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Good news! Good news!

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  • Good news! Good news!

    Dear members, contibutors, observers & others

    AT LAST!!

    I just wished to share with you!

    Today 29/07/09, I received a letter from police almost TWO YEARS after a false allegation was made against me & the subsequent abuse I have endurred which many of you will have also endured which accompanies a FALSE ALLEGATION!!!!

    The police have finally aknowledged that there is/was evidence regarding the false nature of the allegation & it has been now classified as NO-CRIME!

    I really wish to thank the stalwards of this site which helped give me the strength to fight (just knowing you guys were here!) and hopefully give heart to other victims & their families & friends of those maliciously & falsely accused.

    Now the fight regarding other police abuses continues!

  • #2
    That is brilliant news UD.

    I hope that we'll see some more posts like yours over time.

    Thanks for posting this up and I hope you'll still visit to help others with their fights.
    And God promised men that good and obedient wives would be found in all corners of the world. Then made the world round .... and laughed and laughed and laughed ..


    • #3
      Cornwall Police finally admit false allegation!

      To CIOS Diversity from re:- DC 5882 Parker letter dated 27/07/09 received today.

      Cornwall Police finally admit false allegation!

      Today is a BLOODY GOOD GAY DAY!

      Today 29th July 2009 DC 5882 Parker of Devon & Cornwall Constabulary finally admitted in writing that evidence came to light that a serious allegation made against me several years ago was indeed a false allegation!

      “Hath not a gay eyes”
      “Hath not a ‘gay’ hands, organs, dimensions, senses, affections, passions?
      Fed with the same food, hurt with the same weapons, subject to the same diseases, healed by the same means, warmed and cooled by the same winter and summer, as a ‘heterosexual’ is?
      “If you prick us, do we not bleed?
      “If you tickle us do we not laugh?
      “If you poison us, do we not die?
      ….And if you wrong us, shall we not AVENGE?”

      Apology for above corruption from William Shakespeare (1564-1616), the Merchant of Venice (1596-8)

      HOO-BLOODY-RAY! Given the police misconduct & homophobic attitudes & practises of Devon & Cornwall police led to my attempted suicide regarding this false allegation & almost the cancellation of the 2007 LGBT Cornwall Pride Beach Day of which I was then Chair! (The 2007 Cornwall Beach Day Pride steering group later disbanded due to concerns regarding this further homophobic misconduct by Cornwall police officers in a catalogue of incidents)

      The serious false allegation made against me, in which even a Devon & Cornwall Constabulary were complicit in that a diversity officer LIED to the National LGBT Pink Paper & other gay media.

      The police disregarded other eyewitnesses, disregarded physical evidence, disregarded text messages from the false accuser ADMITTING it was a false allegation!

      Further more Cornwall police ONLY arrested the ‘OUT’ gay male out of a group of persons who were all participating equally & acting lawfully & legally.

      A simple definition of discrimination “To single out & treat differently a person other than those of equal standing around them”

      There is NO question or doubt in my mind of the repeated discriminatory stance of Cornwall police towards me as a gay person since the Cornwall police vendetta began against me in 2004 initiated by DC W**ds & DC Sc**t.

      Mr Prior, previously revealed his own name regarding the false allegation he made on his own profile social website on It is a shame police make no mention of his accomplice in the false allegation, Mr Ben Law**n Pearce. Both of whom are complicit, along with police conduct for my attempted suicide & discrediting & disbanding of the 2007 Cornwall LGBT Beach Day!

      Have Mr Prior & Mr Law**n Pearce been prosecuted?...No!

      This along with other Cornwall Police misconduct reported, but NEVER investigated!

      Now we need the dishonesty & corruption of previous Cornwall police misconduct (in particular that of DC Sc**t) and by numerous police officers lies, dishonesty, and conspiracy to pervert the course of justice by police suppression of evidence & numerous witness statements from a Court of law.

      In addition, there is a need to investigate & re-examined police conduct since 2004 when members of Devon & Cornwall Constabulary began their homophobic motivated vendetta against me as an ‘out’ gay man!

