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accussed of rape after 18years

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  • accussed of rape after 18years

    so i woke to a rude awakening this morning, the door was answered by my partner of 7 years, when she shouted up that the police where here the first thing i did was look out the window to make sure my motorcycle was still there...

    if i had a 1000 guesses at what the police wanted me for i would never of guessed it was this, apart from a few minor offences mostly shoplifting when i was 14/15 (i'm 39 now) i have never been in any other trouble with the police.

    so the background, i wound up in the care system at the age of 14, stayed till i was 18, then moved into some lodgings the house was owned by a man i'll call him X, in the house was me, and X for Um maybe a year or so then this Girl a year younger than me turns up too, i'll call her Y.

    maybe after another year or so myself and Y start to get it on, all consensual.
    after maybe 3 or 4 months X asks me to leave the house for good, the reason because he had found out i was having consensual sex with Y

    the years roll by...

    so what happened to day came as a complete suprise to me, after talking to the duty solicitor we decided that it would be best to admit to having consensual sex as neither of us know what other evidence there is. the interview was quite harrasing, about 1/2 way throught the interview it transpires that a) Y is also accussing X of the same offence, b) accusing X of abusing me also (which i might add i burst out laughing at the thought alone was hilarious) c) apparently she has a son 18 now who could be mine...

    as far as i am aware now everything has been sent of to the CPS and i've been bailed for 12 weeks.

    Shellshocked is an understatment...

    Not sure what to do or where to turn any thoughts or idea's would be welcome


  • #2
    Yearsago said:
    so what happened to day came as a complete suprise to me, after talking to the duty solicitor we decided that it would be best to admit to having consensual sex as neither of us know what other evidence there is.

    You should not have been interviewed without any form of primary disclosure: ie: what you are accused of.

    My first thought was that you are not in the UK but as you used the word "solicitor" then I guess you must be.
    People Appealing Convictions of Sexual Offences ~

    PAFAA details ~


    • #3
      Glad to hear you bike is alright, Im sure that is some relief to you, if not the rest of your post.

      What can one say, welcome to reality of British Justice where anyone can be accused of anything by a another and potentially be charged and even convicted !! Yes thats just how easy it is nowadays and the truth??? haha who cares about whether there is a shred of truth all the legal system wants is results for political propoganda as it qualifies their budgets.

      All I can say and others will Im sure have their own words of wisdom to add, should it go any further TAKE IT SERIOUSLY !!!

      else like me you will be another statistic and forget your bike, no one will insure you, or a car or anything else for that matter !!!! I guess its a new stealth way of reducing congestion - ban all those convicted from driving/riding !!


      • #4
        Oh happy news that FG can always be relied upon to deliver!

        Actually there are some insurance companies that will insure ex-convicts.
        People Appealing Convictions of Sexual Offences ~

        PAFAA details ~


        • #5
          Hi again,

          Rights Fighter yes i am from the UK, and the 2 police officeres that arrested me did tell me what i was been accused of, other than confirming my name and DOB i said nothing about my relastionship with Y. until i had spoken to the duty solicitor.

          I haven't been charged with anything like i said in OP i have given an interview, and i guess that along with whatever other evidence they have has been passed on to the CPS whom they say can take up to 8 weeks if not longer to reach a decision as if they are going to press charges.

          getting depressed now and it's only day 2 of having this dark cloud about my head, not knowing weather my life will come crashing down around me is the worst part, my Partner knows whats going on, but other than that... how the F*** do i tell my family, my daugher, my friends ???? Jeeze this is gonna kill me...

          i'm so angry that after 18 nearly 19 years that someone from your past can come along and blow your life apart, words fail me to describe quite how i feel, i could understand may 1 or 2 years but 18...

          ok back to reality for a moment, i guess the best outcome is that the CPS decide there is not enough evidence to charge me.

          What would the worst case be IF i got charged and convicted.



          • #6
            I will private message you.
            People Appealing Convictions of Sexual Offences ~

            PAFAA details ~

