


                  • #10
                    Ow ok well ill call the solicitor and find out what they specifi in, he has been charged with suspition of rape he is on bail.

                    its all very hard to explain really I dont think he knows exact what he has been charged with.

                    thanks for your help.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Rights Fighter View Post
                      I do so feel for you - this is your own mother doing this to your dad but not only that, she is actually damaging the family too.

                      Her pride is really coming before any common sense.

                      All evidence of her trying to contact him through third parties must be collected if at all possible and handed to the sol. Your side of the case must not talk to anybody who will talk to her as this is "indirect contact" and "messages" can be misinterpreted and reported to the police.
                      they have been trying my sister mainly and couzin through email but the solicitor has told me to print all out and they will need them if it goes that far, its hard not to talk as it is family who can u trust.


                      • #12
                        It must be very difficult for you and your dad. I do hope it gets resolved soon and it is proved to be the lie it is.

                        Your mum will end up splitting up the whole family and it's all down to her own pride being dented.

                        So very sad especially just before Christmas.
                        People Appealing Convictions of Sexual Offences ~

                        PAFAA details ~


                        • #13
                          The thing is it all ready has she is very bitter and twisted to do this to someone she begged back, its very hard and xmas well we just wanted it to come and go, I just hope there is justice and the truth comes out.

                          I dont want to be taking my children to see there grandad is prision for smthing he never did.

                          Thanks again

