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Worried that false rape allegation may be made

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  • Worried that false rape allegation may be made


    I am worried that a girl who I had consensual sex with may be about to make a rape allegation against me. We knew each other through friends, and then saw each other at a party. After the party she and I went to a club together alone. We continued to drink, and then went back to my place.

    Back at my place, she poured more drinks & came on to me. She suggested that we go to bed together. Once we were in bed, she started kissing me, and we had sex. During sex, she was the one taking the lead. We had sex twice, and then once again when we woke up in the morning. I dozed back to sleep and by the time I woke up again she was gone. I felt really bad that she had just left, and to be honest a little bit used! A couple of days later a friend of mine called, I hadn't realised but he had recently started seeing this girl, and wanted to know what went on that night. She had told him that she had stayed at my place but nothing had happened. I sent her a message, asking what was going on between the 2 of them, and she replied that it wasn't clear and nothing serious. I was annoyed at her because i had got with a girl that my friend had liked without knowing, and she hadn't let on - possibly causing problems between my friend and I. She asked me to back up her story to him - that she'd stayed at mine and that nothing had happened. She text me the next day saying she would give me a call, and not to call her or reply. When I did speak to her, she said that she couldn't remember anything at all from the night, and asked if we had slept together. I told her we had sex and she seemed surprised - although she could remember distinct other things from being at my place. She also said she couldn't remember having sex in the morning, and that she remembered waking up with her clothes on and leaving. She told me not to talk to my friend and to continue to back up her story.

    I am now worried that she will make out that she can't remember anything and that in some way I took advantage of her. Should I be really worried? What can I do? Neither of us were that drunk, and she was leading everything. From reading these forums and the historical cases, can I go to the police and make a statement whilst it's all fresh in my mind?


  • #2
    No, for heavens sake don't go to the police - they will invariably arrest you.

    Makes notes - expanding on what you have put on here, make sure you know of a decent legal bod that you can contact should you need them.

    It seems that the madam has used you and is making out to her boyfriend that there was more than consensual sex, to get her out of trouble with her boyfriend. This is not unusual, but the best thing you can do is to make sure that you're prepared in case she does go to the police.

    If you are taken in for questioning, make sure that you have your legal rep with you, don't use a duty solcitor. Make sure that you answer the question as briefly as you can - don't give too much information - you don't want to help them build a case against you. Don't offer information either thinking that will help you - they want to get a result, they're not on your side.
    And God promised men that good and obedient wives would be found in all corners of the world. Then made the world round .... and laughed and laughed and laughed ..


    • #3
      Alibaba said:
      She had told him that she had stayed at my place but nothing had happened.
      RFLH said:
      It seems that the madam has used you and is making out to her boyfriend that there was more than consensual sex, to get her out of trouble with her boyfriend.
      It seems that in fact she has told her boyfriend that nothing has happened. She can hardly later on turn this into "he raped me" because she would have said that from the start.

      I would be surprised if this turned into a false allegation of rape but as RFLH says, make notes of everything as you remember it, where you went and who would have seen you.

      Do not, repeat NOT under any circumstances hand yourself into the police. They are under huge pressure to increase rape convictions so it is possible they would talk to the girl, suggest she could get £k's in "compensation" and suddenly she might suddenly "remember" that she was raped.

      However, she would still have to answer the question: "why did you tell your boyfriend that nothing happened?" Her answer would be of course "I thought he might leave me if he knew I had been raped" - that's when a good defence barrister would step in with rigorous cross-examination.
      Last edited by Rights Fighter; 5 August 2009, 02:19 PM.
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