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Building and contents insurance

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  • Building and contents insurance

    Yesterday had my new quote for house insurance form present insurer. I always ring around three of the large insurance companies and then ring them back with the cheapest quote and ask if they can beat it. Well shocked to find that one of them asked if there was anyone in the house being prosecuted as a set question. I said yes and she said the computer won't let her give a quote

    Totally amazed. So much for innocent until proved guilty. Have just re-insured with current provider because they say tell us if anyone has convictions and where a fair price. However what a stupid surely illegal view point.

    Mind you have an old dog and the insurance for him has got criminal since he got over 10
    Wonder Woman has a lie detecting lasso and will fight for justice

  • #2
    sorry to be the bearer of bad news - but should anyone be imprisoned for a sex offence, then the insurance companies will probably not insure them, or will inflate the premium double or treble - it is the only crime that gets this treatment.

    I think there are a couple of specialist insurers you could get in contact with later, there may even be a sticky on it.
    And God promised men that good and obedient wives would be found in all corners of the world. Then made the world round .... and laughed and laughed and laughed ..


    • #3
      He is only living with us at moment because of all this. As judge gave him back the passport that police took away he is aloud to go home anytime.

      However when he is working aboard outside of work he would be alone. So staying here where I can watch him. Down side of that is he is not earning so money problems.

      Insurance companies

      Like we have not got enough on our plate...............
      Wonder Woman has a lie detecting lasso and will fight for justice


      • #4
        We have no option but to keep our insurance with the same company. No-one else will touch us.


        • #5
          We were suprised when we went to renew our house insurance last year that one of the questions was - is anyone in your house under investigation for a serious crime.

