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Falsely Accused but a good Police officer!!

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  • #16
    Well done Hedgecroft - I posted a comment, it was let through, which surprised me - I thought I was banned for life!!
    And God promised men that good and obedient wives would be found in all corners of the world. Then made the world round .... and laughed and laughed and laughed ..


    • #17
      3 years

      Well yesterday I sat at Guildford Court and had my X look at me and smile as she was sentanced to 3 years. My father was with me and said from the jolly little girl who was so caring about her horses and dogs and you thought would not harm a fly he actually felt a shiver down his spine. "The judge summed it up perfectly that there is a side that your friends and family have not seen"

      3 years may not sound like a long time but Jenifer Day's case was at present the longest and she pleaded guilty. As time goes on the sentances will increase to a level where it becomes a true deterrent.

      The big question is am I happy with the sentance. The answer is 'YES' quite simply I understand the significance of what the judge did anymore and it would be appealed any less and there would have been a huge public outcry. In a year someone will get 4 years and soon after that someone else will get 5.

      I managed to keep my name quiet until the day she was found guilty and I was photographed and named in the paper. I'm keen that both parties in these cases should have their identity protected until they are found guilty.

      I was not happy about my name and picture being in the papers but once it was out there I could either crawl under a rock and have people say no smoke without fire. So I have decided to meet my situation head on. Hence I did the article for the daily mail and today I have agreed to appear on 'This Morning'.

      My reasons are simple the next time I go for a job the story will be covered in a way I'm satisified with and my accusers sentance clear for all to see. Everyone has their way of dealing with these things but I have decided the pain and embaressment I may suffer now for a few weeks is much better than constantly looking over my shoulder going forward.

      So I hope you all get the results and justice out there you are looking for but fingers crossed it can all work out for the best in the end.




      • #18
        Well done for seeing this through to the end, it takes courage to stand up and be interviewed but the resultant publicity sends a powerful message to all concerned; it may even be that a few current investigations are quickly NFA'd.

        The OIC's statement is a bit ambiguous, obviously carefully scripted. Many rape investigations are basically word against word, but the police don't usually put too much effort into trying to establish the accuser's innocence; easier to run with the flow and the mob and assume guilt!

        Describing the investigation as "complex", DC Taylor said: "It was basically Mr Joseph's word against hers. Perverting the course of justice is difficult to prove and we spent a lot of time accessing mobile phone and computer records, as well as tracking down witnesses. However, our determination paid off and as the judge said in court today, hopefully this will act as a deterrent to anyone else thinking of making a false allegation of such a serious nature. Allegations of rape are always taken very seriously, and we do not want to put off anyone coming forward with a genuine allegation. However, we must send a strong message that making up lies, which puts a huge drain on police time and resources, will not be tolerated."
        Last edited by LS; 2 November 2010, 12:04 PM. Reason: replaced odd logos with speech marks
        'What doesn't kill you makes you stronger'


        • #19
          Originally posted by Casehardened View Post
          but the police don't usually put too much effort into trying to establish the accuser's innocence; easier to run with the flow and the mob and assume guilt!
          Apologies to Hedgecroft, I meant of course to write accused's

          Didn't spot the error until my edit window had passed!
          'What doesn't kill you makes you stronger'


          • #20
            I heard this on the radio driving home yesterday and my heart soared. It's a decent sentence, shame they have to run concurrently and not consecutively, but hey....three years. I hope she serves every last minute.

            Hedgecroft, let us know when you are on This Morning so we can watch!

            I hope this gives you some closure and I wish you every happiness in the future.


            • #21
              Just checked the This Morning website and it's on today at 10.35. Switching on now!


              • #22
                I've been prison visiting so have only just seen this.

                Hopefully she will continue denying it so she'll then be classed as being "in denial" and won't get an easy ride while she's in prison.

                ~RFLH has posted this up on the other forum too and we have been rejoicing there too!
                People Appealing Convictions of Sexual Offences ~

                PAFAA details ~

