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Early days, but i can see false allegation coming. any advise?

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  • Early days, but i can see false allegation coming. any advise?

    I married my wife in April 09, she arrived in the UK in July 09.

    I had supported her financially for years to a figure you and i would be proud to earn in a year and also as a partner.

    I was deeply in love with her, until her arrival in the uk this year. I trust easily, i have a good family upbringing.

    Within weeks of her arrival, she declared that the tenants of my house must leave, she made rules beyond belief, making it impossible to live there for them.

    When i approached her about her appaling attitude, she responded with massive anger, to which i naturally retract from, but we had some rather heated arguments, since its my house, and buy to let, so i must have tenants according to contract. she wouldnt accept that. claiming they dont pay rent. they are freeloaders. they are racist. and so on.

    My tenant is a dear freind of 15 years and is also rather unwell. Did she care? no.

    On one night, i return from work to find that My tenants partner has discovered bleach in her toiletries, (feminine wash) and shampoo. luckily no harm was caused.

    I confronted my dearly beloved, and was met with complete ambivalence and not even denial. just, well, un accepted guilt if you know what i mean. I dealt with it as calmly as possible but confronted with her non commital response, i asked her to leave the property, calmly..

    She called the police before i had chance, she claimed she felt threatened. Which is naturally a domestic violence issue.

    The police were unintereseted in the bleach, insufficient evidence. but confirmed she should leave my house at my request. they took no action of her allegation.

    She left, I met days later, but was suddenly dropped upon by a court bailiff. She went to court without me, and had EXPARTE court order. 1) home rights at my tenants house, 2) non mollestation order 3) Occupation order

    As i wasnt there at court, she claimed the most outrageous pack of lies in her affidavit and untruths and half truthes i have ever heard. I accept we all see things differently, but, i never made her homeless, destitue or otherwise. So many times i offered her antoehr accomodation, with me, or without me to diffuse the stress seing as she was unwell, but as far as i was concerned intially unhappy.

    She has offended and insulted me, my familay my friends and her own family more that i can say.

    I recognised a huge personality disorder in her early on, but again when i suggested that with a view to us seeking professional advise, she became angry. i had no where to turn.

    I appealed to the exparte court order, which was adjourned and im still waiting, however the judge put a non mollestation order on her too, afterwhich she returned to the house and broke some of my tenants property. I called the police and she was charged and arrested for criminal damage, and a further case of bleach. this time they took it more seriously.

    Days after that, she went missing from her bail address.

    2 months later, she turns up in a mental unit at the local hospital. Even though she refuse them to tell me anything, it came to a point, where she told me she took an overdose, and is now informal patient. It transpires (so far) she has recurrent depression

    Throughout the last month, i have been bombarded by lies after lies, insult after insult, offence after offence. my solicitor bill is going through the roof. and my emotions are awol, i married her i inested wholeheartedly and now she broken every trust i ever had in everyone especially her

    To this day, i am a mollester as i still await a appeal cos she is in the mental unit feeding me lies all the time. I loved her dearly, and my heart still does, but i can never trust again. I Fear so much that the next thing will be your story. we dont have children, although i have one that she is angling to see. She gets reall p'd off when i say no.

    so, i have a clinilcally depressed wife, in a mental unit, seeking vengence for me putting her there and having her arrested as she puts it. i have acquired another flat so she we can live away from the triggers of her depression, but i wonder how long before she alleges another crock of ****, just like before, but most likely RAPE by the sounds of it as it will casue me huge damage just fighting it.

    She talks of the house being half hers, she wants this and that, she is rude, ungrateful, unloving, uncaring, contrived, malicious and so on.

    maybe you could advise, is there anything you would advise me entering into this escalating situation.

    Legal Aid? seems since i own proerty they will just taga charge on that meaning i will pay in the end anyway. im trying to transfer the house away anyway so might have to stall until thats done.

    sigh, is this really what life is about. getting tired of it.

  • #2
    If this turns into a criminal matter then you will be entitled to public funding (the old legal aid) if it is going to progress to Crown court.

    I have no experience in matters outside of criminal law so hopefully somebody who has gone through what you are currently going through will be able to help you.
    People Appealing Convictions of Sexual Offences ~

    PAFAA details ~


    • #3
      old legal aid?

      theres a difference? it sounds like you are suggesting the old legal aid wont tag my property with a statutory charge?

      thanks for your input.


      • #4
        There is a difference between public funding for criminal defence and any other kind of law. Family law allows for some public funding but is means tested.

        I have no idea what would apply in your case as it stands as the moment.

        Wait until somebody who has gone through a similar experience comes along before getting too wound up!
        People Appealing Convictions of Sexual Offences ~

        PAFAA details ~

