- feeling angry again. I get these 'funny turns' I was brought up to be law-abiding and respectful of 'law-keepers', I did the same thing for my kids, but now I realise that maybe I was misled, maybe I was wrong. No , really, I'm so glad I don't have young children now (though I hope one day I will have grand-children ...) I won't EVER be able to say .... trust the nice policeman, he's there to protect you! Isn't that sad????
I think my children have learnt their lesson (that of being law-abiding and trusting in the keepers of the law), I think the jury did also, and everyone else who mattered at the court . The lesson learnt was.... forget what you believed in, you can't trust them. Pretty sad, isn't it?

I think my children have learnt their lesson (that of being law-abiding and trusting in the keepers of the law), I think the jury did also, and everyone else who mattered at the court . The lesson learnt was.... forget what you believed in, you can't trust them. Pretty sad, isn't it?