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Not sure if we will all make it to full trail

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  • #16
    Forgot the odd civil servant too
    Wonder Woman has a lie detecting lasso and will fight for justice


    • #17
      What a odd week.

      We had our day in court. The barrister did her thing. Judge set out time limits for ALL evidence to be handed over by the cps. Let the cps know that there was a lot of hard evidence the accuser has lied in her statement. Judge set a date for trail if the case not dropped before then.

      A lot of arguing over count 1 because even the investigating officer who was there said when ask she did not see if it happened (which it didn't) that it would be abuse. There are 3 more counts like that that well have to be said very dark and twisted to count. All four are just normal human contact really. Investigating officer seems to only be worried about getting him on count 8 as more serious (that was the impression given anyway).

      They just try to chuck as many counts at you as they can to make you panic and plea. At least that is what seems to be going on here.

      The cps asked to hand over a new/second statement for one of the witnesses. Judge not to pleased but let them after asking if it was hearsay evidence (yes) and then asked if there was going to be any other hearsay evidence. Cps kind of said they didn't know. Hence the reason the judge has given them a time limit.

      Of course didn't get to see any of that as sat in waiting room. Glad really, apparently they went into detail of each count for the judge.

      We are back in a wait and see place. The barrister has done a u turn on steam rolling them with some of the evidence and now takes the side of the solicitor about not handing anything over yet.

      Hear comes the rant:

      The new statement is an original witness saying my grandmother (now died) told them all about the abuse years ago. Before her statement was not being used by cps as not important. Seriously how the hell can they think after more than 30 years she suddenly remembers more information that she did not remember last year. After all that is a conversation you would not for get.

      The madness of this new statement is one thing but how dare the lie and use my died grandmother to do so. She worked with children and young people. No way would she ever turn a blind eye to child abuse. Plus the witness is 25 years younger than my grandmother was, the accusers friend and not close to my grandmother just someone she new. This is so just taking the mickey now.

      (1) Using a died woman as a witness. What is that called? hearsay-hearsay maybe.

      (2) They have also managed to get my abusive ex husband in there as 'he was treated badly by accused'. I mean what is that?

      (3) Interview tapes and transcript handed over on the day in court. Finally he was charged months ago.

      (4) I wrote down the names of her friends she would use as witnesses two weeks after he was arrested. When he was charged in court cps gave us the paper with names on and guess what. I had ever name right. They really are evil people.

      (5) Police have never tried to talk to anyone she has not spent at least a year working on is the common theme here. They only spoke to me because he was bailed to my house and they had to ask me if that was ok. Collusion capital or what.
      Last edited by wonderwoman2012; 22 March 2013, 01:10 AM.
      Wonder Woman has a lie detecting lasso and will fight for justice


      • #18
        Very tempted to take a photo of my grandmother and a psysic to court for trial. Let them see what she really thinks of all this rubbish. She would so put them all in there place if she was here now.
        Wonder Woman has a lie detecting lasso and will fight for justice


        • #19
          Looks like they are going to have a hearsay-hearsay court date. So a judge can decide what hearsay evidence can be used. As two cps witnesses are third hand hearsay from a dead person all getting a little crazy. I mean I can say a dead person told me she was told anything in court apparently.

          The front of these people is amazing. The fact that most of the allergations are impossible unless he had a helicopter mean nothing to cps. We are not highlighting this mind you. However they would need to make her much older to have ever thing happen as she and her witnesses say.

          Funny each time they produce a statement seems to make it clearer that she is lying. Wonder if the police and the cps have ever compared these statements.

          Crazy the amount of time we have lived with this so far. Maybe months more to go. Still believe that the truth will come out in the end.
          Wonder Woman has a lie detecting lasso and will fight for justice


          • #20
            hang in there WW. The whole FA thing is crazy.........
            "Only love can light the mirror of your soul" - Chris de Burgh


            • #21
              Keep strong WW....My hubbies case was based on the statement of a person who got all the alleged incidents
              from the spirit world. Bizarre as it is the police use all they can to build a case, I hope the judge cuts the wheat from
              the chaff. LP
              Together We Can Beat This Hell


              • #22
                Thank you - myhome

                Lonely place - Seriously please tell me you are joking. That is truely the craziest thing heard regarding these false cases so far. You are joking right?
                Wonder Woman has a lie detecting lasso and will fight for justice


                • #23
                  WW...No I am not joking, I am deadly serious....our daughter had a brain tumor removed which left her mentally vunerable, she was seeing a man who is manipulative and controlling, his relative started the whole case with the words of a spirit. Because he wanted daughter isolated he called the police and set the path... our daughter was convinced by her boyfriend over a period of time that what "he knew" was the truth,
                  We were lucky to have an oic with an open mind who eventually realised the boyfriend was controlling the whole thing. So very sad that people can ruin others lives on a whim. LP
                  Together We Can Beat This Hell


                  • #24
                    Just a couple of points I picked up on.

