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Warrants are limited

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  • Warrants are limited

    Hi All

    I had a idea in my head that when the police arrest you and seize you tech phone computer etc that they were then able to access every bit of data on the devices. I thought they were able to looking in every app, read every stored file, look at every website you looked at and read every Facebook or Text message you sent/received. It was frightening to think that they would see my Justin Bieber fan page and all the love e-mails I have sent him! It is not yet illegal to be a JB fan but I was thinking of the stigma if other people found out.

    However for once in my life I was wrong. After a chat with my solicitor it appears that the police cannot search your tech and look at everything as the scope of the warrant is limited. So instead of being allowed to read all my texts messages you sent between you and everyone, they were most like limited to reading text messages between yourself and the FA between certain dates. I am not sure what information on websites they are allowed to look at, if any really. It appears from my understanding that they are not allowed just to go fishing and most have a specific idea of what they are looking for. So my Justin Bieber topless shots will not be used against me in court.

    The reason I was curious about this matter was that the IT Forensic team actually completed their report within the timelimit given to me by the arresting officer and I wondered how come they were able to complete their task as promised for once. The thing is that NONE of my tech contained any contacts between myself and the FA, so if the warrant was limited to search for that, then that would explain the speed of things.

    So I am just clarifying that a search warrant is limited in scope and there has to be a reason behind the request.

  • #2
    They are basically only allowed to access information which is on a need to know basis and is relevant to their case. They can’t just go snooping for something that is not relevant and that applies to any person in a position of authority such as a social worker or lawyer.

