I recently came across this site and wish I had found it long ago. We, as a family have know we are not the only ones out there fighting an injustice, but at times it has felt so. The last 18 months have been a living nightmare, aided and a abetted by an unbelievable, although very sure you would believe, legal system that not only failed to extinguish a FA , but 'Fanned' the flames until it consumed us all, and took away the Liberty of an innocent young man.
Saying that we may be continually knocked down by various factors, but are most definitely NOT OUT,and never will be until his name is cleared and he is free to live his life again. Why does this happen time and time again ?? I have sent letters to both The Lord Chief Justice and Chris Grayling but have had no reply's
But I will continue and so will my family to seek out the justice my son deserves, as I will not let him carry this around with him for the rest of his life. I read once, You never know how strong you are until being strong is the only choice you have. There have been people who have taken advantage of our desperation, but no more. We have closed yet another chapter in my son's fight, but the book is far from over. We all have HOPE, it helps us turn the next page, and FAITH, that we hold onto tightly that allows us to completely commit and believe in the outcome.
Saying that we may be continually knocked down by various factors, but are most definitely NOT OUT,and never will be until his name is cleared and he is free to live his life again. Why does this happen time and time again ?? I have sent letters to both The Lord Chief Justice and Chris Grayling but have had no reply's