      Homophobes of Devon & Cornwall Constabulary, take note! Freedom of Information Act Website

      I hope Cornwall police do not doubt my resolve to pursue with every means available to me (since the system gives NO SUPPORT to those falsely accused & abused) the homophobic factual abuses & practises since 2004 as carried out by named and/or identifiable Devon & Cornwall Constabulary police officers.

      I am of NO DOUBT whatsoever due to my factual experiences that police in general are not trustworthy, not honest, do not act with integrity, do not act with impartiality & are not open & transparent in their conduct. So FIGHT, FIGHT, FIGHT, those of you falsely accused, becuase there are very few who will help you if you do not help yourself!

      NB:- I'm so pleased to see RF, RFLH & Saffron still here (I don't know how you cope) I salute & bow to your tenacious courage! I admit I found it to emotionally hard having attempted suicide as a result of police conduct and to keep going posting to daftmoo as well as my other campaigning activities.

      Hugz x

      Utterly Destroyed


      • #4
        No action to be taken against false accuser!!!

        Today 30th July 2009

        Today I have spoken to the police officer previously in charge of the case.

        My question ...Did Cornwall police now intend to prosecute my false accuser? a word... NO!

        Nor... was there any intent to prosecute the false accusers accomplise.

        The officer admitted that the false accuser was on the run, (somewhere in Leeds), but no warrant had been issused for their arrest???

        (and yet I managed to located his active facebook profile in SECONDS!)

        ...And how did the evidence come to light that it was a false rape allegation against me?

        ...according to the senior investigating officer, my false accuser admitted as much in a casual conversation... with a police officer!

        So that meant the information I had sent Devon & Cornwall Constabulary HQ regarding three eye-witness statements

        ...was completely ignored

        So that meant the information I had sent Devon & Cornwall Constabulary HQ regarding the detailed transcripts of recorded text messages from the false accuser ADMITTING it was a false allegation

        ...was completely ignored

        So that meant the information regarding physical evidence (inc. DNA samples) which would have proven the false accuser statement to be untrue

        ...was completely ignored

        Basically in general the police (at least in Devon & Cornwall) are corrupt, dishonest, prejudicial & DEEPLY, DEEPLY HOMOPHOBIC!

        Will Victim Support speak to me NO, because I am critical of the police abuses I have experienced.

        Will Devon & Cornwall Constabulary CIOS Diversity speak with me, NO, because I am critical of the diversity officer who LIED to the gay press & media about circumstances around the now aknowledged false allegation. (Amongst a catalogue of other dishonest & corrupt Cornwall police officers I can name & identify)

        Will the NHS "Healthy Gay Cornwall" support me as a victim, NO, because of the police abuses!

        I attempted suicide as a DIRECT result of this false allegation, & the trauma & misery caused by police prejudice & homophobic discrimination.

        I feel it is important for those falsely accused & their families to know...even when (or if) cleared...the police WILL NOT ACT TO PROTECT YOU THE VICTIM OF THE CRIMINAL ACT OF FALSE ALLEGATION!"

        At least that is my experience of the Deeply HOMOPHOBIC Devon & Cornwall Constabulary under the command of Chief Constable Stephen Otter who is the 'ironic' ACPO lead on 'Equality & Diversity' for ALL of the UK police forces

        ....So if your BME, female, gay (lgbt), or disabled...or/and heterosexual & falsely accused with the Chief Constable of Devon & Cornwall Constabulary taking the lead...on 'equality & diversity'

        .... EXPECT NO JUSTICE from police as a victim of False Allegation! bet I bloody am spitting nails & barbed wire!


        • #5
          you've missed out apathetic and bone idle!
          And God promised men that good and obedient wives would be found in all corners of the world. Then made the world round .... and laughed and laughed and laughed ..


          • #6
            HEYYYYYYYY!!! Missed you, UD! So good to see you back!

            I am so happy to hear of your No Crime Situation. How fantastic! I hope to go you can now get some sort of relief from the nightmare you and your family have had to endure. I really hope this doesn't eat you up inside. You fought for truth, and you won.

            I also hope you can now come back here in a supporting role. It's good to see you back, thank you for sharing your good news.


            • #7
              Welcome back UD. Well done!

              As the others have said, please do stay around and help out if you can - you are most welcome here.
              I'd diet but I'm not in the moooo-d


              • #8
                Thank you guyz

                *draws deep breath* Now comes the real rant!!!!

