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A few things!

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  • A few things!

    Well a year and a few months after being NFA'ed
    It boils down to this,

    The police accept I did not do the crime I was accused of - HOWEVER
    They will not remove my DNA (The DI's words) I am not a Tory MP!
    But he has a route of appeal and he is following that - so all not lost there entirely.

    CRB checks in the future - it is down to the police as to if they divulge the info on me and they are saying in the liklehood the probably would not, and also they are saying that it covers me. Someone tells my future employer that I was a rapist - the police can put them straight on that.
    That info will remain on police record forever,

    They wont prosecute her - because
    A it will deter genuine victims from coming forward
    B Her mental health issues - my reply there is 80% of woman in prison have mental health issues what is another one?
    C I don't really want her prosecuted anyway - and if I had of screamed from the rooftops then they may have - but I am quite happy to drop it now.

    But in fairness they have done a bit of work on this - when they just could have told me to bugger off - so well done that DI

  • #2
    Hi quinnb, nice to see you back. Iguess it's good news and bad news - but at the least they've done something rather than just sitting swivelling!
    And God promised men that good and obedient wives would be found in all corners of the world. Then made the world round .... and laughed and laughed and laughed ..

