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Press request: Falsely Accused And Want To Tell Your Story?

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  • Press request: Falsely Accused And Want To Tell Your Story?


    I am a writer at Fabulous Magazine-the UK's biggest weekly glossy magazine with almost six million readers.

    I am writing a report on women who falsely cry rape and am looking for men who would be interested in talking about their experience of being falsely accused. This is a serious, sensitive report which will be wholly sympathetic towards the men who find themselves in this terrible situation.

    I am particularly interested in speaking with a man and his wife/girlfriend who were together when he was accused and have stayed together. However I am also interested in hearing from single men as well.

    If you would like to find out more please email me at eimear.o' and I can give you some more details.



  • #2
    For those who don't know, Fabulous magasine is the Sunday magasine of the News of the World.
    I'd diet but I'm not in the moooo-d


    • #3
      All the more reason for the falsely accused to avoid it like the plague!!!

      A couple of years back NoW listed several alleged "paedophiles" by name and areas pinpointed on a map of the UK where they came from, some still in prison protesting their innocence. Some I know are innocent because I have read their pre-trial and trial paperwork and saw what the jury did not.

      As we know some barristers strike deals behind the defendnat's back with "we won't use this evidence if you don't use that". It happens all the time. Scary.
      People Appealing Convictions of Sexual Offences ~

      PAFAA details ~


      • #4
        Dear Rights Fighter

        In response to your posting I just want to clarify a few points.

        -Fabulous Magazine is a completely separate publication to the NOTW with a distinct editorial policy and readership.

        -I am confused as to why you would, it seems, compare men falsely accused of rape, with paedophiles. I would think that would be a very hurtful comparision to many users of this forum.

        -In 2000, the NOTW published the names and whereabouts of convicted, not alleged, paedophiles. Regardless, I don't understand how this has any bearing on me wanting to talk to men who have been falsely accused and acquitted of rape.

        If any users of this forum, who were falsely accused and acquitted, are interested in speaking with me about this terrible experience they have gone through please contact me.





        • #5
          men who have been acquitted are not necessarily innocent. are you aware that if you print a story of an acquitted man the victim could well read it. on the other hand if you are writing a story on a man who has succesfully proved his accuser was lying by having her convicted then this is extremely different. by printing that his accuser was lying when she has not been found guilty you are printing an article that could be extremely distressing for the huge numbers of real victims who do not see their attackers found guilty.
          "I dreamt I went to the doctor's and she gave me eight minutes to live. I'd been sitting in the f**king waiting room half an hour." Sarah Kane (4.48 Psychosis)


          • #6
            Men who have been aqcquitted are not necessarily innocent, and men who have been convicted are not necessarily guilty. But that's a whole different can of worms!


            • #7
              Thanks Saffron, you're the very first person I've known to acknowledge that (not everyone convicted is guilty).

              As someone who's been tarred as one of those P's (I hate the word) and isn't one, I found that Eimeer woman absolutely insidious and the thinly-veiled hatred seeps from her words. It's as if it's inconceivable to her that anyone could be wrongly convicted of a child offence, yet it's actually far easier to achieve a conviction, as even the hardest jury is a sucker for child ""victims.""

              "Fabulous", shame on you. If Tesco runs out of Andrex, I know an alternative now.
              Last edited by LS; 26 January 2010, 09:34 PM.


              • #8
                Originally posted by LifeSucks View Post
                Thanks Saffron, you're the very first person I've known to acknowledge that (not everyone convicted is guilty).

                If you look further up the thread you will see that I have posted:

                All the more reason for the falsely accused to avoid it like the plague!!!

                A couple of years back NoW listed several alleged "paedophiles" by name and areas pinpointed on a map of the UK where they came from, some still in prison protesting their innocence. Some I know are innocent because I have read their pre-trial and trial paperwork and saw what the jury did not.

                As we know some barristers strike deals behind the defendnat's back with "we won't use this evidence if you don't use that". It happens all the time. Scary.

                If you read through other threads you will see the same applies throughout.
                People Appealing Convictions of Sexual Offences ~

                PAFAA details ~


                • #9
                  Sorry RF, I know you did and I see that now, but Saffron's said it so clearly in terms which even a NoTW reporter couldn't misinterpret. Also, the creepy woman totally ignored your comments because afterwards she tried to protest her argument that someone convicted of paedophilia can't possibly be innocent and therefore shouldn't be tied in with people here.

                  "I am confused as to why I would, it seem, compare someone working for any magazine or issue of the News of The World, to be associated in any way with the words decent, honest or worthy of receiving oxygen. I would think that would be a very hurtful comparision to many decent, honest people in the rest of the oxygen-breathing world."

                  I think I should use her paraphrased words as my sig.
                  Last edited by LS; 27 January 2010, 11:25 AM.


                  • #10
                    As this is the only forum and post that is relevant, a little nugget came to light this week which I feel the Honurable Lady should note: Saturday 22nd January her sister paper printed a photo of Gossip Girl Taylor Momsen, aged 16, in a compromising shot. Clearly a breach of Sect1 of the Protection of Children Act 1978. Suggest she only has to look over her desk for any undesirables.

                    I shall leave it at that. It's not a hate campaign, but just proving a point.
                    There are good journalists out there, who we do need to see.


                    • #11

                      Encouraged by LS's words below, I'm going to be brave, post a message here, and hope I get a more positive response than Eimeer did ...

                      I work for BBC Radio One's Newsbeat programme. I am their politics reporter.

                      I want to put together a radio feature about the pros and cons of the new government's apparent plans to bring in anonymity for rape defendants until they're convicted.

                      Please email me at with your details if you're interested in finding out more.

                      Time is of the essence, as I want to broadcast this piece, to coincide with a big government debate about all this on Thursday 8th July.

                      I'm particularly interested in hearing from people with experience of dealing with these issues - who fit within Radio One's target age demographic (under about 35).

                      Best wishes,

                      Dave Howard
                      BBC Radio One Newsbeat and 1Xtra News

                      LS said:There are good journalists out there, who we do need to see.[/QUOTE]


                      • #12
                        Hi Dave

                        I have to pass on this one, because I'm not in the age demigraphic, plus I've been Falsely Convicted but of something different, so it kind of rules me out of the criteria. What you need are those who have been accused and then the matter dropped (NFA'd) and there are many here who have been, and I would encourage them to contact you.

                        Newsbeat I've listened to since I was a kid, so I can vouch for its integrity.
                        (Sunday Rags are not known for being honest, so Eimeer was never going to get the time of the day from people who suffer as a result of others telling lies.)


                        • #13
                          Hi Dave

                          I don't think that I am what you are looking for....I don't fit the age demographic (although I did at the time!) and it was my husband who was falsely accused, tried and convicted, which again is not what you are looking for. I am guessing you need someone who has been falsely accused and then either NFA'd or acquitted at trial.

                          There are plenty of others on this site who have been accused only to have the matter dropped, or to be acquitted and I would urge them to contact you.

                          Macdougal, Whateverdidido, Campaign R, Casehardened, Viva - I am talking to you!!

                          Last edited by Saffron; 29 June 2010, 12:28 PM. Reason: adding


                          • #14
                            RFLH has posted up your request on the private forum too - you might get some joy there and she will keep you posted no doubt - or somebody from there will contact your direct using your email address.
                            People Appealing Convictions of Sexual Offences ~

                            PAFAA details ~


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Saffron View Post

                              Macdougal, Whateverdidido, Campaign R, Casehardened, Viva - I am talking to you!!

                              Sadly, though all else fits, I am a bit (ok lots) outside the age bracket!
                              'What doesn't kill you makes you stronger'