                This has been only a minor skirmish victory in a bigger battle, in the greater war, which is the corruption which infests & festers within & throughout modern policing in the UK today.

                ...and some enlightened people are starting to realise it!

                Today, I start off from the position ALL police officers are collectively "lying scum" until they prove to me individually by action *beyond reasonable doubt * that is not the case.

                Unfortunately, if police officers do not like my position, then may I suggest that they collectively STOP covering up for the homophobic (in my case), dishonest & corrupt police officers, who are their chums & mates as is the current culture & practise within the police least in Devon & Cornwall Constabulary it is!

                As someone said to me "The public would not accept a peadophile primary school teacher, so why is it perfectly acceptable for the police to shield & protect police officers who are homophobic...and they know it"

                ...and I can name & identify plenty of police officers serving in Cornwall in the Devon & Cornwall Constabulary (primarily who were based at Camborne & Helston police stations) who by the dishonest misconduct, prejudicial attitudes & practises towards & against gay persons have led to this 'Mexican Stand off'.

                ANY police officer who wishes to DO SOMETHING about the problem within the police, please, please contact me...(because the IPCC is ineffectual & useless) and I will provide them with a LIST of dishonest, corrupt, lying & what it is they have done to my knowledge, carried out by police officers in Cornwall, who have gained for ALL police officers with me that ALL police now have this reputation.

                Sorry daftmoo, but I will NOT mince my words on this...I am spitting barbed wire & broken glass, and am venting, as I have been pushed to the very brink of taking my own life...NOT once, but twice by the dishonest, corrupt, homophobic, criminal, prejudicial conduct of Cornwall police officer scum, since DC Woo*s (retired) & DC Sco*t started their homophobically motivated vendetta against me in 2004.

                I burn with a passionate HATRED towards the police now (all police) as a dishonest & corrupt organisation which go to extrodinary lengths to protect the criminals within their own own rank & file!


                Here is the press release article which has now appearred in various places (primarily gay media).

                PRESS ARTICLE BEGINS

                29th July 2009:- Devon & Cornwall Constabulary finally ADMITTED in writing that a serious arrestable offence allegation made against a gay man in Cornwall

                …was a FALSE ALLEGATION!

                DC 5882Parker of Camborne CID also confirmed in a telephone conversation
                30th July 2009, that police still wished to question further one ‘Jason Prior’
                regarding serious offence of his false allegation made against, a gay man in

                However, police have said that Jason or ‘Jai’ has subsequently failed to attend a police station on a number of occasions. (Jason, who sometimes goes under the alias of ‘Jai’ formerly of Cornwall & now believed may be living in Leeds).

                Elizabeth Pollard case officer for the IPCC (Independent Police Complaints Commission) now examining complaints regarding this & other prior reported police misconduct towards the 50yr old gay male victim, Mr Lidbury going back to 2004.

                “I am very grateful to have received the letter from DC Parker of Camborne CID, but I am filled with hatred towards those police officers I can name & identify in Cornwall who have lied, withheld statements & evidence regarding other false allegations made against gay persons in Cornwall” said the gay victim, Mr Lidbury

                The gay male victim who police now acknowledge in writing was ‘falsely accused’ of rape has been subjected to violent assault, attacks upon his home & attempted suicide.

                The gay victim has even been targeted & victimised by some elements of the Cornwall gay population, not least LGBT PACT, Healthy Gay Cornwall, Cornwall Pride & CIOS Diversity of Devon & Cornwall Constabulary.

                Notably, but not least, refusal of Healthy Gay Cornwall to assist him as a
                gay suicide attempt victim, refusal by LGBT-PACT to assist him as a victim of a crime and his exclusion as a gay person from last years Cornwall PRIDE due to his complaints regarding homophobic police conduct!

                Despite the gay victim of the false allegation having provided information to
                Devon & Cornwall Constabulary.
                (1) regarding the presence of three eyewitnesses & other related witness
                (2) that there was DNA physical evidence to the false nature of the allegation &
                (3) there were recorded & documented text messages from the false accuser
                ADMITTING it was a false allegation.

                However according to the senior investigating officer DC Parker, this
                information never passed onto him from Devon & Cornwall Constabulary HQ.

