Originally posted by Staystrong1
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Should false accusers automatically be charged by the state?
From day one of my arrest I articulated my disgust of the police. From a previous position of loving them too bits. I have a massive personality flaw of 'not suffering fools, especially professionals who show incompetence'. I am also a chess player and hunt out any flaws in an argument, with a pre-disposition to 'fighting fire with a flame thrower when needed!!'I'm not in the Chief Constables good books (no Christmas card for me, then) after waiting for 4 months for a reply to a letter I wrote to him. I told him that having a personality of with such arrogance to the public was not befitting to a leader of men and how he would not have enjoyed employment under my command. (sorry, if I stay to being a bit pompous sometimes). I full flow of letters has ensued over the last three years. Challenging directly Michael Gove (the justice minster), Theresa May (the home secretary) and David Cameron (the Prime minster) about the lack of political drive to reduce the false allegation issues facing individuals. In large they all reply the a same way. That parliament can not involve itself in operational matters of the police. On an average week I will write 3 letters and possibly am ranked as a 'nuisance'. What has become clear is that for many of the questions I ask they do not have answers (partly because they see things as a right 'buggers muddle' and no one dare flinch first to get things done).
The main point I raise here, is please write to your MP and express (especially if you have been released with no charge) in full emotional terms the impact it has had on your life. You don't even need to buy a stamp - do it online through - https://www.writetothem.com/
Yes, false accusers should be charged
..and not just the false accusers, I feel strongly the police officers & their senior officers (like those I have encountered) should also be criminally charged who failed to pursue those who make false allegations despite admission by police in writing 2 yrs later there was evidence throughout that the allegation was false.
On such a serious issue which have such devastating consequence to the falsely accused victim both false accuser & corrupt, dishonest, homophobic police officers should be held to account, but that would require us having a police force where there was both honesty & integrity, qualities entirely missing from EVERY police officer EVER encountered.
As a result of false allegation & relentless police homophobia resulting in hate crimes & assaults, I've not left my home unaccompanied since 2007.