To echo Lilyput's theme, all the members of this forum are folk who have been caught up in the justice system either on their own account or through a friend or partner.
They found this forum via an internet search and offer mutual support and anecdotal advice based on their own experiences; some of them have been kind enough to stay as active posters even though their own cases have been resolved.
It is therefore not 'netiquette' on this forum to demand advice on tap, no-one gets paid to sit at their keyboard to respond instantly; a polite explanation and request is more likely to get an answer (provided someone does actually know the answer!)
However specific legal advice must always be obtained from a professional.
They found this forum via an internet search and offer mutual support and anecdotal advice based on their own experiences; some of them have been kind enough to stay as active posters even though their own cases have been resolved.
It is therefore not 'netiquette' on this forum to demand advice on tap, no-one gets paid to sit at their keyboard to respond instantly; a polite explanation and request is more likely to get an answer (provided someone does actually know the answer!)
However specific legal advice must always be obtained from a professional.