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Boyfriend accused of rape of ex-girlfriend.

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  • Boyfriend accused of rape of ex-girlfriend.


    My boyfriend of 4 months has had a letter through the door today from the police inviting him for interview regarding allegations made against him.
    He called the police station as instructed and the officer told him he has been accused of rape by his ex partner of 6 months, his relationship ended in early January of 2009.

    The ex girlfriend is very unstable and is currently registered and under the care of some sort of mental health care team ( I didn't get the actual name of the team as she was too busy screaming down the phone at me when I told her she couldn't speak to my boyfriend back in July).

    When myself and my partner started dating in June of this year his ex found out and basically (for want of a better term) went nuts.
    Literally hundreds of texts a day threatening him, his 2 children that are resident with him, me, his mother, anyone she could.
    She had been wanting to rekindle the relationship for a while and he wasn't interested (she ended the relationship originally).

    Numerous calls were made to the police and she received an official warning from them and they told her to stop all contact or she would be arrested.
    This worked for a week or so and it all kicked off again with dozens of texts and phonecalls.
    My boyfriend changed his mobile number, she moved away from the town they both lived in overnight leaving her landlord with no notice and rent owed, back to her parents around 200 miles away. It was when she was back with her parents she filed the report with police and the officer has told my boyfriend tonight it was due to her reporting the allegations to them from her parents town that it's taken a while to 'filter through'.

    They had a joint bank account that she never ever used, she put a block on that so my boyfriend couldn't get his wages out and it took 4 weeks to finally get it all sorted with the ombudsman because she point blank refused to co-operate leaving my boyfriend in a dire financial situation as he is a single parent of 2 under 10's.

    I am absolutely confident my boyfriend didn't rape her, as you can tell from her past behaviour she is basically out to make him lose everything and has told him that herself.

    My boyfriend still has all the texts she sent him on a spare phone with his old sim card in.

    My boyfriend did seek legal advice and a solicitor sent her a letter which is quoted below:

    29 July 2009

    First Class

    Dear Ms. XXXXX

    Re: Our Client – XXXXXX

    We have been consulted by XXXXXXX

    We understand that our client and yourself lived together for a period of approximately six months in 2008 until you separated at the end of December 2008.

    We understand that since the separation that there have been a number of incidents when you have made various threats and accusations towards our client and other people that have been completely unfounded. These accusations and threats have been extremely serious and include you accusing our client of rape, serious assault and even him interfering with his two children. We further understand that you have also threatened our client’s new partner with violence.

    All of these allegations are completely and utterly untrue. As you know the police have been involved and have confirmed that these allegations are completely false without any merit whatsoever.

    We understand that not only have you made the allegations direct to our client but you have also mentioned the allegations to other people.

    Our client has done his best not to react to your behaviour and hoped that matters would settle down. However, we understand that recently in July 2009 when there was another incident when you sent our client 142 texts in one day, again making a number of comments, threats and allegations, all of which are completely without any merit whatsoever.

    Our client has reported this matter again to the police and has now been forced to change his mobile telephone number.

    Further, we understand that since the separation that our client continued to use the Nationwide Building Society joint account and had his weekly wages paid in there which he would then draw out weekly. For the past six months our client has never had any problems with this arrangement but we understand that you recently told the Nationwide to freeze and put a stop on the account with the result that our client has had the sum of £166.00 worth of wages sitting in the account that he is now unable to withdraw.

    Under the circumstances we would ask if you could please acknowledge receipt of this letter and confirm that you will undertake not to make any further inappropriate comments, threats, allegations or behave in any way towards our client that is inappropriate or designed to cause upset and trouble.

    We also ask that you contact the Nationwide and confirm that you agree to the monies in the joint account being released to our client.

    We do have to formally advise you that if there are any further incidents whatsoever then you will leave our client with no option but to arrange for County Court proceedings to be issued against you to obtain an injunction and compensation through the civil courts. Such proceedings would also include an order that you pay our reasonable costs as well.

    Further, our client will contact the police with a view to criminal proceedings being instituted against you for harassment.

    Finally, we must insist that you contact the Nationwide within 7 days of the date of this letter and confirm that the monies in that account can be released to our client. If you fail to do this then again, our client will have no alternative but to issue court proceedings to obtain an order forcing the release of the monies. This will lead to more legal costs that our client will be looking to you to pay.

    Our client sincerely hopes that matters can settle down now without any further problems. You have the right to seek independent legal advice in connection with this letter if you wish.

    I look forward to hearing from you or your advisers with a sensible and constructive reply.

    Yours sincerely

    We have heard nothing from her since until this letter from the police was posted through his letterbox at the weekend as we were away.

    Neither of us know the date(s) she has alleged he raped her, but she has not lived in his town since end June/early July so it has has been 3 months at the earliest.

    My boyfriend understandably is absolutely beside himself with fear and worry and is to report to the police station on Thursday 22nd at 9.30am.

    Neither of us have been in any kind of sitation like this before, we're both scared and worried and have no idea what will happen to him on Thursday.

    Any advice you can give would be greatly appreciated.
    My boyfriend lives in the Kettering/Corby area of Northamptonshire if that is any help.

    I apologise for the big wall of text but I wanted to get as much information out as possible to make any advice easier.

    I'll happily answer any other questions you might have.

    Thanks again

  • #2
    Please make sure that your boyfriend has a good solicitor with him when he does go.

    Can you contact the phone company and ask them for a record of all calls and texts to his phone?

    Make sure you take a copy of the letter sent to her, hang on to the original.

    I'm sure someone else will be along soon with advice that I've missed.
    And God promised men that good and obedient wives would be found in all corners of the world. Then made the world round .... and laughed and laughed and laughed ..


    • #3
      Hi Sarah

      I have sent you a private message.

      You have put a lot of detail on your post. The People's Concerns forums are open to the public view so you never know who is reading the posts on here.

      Clearly this woman is bonkers and her behaviour should go against her if the police decide to properly investigate this matter.

      Should this go further and your partner is charged, any solicitor you choose must apply for her mental health records. If she really had been raped there would be some sort of a mention in there about it.

      He MUST request the presence of a solicitor at the interview. If possible he should find one that is experienced in defending false allegations of sexual abuse (rather than defending sex offenders - there is a very big difference).

      If he cannot find such a solicitor please let me know and I'll see if I can find one in the locality.

      Due to massive cuts in public funding (the old "legal aid") many solicitors will not undertake Crown court work that is outside of their own area and if they are a one-man band then it's unlikely they will undertake trial work at all. Your best bet is to look for a large criminal law practice (that also has a family law department). That might become necessary at a later date.
      People Appealing Convictions of Sexual Offences ~

      PAFAA details ~


      • #4
        Hi Sarah

        this woman sounds completely bonkers.
        It is definitely worth you contacting the mobile phone company and retrieving the messages - they will be an incredible supporting argument should the case go further. Additionally he has made complaints to the police about her behaviour in the past - this is all good.
        As the others have said, make sure your boyfriend takes a solicitor with him when he goes on Thursday. Good luck, let us know how he gets on.


