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Husband is being falsely accused of sexual assault, please help

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  • Husband is being falsely accused of sexual assault, please help

    Im new to this forum. I thought that I would post something because im going nuts! We (my husband, Child and I ) have been going threw this for the past 3 months. So, here it goes... My husband called me from work one day and said the state police had called his HR and said that he needs to be removed from his job at the time due to him being under an investigation. He had no idea what was going on and they would not tell him anything. The next day he was suspeneded. The day after that the police contacted him and brought him in for questioning over a statutory rape charge. My husband works two jobs, one being a cab driver part time. Well allegially a 15 year old girl told someone that she slept with my husband who is 44 yrs old. The peraon that she told called the state police and now there is an investiagtaion.
    It has been 3 months now and my husband has been arrested, fired from his first job and told that he has to register as a sex offender. We just got the paperwork back that tells it all. All the interviews the police did, and what the 15 yr old said and who called it in. This girl is crazy. I swear she is lying. My husbamd states that she rode in the cab a few times and that was it. This girl tells the police that they had a relationship, get this, 3 years ago and that he uset to pick her up and they had sex in the cab 5 times. This has caused our whole family disgrace and everyone thinks he did it because he was arrested for it. What ever happened to innocent until proven guilty? He has not gone to court on it yet, it is next month. He is breaking down and so am I. Now he is just upset all the time and I cant believe that someone would just flat out lie about this. What do I do and how do I keep it together for us?

  • #2
    Hi and welcome to the forum but sorry you had to find us..... I'm wondering if you are living somewhere other than the UK as you mention the "state police"?
    It is a truly horrible position you are all in. Your hubby needs to start writing down everything he can remember about the times this FA was in his cab and any other details of any times she may have "bumped into" him etc etc. Every detail will be important.
    For emotional support, many of us have found our GP's to be very helpful and sympathetic, along with counselling. I would also suggest you talk to each other about it, rather than bottling it up.........
    Other members will be along soon to offer other help.....Keep strong
    "Only love can light the mirror of your soul" - Chris de Burgh


    • #3
      Hello sweetpotato, really sorry you had to find yourself in this situation, emotions will be all over the place, there are people here that will be able to assist you with some very sound and positive advice, and importantly a lot of emotional support, stay strong.


      • #4
        Hello Sweetpotato

        The shock of such allegations is overwhelming but you can get support on here. I don't really have any advice I'm sorry but wish you well in your fight to clear your husband's name.


        • #5
          Hello again,
          I appreciate all the kind words that everyone has posted thus far. Yes, I live in the United States. There is a state police called CACD. They sent him a letter a while back saying if he didnt respond to the letter in 30 days that his name was going to be put on a sex offender list for the rest of his life. I talked him into responding and he did. We have not heard an appeal date yet. He is just burying his head, and so depressed, this is a nightmare. He is also a minister at a local church, and a lady that uset to go to the church is the one that called this bull in. She left the church about a year ago because she was having an affair with a pastor from another church and church members did not like that. Im just trying to figure out why this woman has a problem with my husband.
          So, When we got the paperwork back from the state police on the interviews, we read what the 15 year old girl, now 17, stated about the incident. She did not even know my husbands name. But you had an affair with him? And you slept with him 5 times? She stated that she does not know who started the sex, and she can not remember exact locations that they had sex other than it was in the cab. It sounds like a fantasy to me. Sounds like she saw him and maybe he was nice to her and she wanted to have sex with him. She stated that she saw him at a local church event and thats when she saw that he was a minister and also that he saw her, they didnt speak, but he was looking at her like he was lusting after her. This girl has put 2 other people in jail for molesting her also. Sounds like she wants someone to feel sorry for her and give her attention.
          I know my husband would not do this. We have been married for 8 years and together for 10. I have been trying my hardest to support him. People are so mean to us. They say stuff like you child molester, I have got threatening phone calls. I mean im just ready to pack up all of our stuff and move far away from here, where nobody knows us. But we cant we have to deal with this. Any more help would be much appreciated. Thanks


          • #6
            I just read another post about the UK having a different law than the United States. Is there maybe another forum where I might be able to get some advise? Thanks


            • #7
              Maybe this will be useful:



              • #8
                There are several US groups. Whereabouts are you in America and I'll see if I have contacts closer to home?
                People Appealing Convictions of Sexual Offences ~

                PAFAA details ~


                • #9
                  Hello all,
                  I live in Arkansas. I live in a very small town where the police feel like they can do whatever they want, and most of them are crooked. I cant wait until all this over and my family and I can move away from this terrible town and get a fresh start. Im going to check out this post from one of you and see if that helps.


                  • #10
                    I can't find one for Arkansas but here are some links that might point you in the right direction


           think this might cost

           There may be some helpful hints on here with regard to local support


                    This has a Facebook page where you might meet people from your area

                    somebody might be able to put you in touch with someone local to you from this link



           Links on here might point you in the right direction

                    I wonder if a mod or Admin could pin this somewhere (not where the sun doesn't shine!) but maybe a new subforum for those in the USA perhaps?
                    People Appealing Convictions of Sexual Offences ~

                    PAFAA details ~

