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Press request: Falsely Accused And Want To Tell Your Story?
And God promised men that good and obedient wives would be found in all corners of the world. Then made the world round .... and laughed and laughed and laughed ..
Originally posted by bbcradioonedavehowardView Post
Encouraged by LS's words below, I'm going to be brave, post a message here, and hope I get a more positive response than Eimeer did ...
I work for BBC Radio One's Newsbeat programme. I am their politics reporter.
I want to put together a radio feature about the pros and cons of the new government's apparent plans to bring in anonymity for rape defendants until they're convicted.
Please email me at dave.howard.01@bbc.co.uk with your details if you're interested in finding out more.
Time is of the essence, as I want to broadcast this piece, to coincide with a big government debate about all this on Thursday 8th July.
I'm particularly interested in hearing from people with experience of dealing with these issues - who fit within Radio One's target age demographic (under about 35).
Best wishes,
Dave Howard
BBC Radio One Newsbeat and 1Xtra News
LS said:There are good journalists out there, who we do need to see.[/QUOTE]
hi bbcradioonedavehoward could i ask you when you plan on broadcasting this on radio one? will it be in the morning-midday-evening ? as i would like to listen to it.
Needhelp, Newsbeat is broadcast on Radio One at 12.45pm and 5.45pm each weekday.
Dave has said he plans to broadcast this on next Thursday (8th July) so just tune in to Radio 1 at those times.
Thanks Saffron, you're the very first person I've known to acknowledge that (not everyone convicted is guilty).
As someone who's been tarred as one of those P's (I hate the word) and isn't one, I found that Eimeer woman absolutely insidious and the thinly-veiled hatred seeps from her words. It's as if it's inconceivable to her that anyone could be wrongly convicted of a child offence, yet it's actually far easier to achieve a conviction, as even the hardest jury is a sucker for child ""victims.""
"Fabulous", shame on you. If Tesco runs out of Andrex, I know an alternative now.
Well said you. This is my first posting on this site, I am in a relationship (engaged) to a man who was falsely accused by a 15 year old girl, her work against his. He did 3 years and is on licence for two more years yet. I have been with him 2 years and we recently heard that since she accused him she has accussed two more men since then.
She is making a bit of a career out of it. I hope she gets caught out for the lying little ***** she clearly is. The accusationa and sentence has all but ruined the life and career of my fiance.
As to the NOTW, per-leeeze! I dare not imagine how easily quotes can be bent, put out of context and so on. A laudable idea on the surface, the issue of false accusations need as much publicity as it can get. I would have thought an article on WHY women do this would be a good starting point.
Hi Cloudberry
Thank you for your kind words, and also welcome to the site although sorry that it is as a victim of the current day witch-hunt.
There are a number of reasons that people make false accusations against others, but the two main reasons I can come up with are money and revenge.
I believe at the moment "victims" get an award of around £16,000 from the compensation agency, which is an awfully large incentive to spout some lies and become moderately rich in the process. It isn't as if they really need any form of proof to back up the lies, these days.
Revenge is the other motivation. I personally was the victim of a so-called "friend" who has used every opportunity to stab me in the back over the last 20 years, ranging from accusing me of theft, damaging my property, burgling me, harassment and all the while smiling to my face. I don't know why he has done this, as I've never done anything to him, and it is hardly jealousy because I've always been worse off than him. However, none of this stopped him using his teenage daughter as the mouthpiece to give credibility to a false allegation, and the law as it stands does not understand, comprehend or accept that a minor is directly under the control and coercion of an adult for their own purposes including making a false declaration in order to obtain a score and £16,000.
The toilet paper sunday rag is not interested in truth. I saw that for myself at the end of 2006, when a famous celebrity accused of this type of crime was released from prison and a tv program was made over about how he coped with the week after being released from prison. He was interviewed in a public park, with and by a tv camera crew, who scanned the park to show that there was no other member of the public around other than themselves and the celebrity.
Yet, lo and behold, in that week's notw there was a picture of the celeb in that park with a child photoshopped into shot, with the headline pervert in the park. This gave the impression that there was a pervert in a park, hanging around children. Oddly it failed to show the tv camera crew.
The vast numbers of ignorant people who would have read that article would have taken it for real, had they not seen the tv programme for themselves.
Now I have just spent the last two days battling people on the bbc's Have Your Say website, where this silly law has come in allowing parents to check on people. The majority would quite happily advocate violence as a result of this inflammatory newspaper, rather than actually think for themselves and even when I've told them what has happened to me they do not believe that in this day and age you can be wrongfully convicted, but that you must really genuinely guilty.
You have to let people find that out for themselves when it happens to them.
The saddest part is that because there are liars out there who will make false accusations up, it means that people who genuinely are raped are disbelieved.
Well said you. This is my first posting on this site, I am in a relationship (engaged) to a man who was falsely accused by a 15 year old girl, her work against his. He did 3 years and is on licence for two more years yet. I have been with him 2 years and we recently heard that since she accused him she has accussed two more men since then.
She is making a bit of a career out of it. I hope she gets caught out for the lying little ***** she clearly is. The accusationa and sentence has all but ruined the life and career of my fiance.
As to the NOTW, per-leeeze! I dare not imagine how easily quotes can be bent, put out of context and so on. A laudable idea on the surface, the issue of false accusations need as much publicity as it can get. I would have thought an article on WHY women do this would be a good starting point.
Greetings to all on this group,
Cloudberry, If this is true and the allegations were made to the police then this could help with an appeal against conviction. You must try to find out as much detail as possible and find a decent solicitor who specialises in appealing this type of conviction.
If you want help with this please send a private message to LS with your email address on it and he will forward it to me in complete confidence.
We need to be mindful that the ignorant newspaper and its journalists are not representative of the majority of journalists.
There are a great many journalists out there for whom printing the truth is of far more value to them than just printing lies.
We are starting to attract the honourable ones; people like Dave Howard from Radio 1s Newsbeat, and AMVC. These are people who came here looking to research and ask questions so that they can ensure that what comes out is honest.
These are the journalists we need, and I am heartened that they are starting to show an interest in what is happening around "us."