                Although the information was also widely posted on the internet, & provided to various police officers & members of Cornwall gay community organisations, however Cornwall police claim ignorance that they did not know about it.

                The arrested falsely accused victim, an ‘out’ gay man was the only person arrested amongst five male persons all equally taking part in lawful & legal homosexual activity in a private home. However, police ONLY arrested the one person, the 'out' gay person, whom they have previously targeted!

                The 50yr old gay male victim of this false allegation attempted suicide as a direct result of the false allegation made by ‘Jason Prior’& police abuse. This abuse compounded by the total lack of support by Cornwall’s LGBT organisations & CIOS Diversity who have repeatedly completely refused assistance to the gay victim of false allegations.

                The false allegation was made shortly before the Cornwall LGBT Pride Beach Day in 2007.

                The 50yr old gay victim of the false allegation was the Chair of the LGBT Beach Day Steering group. Contrary to false & misleading information put out to the gay media by an ill-informed police officer of the Diversity Unit, the LGBT Pride Beach Day nearly abandoned & cancelled because of the arrest of the Chair person.

                Following the successful 2007 Beach Day, the LGBT steering group comprised of lesbians, gay men & gay youth disbanded out of genuine fears of further reprisals by Cornwall police officers.

                However, the gay victim of the now acknowledged false allegation, despite having been informed the case is now recorded as a ‘no crime’, has urged gay people in Cornwall to treat police in Cornwall with the utmost suspicion & caution due to continuing prejudicial attitudes & practise operative & protected within the Devon & Cornwall Constabulary, including within the so-called diversity unit.

                The 50yr old gay victim said “I would hope that this may finally cause Cornwall police to re-examine other prior cases & evidence police are aware of, regarding other ‘false allegation’ made against gay persons in Cornwall, I refer to such allegations as those made by Jani Pascoe & in particular the misconduct of DC Scott & other Cornwall police officers, the with-holding of witnesses statements & evidence in cases 2004 in the continued persecution of gay persons”

                If you have knowledge as to the whereabouts of ‘Jai’ or ‘Jason Prior’, you might like to pass it on to Cornwall police, who still according to DC Parker of
                Camborne CID, have some questions they would like to ask him regarding his false allegation.

                The gay victim of the deeply traumatic false allegation would like to publicly
                thank those lesbians, gay men & bisexual persons, neighbours & family who have continued to support him throughout this ordeal which started with homophobic police motivated abuse by DC Woods & DC Scott in 2004 and has been continued relentlessly by police ever since.

                -:PRESS ARTICLE ENDS:-


                • #9
                  Can you tell me please what is the difference between NFA and No crime.
                  I have recently asked the police again to look into my pantomime after I was TOTALLY exhonerated in the family court.

                  But is it really worth expending all this energy for - is there any difference. From what I see just because you have been no crimed your DNA and Fingerprints will remain for years to come. Only if you want to work with children will they CRB check you? So you say this is good news but why exactly?


                  • #10
                    NFA'd and/or NO CRIME

                    NFA'd as I understand it means they (police) simply cannot (through in their police eyes) lack of prosecution evidence, continue a case against you.

                    No Crime however, means just that, 'NO CRIME', that is to say that evidence exists to prove there was 'NO CRIME'.

                    However, I'm not sure on police rules of engagement regarding corruption by police officers, like say, oh, in another case of my experience where police supressed FORTY EIGHT defense witness statements from civil court action!

                    But then that is simply MY experience (along with a lot more knowledge & experience of police misconduct & police criminality) of Devon & Cornwall Constabulary!

                    Trust a Cornwall police officer regarding any gay related issue or incident?

                    'Rabid dogs' are more trustworthy in Devon & Cornwall Constabulary.


                    • #11
             to 'why' its good news?

             to why it is 'GOOD NEWS' is because having the letter from the police acknowledging it was a false allegation, means I can now challenge those Cornwall police officers & those in the local gay community organisations like simpering & fauning to corrupt police by the Intercom Trust, LGBT PACT, Healthy Gay Cornwall which are heavily influenced by dishonest & corrupt Cornwall police who are STILL running around saying I 'raped' someone!

                      Not to mention that the police acknowledged 'false accuser', who police claimed was untraceable & allegedly living in Leeds....