                    1. Legal Aid. Even if you have previously made an application for legal aid and it has been refused, if your circumstances have changed you may be able to make a fresh application.
                    Also note the contribution your partner may have to make may be less than what a solicitor is charging.

                    2. Re Ambushing with a fact/defence previously not mentioned)
                    (Often seen spectacully on American tv lawyers shows)
                    Not in the Uk though, Judges hate it because the Crown have no opportunity to test the defence. If they do trial date may need to be vacated (causing lots of costs).
                    Seek advice from your Solicitors, but in any event any defence sought to be relied upon must be served in the Defence Case Statement to the court.

                    3. Crown Prosecution Service.
                    Unfortunately its one rule for the defence, and another for the Prosecution. Regularly in my area the Crown disclose papers piecemeal (as bad as a page per day), bits missing, beyond timelimits set by Judges. You know what often happens. Nothing.
                    Last edited by Mortons; 3 April 2013, 06:59 PM.
                    Hope this post helps. But this post does not constitute legal advice, nor a contract/agreement for it.


                    • #25
                      Have not handed over the defence statement yet, we only just got the evidence from the cps. No ambushing just some of the witness statements are socially interesting. We have a pile of 30 year old legal documents that do take a lot of explaining but are very important to prove the lying going on here.

                      The interview tape was as we suspected, there lots of cps not using evidence missing, all the evidence that they have given us so far works for us not against so barking mad are there witnesses.

                      I reckon if it was not so important we should just let them put up there witnesses and barristers take turns then sit bake and say nothing. Not say a word because the case is so barking mad. From what she is accusing him of doing, witnesses that all have different stories and police investigation.

                      He has been arrested at the airport after a day of travel, treated like scum by a DS pretending to be a DC at time, traumatised, lost his savings, nearly his sanity, feels unable to be natural with his own grandchildren, is on so much medication and why because there is no filter for these accusations.

                      I can just go out and walk into a police station and say ****** abused me 30 years ago. The police arrest ****** and here we go..................
                      Wonder Woman has a lie detecting lasso and will fight for justice


                      • #26
                        Wonderwoman - please check your PM inbox. You need some 'extra' help as this forum can be viewed by the public including police / CPS etc.
                        People Appealing Convictions of Sexual Offences ~

                        PAFAA details ~


                        • #27
                          Thanks for advise

                          To any cps or police out there if watching:

                          My family is a loving hard working law abiding unit. My husband works along side the police most days of the week. I have worked with young families refered to us by social services for the past 10 years.

                          The accused has been a hard working, socially minded, amazing caring support to all he knows all his life. He is know in his 60s and going through hell because nobody has checked anything these evil scum witnesses are saying. If we have a defence built on documents that mostly obtained with one phone call. Why have you not made a call.

                          Only case building and never speaking to anybody the accuser has not told you to speak to is ........(I have no words). I have been on the phone begging you to talk to my mother or sister but you have not. There is no police investigation here who dare you call it an investigation

                          Only when the truth comes out will there be any sleep in my house. Until then rest well because once it does heads will roll.

                          Once this is over and all police and witnesses are dealt with I will seek:

                          *Police to be trained to investigate properly. This will say the tax payer money from false cases plus stop real evidence of abuse or rape being over looked and evil people working free. Also the suffering of innocent families.

                          *The cps stop all the false accusations are rare rubbish (seriously only 34 charged in 2 years. That just mean you are not doing you job properly. Talk to lawyers and judges ask them what they see every week). Charge the lying false accusers and make real victims the ones that count.

                          * Making information of sites like this one and advice lines available to all who need it. Why do the duty solicitor not give out a bundle of support leaflets to their clients.

                          *The media need to not report arrests and charges unless there is thought to be a real concern that the accused is a serial abuser or rapist

                          *Legal cost..........God know
                          Wonder Woman has a lie detecting lasso and will fight for justice


                          • #28
                            Hi wonderwoman

                            Although our cases differ, there are many similarities. I totally support what you have written! What some people out there do to normal, law-abiding and hardworking partnerships and/or families is beyond belief. My husband and I went through a very low period but we have now come up fighting all the more. We are not going to let those responsible for such false allegations get away with this. We intend to have control of the situation ourselves instead of being pushed around by others. And justice will prevail, oh yes!!!

                            Take care and thanks for your post


                            • #29
                              Excellent post Wonderwoman. Thank you.


                              • #30
                                Great post WW
                                "Only love can light the mirror of your soul" - Chris de Burgh

