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My wife has accused me of raping her

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  • #16
    Maslen is well known in the Miscarriages of Justice groups and has had a slot of success. He is one that goes the extra mile from what I have heard. I have had no dealings with him personally but his reputation for success is well known.
    People Appealing Convictions of Sexual Offences ~

    PAFAA details ~


    • #17
      RF thanks for the invite in joining the group. I'll have a look at it later as currently out going to the doctors to tell him what happened as i'm real stressed. Reply on my iphone at the moment.

      Can you advise of maybe 1 more firm or individual who is also well known in this area but who is fully qualified.



      • #18
        Thanks RF - knew you'd be able to help!
        And God promised men that good and obedient wives would be found in all corners of the world. Then made the world round .... and laughed and laughed and laughed ..


        • #19
          Being qualified does not make any difference to the outcome. The barrister who did Mr Kaz appeal is a "junior barrister".

          In a failed appeal in May last year (RFLH will know who I mean) the QC (highly qualified) failed miserably. I walked into the court to hear her going through all the inconsistencies in the complainant's evidence.

          I sat and listened to this for 20 minutes (she'd been arguing this about 20 minutes before I got there) and the presiding judge sighed and said "Mrs P... the jury heard these inconsistencies at trial yet they still came to a finding of guilt. This court cannot go behind the verdict of the jury in this case". She should have known that.

          However, I hear Glaisyers are good - not sure where they are. There will be other solicitors in the West Midlands who can do an equally good job however I don't know who they all are. I go by recommendation.

          Swapping solicitors does not mean that you will get a qualified person in any event. Most solicitors use legal execs or assistants to work on these cases to "cut their teeth" so to speak. They do have to answer to a senior (qualified) person anyway.
          Last edited by Rights Fighter; 19 June 2009, 10:55 AM.
          People Appealing Convictions of Sexual Offences ~

          PAFAA details ~


          • #20
            Thanks RF. I think i'll go with my gut feeling and instruct maslen. I spoke to glaysers a few days ago i had a good chat with a solicitor there, she advised that the duty solicitor would be in a better position to represent me because he was at my police interview and will already have a feel for the case, however said she would take it on if i instructed her. This just confused me.

            Have you heard of mann & co, my duty solicitor was from this firm


            • #21
              Good to hear that you have taken some positive steps, Shaf. Also good to know that you have gone to your docs. they can be very helpful and non-judgemental. Sometimes just talking to someone who doesn;t judge you can be very therapeutic.
              The more you can do to help yourself out, the better and stronger you will feel. Don't forget to start writing down those events!


              • #22
                I have not heard of Mann & co. they might be absolutely brilliant for all I know.

                Some duty sols actually help the police more than they help the client but others are veritable Rotweillers! I have a friend who acts as a duty solicitor and if she believes the client is innocent she will go the extra mile. she's up in Yorkshire.

                Public funding for trials has reduced greatly in the last year or so - hence Glaisyers suggestion that you to stick with the duty sol.

                I can't tell you which one to go with - that is entirely your decision - I can only tell you sols who have been recommended.

                Hope to see you on PAFAA soon.
                People Appealing Convictions of Sexual Offences ~

                PAFAA details ~