                      .....well 60 seconds on the internet enabled me to track the little sh*t down & establish he's still living within half a mille of the very police station conducting (I use the word very loosely) the case!

                      A quick few enquiries on the internet established he's using a different name & confirmation that he's still living in Camborne, Cornwall.

                      Not his original name, but Mr Is*c's ( Jai, you know who you are...and I'm onto you!)

                      Not to mention his accomplise Mr Ben Laws*n Pear*e who police have equally done diddly squat about & know exactly where he lives???

                      Worse, this acknowledged by DC Parker of Cornwall police CID as a 'FALSE ACCUSER OF RAPE' is even a member of the Cornwall police own run LGBT youth group amongst other groups he belongs too with direct Devon & Cornwall Constabulary diversity police officer involvement & input!!!!

                      However, all I get from diversity police officers as a victim of multiple crimes against me is being told to 'SHUT UP' by PC S Cannon & others like the GPA rep. (Gay Police Assoc.)

                      Seems I'm 'boat rocking' by pointing out the depth of acceptable homophobic attitudes & practises within the Devon & Cornwall Constabulary & their crase indifference to victims of FALSE RAPE ALLEGATION!!!

                      Now that clearly indicates to me the ingrained & hardwired homophobic mentality of Cornwall police & just how little regard Cornwall police have towards the abused & traumatised victims of FALSE RAPE ALLEGATION (whether gay or STR8)

                      But it is still GOOD NEWS , good news to have that letter after two years of abuse, trauma, attacks, violence, slander, persicution, intimidation, violation, despair.& driven to attempted suicide....and thats just by the police induced aspect of being a victim of False Rape Allegation!



                      • #12

                        The local press have decline to cover the admission in writing of a false rape allegation by UK Southwest D&C Constabulary, instead they printed this!

                        Monday, August 03, 2009, 07:00

                        AS part of a campaign to raise awareness about rape, police have highlighted a list of "myths" about the distressing crime.

                        A spokesman for Devon and Cornwall Constabulary, said misconceptions about the crime, and the police's response to it, often cause victims to think twice about reporting such incidents.

                        The spokesman said: "It is crucial these misunderstandings are addressed, to ensure there is a greater understanding of the nature of sexual assault.

                        "In doing so, people are in a position to reduce their vulnerability and are more open-minded when considering the issue of sexual assault."

                        The police say popular misconceptions include:

                        Myth: "The police won't believe me"

                        Police say: "We take all reports of rape and sexual assault seriously, irrespective of whether you are male, female, young or old, or how long ago the attack occurred. We are committed to supporting victims of this traumatic crime."

                        Myth: "Most rapists are strangers"

                        Police say: "More than 80 per cent of sexual assaults and rapes in Devon and Cornwall, during 2007 to 2008, the victim already knew their attacker."

                        Myth: "A victim's consent can be inferred from provocative clothing or flirtatious behaviour"

                        Police say: "How an individual is dressed, or how they were acting – such as flirting or dancing provocatively – does not mean someone deserves to be the victim of an act of violence."

                        Myth: "All rape victims will have visible injuries like cuts and bruises and torn clothes."

                        Police say: "The fact that there is no visible evidence of violence does not mean that a victim has not been assaulted.

                        "Victims are often threatened with violence or weapons and they take decisions to limit the harm being done to them. Shock or fear of the attacker might also cause victims to freeze during an attack."

                        Myth: "Women frequently lie about rape."

                        Police say: "A major Home Office research project in 2000 to 2003 concluded that only three per cent of rape allegations were false. In fact, it's thought that only one fifth of actual rapes are even reported to police."

                        Supt Darren Lockley of Plymouth police, said: "The misconceptions about rape have dramatic impacts upon a victim's willingness to come to the police and can conjure feelings of self-guilt, reducing their likelihood of reporting an incident and supporting a prosecution.

                        "We want to reassure victims we take rape extremely seriously and every allegation will be investigated thoroughly.

                        "We have dedicated officers who are trained to sensitively interview and gather evidence from victims, and support networks in place to support victims.

