Hi guys. I have just emailed David Cameron with regards to some views I have. I know you may not all agree, and all comments are welcome.
I feel that, whilst there is a compensation scheme in place where you will get roughly £11k for making a rape allegation, the amount of these allegations that are false, will increase.
I feel this has already happened. Unfortunately some people find themselves in financial difficulty and know that if they just tell a lie, they'll eventually be quids in. This way of thinking is not something that would go on in my brain, but it does happen. So whilst the compensation is there, it's an incentive to lie. But what about the incentive for genuine victims? Well that's a good question, change it. Change it so that compensation can be awarded, only when the accused is convicted, and the amount of money saved through this method should be spent on one to one support for genuine victims of rape and their families.
I think I heard about a country where they made this change and the amount of false allegations reduced rapidly. The liars who do this for money have no idea what they put the accused through along with their families and friends. Through supporting my partner I have lost many friends. Not because they think he is a rapist, but because I have been so tied up in the situation spending all my time supporting him, that I simply don't have time to be going out drinking and forgetting my troubles. These troubles can't be forgotten.
This website has been a godsend for me. But why should we have to have a forum of this nature? Where we have many members who have experienced vicious accusers ruining their lives?!
You are all truly amazing for supporting each other, the situation that we have all found ourselves in is one that is difficult to deal with, and having people on this board supporting us is truly a life saver.
Another angle I would like to tackle is the anonymity that I feel should be granted to accused rapists, and their names should only be published once a conviction has taken place.
I think David Cameron has mentioned that he would like to put this in place, but I don't know how far things went etc. we have enough to contend with without the press adding their twisted stories to our local papers that are sold in our towns, showing the full name and street name of the accused, with a dirty headline and a story that presumes them guilty.
Please add your input, I'm going to make damn sure that things change. Not just for my man but for all you who this has happened to, for the families of the accused, and the partners of those wrongly convicted.
Over and out
lusijay xx
I feel that, whilst there is a compensation scheme in place where you will get roughly £11k for making a rape allegation, the amount of these allegations that are false, will increase.
I feel this has already happened. Unfortunately some people find themselves in financial difficulty and know that if they just tell a lie, they'll eventually be quids in. This way of thinking is not something that would go on in my brain, but it does happen. So whilst the compensation is there, it's an incentive to lie. But what about the incentive for genuine victims? Well that's a good question, change it. Change it so that compensation can be awarded, only when the accused is convicted, and the amount of money saved through this method should be spent on one to one support for genuine victims of rape and their families.
I think I heard about a country where they made this change and the amount of false allegations reduced rapidly. The liars who do this for money have no idea what they put the accused through along with their families and friends. Through supporting my partner I have lost many friends. Not because they think he is a rapist, but because I have been so tied up in the situation spending all my time supporting him, that I simply don't have time to be going out drinking and forgetting my troubles. These troubles can't be forgotten.
This website has been a godsend for me. But why should we have to have a forum of this nature? Where we have many members who have experienced vicious accusers ruining their lives?!
You are all truly amazing for supporting each other, the situation that we have all found ourselves in is one that is difficult to deal with, and having people on this board supporting us is truly a life saver.
Another angle I would like to tackle is the anonymity that I feel should be granted to accused rapists, and their names should only be published once a conviction has taken place.
I think David Cameron has mentioned that he would like to put this in place, but I don't know how far things went etc. we have enough to contend with without the press adding their twisted stories to our local papers that are sold in our towns, showing the full name and street name of the accused, with a dirty headline and a story that presumes them guilty.
Please add your input, I'm going to make damn sure that things change. Not just for my man but for all you who this has happened to, for the families of the accused, and the partners of those wrongly convicted.
Over and out
