I am currently 18 years old and a year ago when I was 17 years old I was wrongly charged with sexual assault of a girl that was 16 years old. The worst thing was I was arrested during school and walked out of school when everyone was getting out of class. Humiliated in front of all my "friends". It is a very hard pill till swallow at a young age. Considering the fact that I was a star athlete and scholar for my high school in Texas. I know exactly how your son feels. The only advise I could give you is that the only way you guys can get through this is if YOU are strong. I know it is extremely difficult to see happiness in anything but please everyday when you see your son act a little happy and energetic. This will save your son.. Always keep a positive mindset. My case was dismissed after about 3 months of the charge due to passing a polygraph, and other tests, which cleared my name with out a doubt. My mom was my crying shoulder, friend, psychiatrist, etc. Without her I would of been 6 feet below us today. This is when your son needs you the most. YOU will get through this I promise. It is only temporary hurt, not permanent. Without my mom I would not be attending Texas A&M University for engineering right now. Just saying in the next year your son can be in my shoes and understand not to take the little things in life for granted, which we all do at one point in time. I will be praying for you and your family.
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I can empathized with your son
Hi Howdy,
Thanks for coming on the forum and explaining how you have been affected by your experience. I have moved your post to it's own thread as it was not really appropriate to add it on to Smokie Joe's thread (as you deserve support in your own right)Last edited by Casehardened; 21 December 2013, 06:17 AM.'What doesn't kill you makes you stronger'
Hi Howdy - thanks for coming on the forum and sharing your experience and although you are in the States and this site in Britain, the horrendous ordeal, the nightmare you are put through is the same. The fact you were walked out of school is just unbelievable and this itself would have been enough to break some people.
You're so right about having to be strong. No-one can do that for you. At the end of the day, no matter how much support you have, it's your issue.
I'm really pleased that you give your Mum the credit she deserves for the support she gave you. So many people on here are supporting someone else close to them and it can sometimes seem like a fathomless task. My son was also falsely accused and in some ways, it sometimes seemed worst for us, his parents, because we knew what he risked and was at stake whereas he assumed that because he was innocent, that would be enough to see him through. The thought of my child ( a young man)who I know would not deliberately hurt anyone and is not a sex-fiend is one of the most distressing things I've ever experienced. But in the end I came to realise it was his ordeal, not mine.
BTW - lie detectors aren't in current use by the police and courts in the UK - I believe there is some experimenting going on.
Well done for getting into college and I wish you every success and you and your family a very Happy Christmas.
Thank you Howdy for your story - it is very helpful.
It is a struggle everyday but somehow we manage to gain the strength. There is no other option.
I am a mum and would do anything to protect my 2 children from any upset/sadness. A mother's and father's strength comes from their deepest strongest love for their children.
Take care and enjoy the security that your family have provided for you.
Hi howdy and thank you for sharing your experiences and it's fantastic that you have been string enough to get through - what a rock your mum has been. sadly there are a few mum's on here supporting their sons and I am sure they will take great strength from the experiences you have been brave enough o share.
Hope you and your family have a wonderful Christmas and that you can now enjoy your New Year...."Only love can light the mirror of your soul" - Chris de Burgh