                        "It is important we dispel the myths around rape because if people are in possession of the facts, they are in a better position to reduce their vulnerability of becoming a victim of rape."
                        Article ends:-

                        ......and do you know NOT A SOUL from the D&C police has been back to me even though I have informed the police (the false accuser who the police are suppossed to be looking for, for almost two years) that I have been provided with the false accuser's address, email addresses, what they were even doing the day before yesterday, I was even directed to photographs of them....

                        ...but best of alll!

                        The false accuser is a member of a POLICE led group, of which the leader of the group keeps telling me in emails to shut up!

                        Corruption....just visit a police station!


                        • #13
                          A little further never ends!

                          I know its been a while since I dropped by...but here's a bit of irony...

                          It took two years for Devon & Cornwall Constabulary to admit in writing that there was evidence that an allegation made against me in 2007 was FALSE!

                          Now here's the rub, Devon & Cornwall Constabulary could NOT BE BOTHERED to prosecute the false accuser....the FALSE ACCUSER , who has now 'allegedly gone on to sexually molest a 15yr old up in Derby (word is the FALSE ACCUSER has been charged with the offense in Derby, but but is back in Cornwall living...and STILL Cornwall police do nothing!!!! Grrrrrr!)

                          However, Devon & Cornwall police have relentlessly continued to target, victimise & persicute me, my family & friends.

                          A formal complaint was made against the Detective Constable & his Detective Sargent from Camborne police station....which Devon & Cornwall Constabulary have tried to bully, bluff & intimidate their way out off bothering to investigate.

                          Things came to a head in Feb/March of this year (2010) and SIX HOURS of video taped victim witness evidence & documentation was provided to Devon & Cornwall Constabulary regarding criminal, dishonest, homophobic, failure of duty of care, corruption, suppression of evidence ALL carried out by known, named &/or identifiable police officers of the Devon & Cornwall Constabulary

                          ....and still the corrupt police are trying to suppress the information.

                          Well here's the Freedom of Information Act website request for the information the police are attempting to suppress!

                          The moral of this a victim of aknowledged false allegation, I know it is the corrupt & homophobic police who are every bit as violating and abusive as the person who made false allegation in the first place.

                          Police = they ARE the homophobic Hate Crime problem.

                          Big hugs to ALL who suffer the violation & abuse of false allegation & the equally abusive treatment by the vile dishonest & corrupt (to my factual knowledge & experience) UK police.


                          • #14
                            Hi UD, sorry to see that this is still rolling on.

                            It doesn't seem right that you've done all the legwork for them and they still refuse to back down and admit they were wrong.

                            You're the better man.
                            And God promised men that good and obedient wives would be found in all corners of the world. Then made the world round .... and laughed and laughed and laughed ..


                            • #15
                              Unfortunaley it is my bitter experience & factual knowledge that dishonesty, corruption, criminality & homophobic conduct are the protected benchmarks of police misconduct & standard of violatiting and intimidating behaviour of the VAST majority of Devon & Cornwall Constabulary police officers I have had the misfortune to have encountered.

                              As named on my blog here;-

                              I seriously doubt and do not trust the honesty & integrity of ANY single police officer in the Devon & Cornwall Constabulary as a result of my multiple experiences of commonplace widespread corrupt & dishonest police officers and the willingness of other police officers to cover up for the criminal & malpractise misconduct, failure of duty of care of said police officers.

                              Those are the facts of my experience!

                              ...and it's not for a lack of trying, but in Cornwall (UK) the police ARE the Homophobic Hate Crime problem...including senior officers who allow and cover up these abuses! (I even have a judge asking questions, who I understand has been basically told by Devon & Cornwall Constabulary to butt out & mind his own business).

                              As for the IPCC (Independent Police Complaints Commission) what a sycophantic pet lap dog police poodle they have turned out to be since the IPCC was formed in 2004. Dr Kelly(driven to suicide?), Charles De Menezes(executed in Stockwel Tube station), Ian Tomlinson (Murderd/killed by police on his way home from work)...if these high profile public cases of direct police involvement in police induced deaths of members of the public can be allowed to have NOBODY accountable within the police for 'what I consider' police MURDERS, what hope of justice for any of the rest of us.

                              In the last six years I have learned, been taught by Cornwall police officers that they are unacountable, arrogant & above the law.

                              Cornwall Police, I 'd rather trust a rabid dog!

