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Video Evidence

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  • Video Evidence

    We have the witness statements from the police, her sister (who if you read her statement you would wonder who had actually been raped) and a statement from the police to say that the alleged ***** I mean rape victim couldnt answer questions or refer to the attack without bursting into tears so there was no statement to speak of. We have been told that a video statement was taken, should this have been transcribed so we can at least read what she is saying? Taf rang his solicitors and spoke to his solicitors secretary who said she didnt ''think'' the police hasd to transcribe. Does anyone else know what happens?

  • #2
    Tiftaf, yes I think it will be transcribed. We saw a transcript of the interview of the accuser; then we would also be able to watch the video interview. Your solicitor would be given a copy. It was among the last documents we saw..the interview transcripts and the video interview in two weeks time .. I dont know why it took so long to give it to our solicitor, but as the solicitor said we have plenty of time.


    • #3
      THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! I am literally crying with relief. My next question is this. We have a statement that says her name at the top of it. However, the statement is roughly as follows: The interview was attended by a PC who could interpret for her (she speaks fluent English by the way) then the police officer has written that every time she was asked a question about the attack she just cried, is this her statement then?


      • #4
        tiftaf, but accuser is not english right? I was just thinking maybe it is one of her drama?!?? sorry I just remember Ms. Universe pageant and if the candidate is not a native english speaker despite being able to speak english.. they use interpreter for their advantage :-)

        And about the statement, I think if she has been crying then they cannot put anything on her statement except that she has been crying of course..maybe the video would shed more light to her statement? your solicitor would be able to answer some of your questions probably?


        • #5
          Yeah she is obviously playing a card. I cant bear to watch her video statement, I will freak out for sure. She has single handedly brought me more misery than anything in my life. I have never cried as much, I feel like I will never stop and I was brought up not to cry.


          • #6
            oh tiftaf, being a partner of an accused I can relate to what you are feeling. I feel the same; my partner's accuser can take away my loved one and crushed whatever I have build over the past three to four years with my partner. Of course, we can fight it but I know the misery ..the fear of it happening can really grip you at times. I have cried so hard... alone.. because it would drive my partner to doing silly and that is so hard too. When I cry, it has sounds (embarassing!!!) , and I know I have never felt such misery in my life. But I rose above it, with the help of the forum.

            You have to be stronger than you can imagine yourself. My heart literally hurt when the solicitor read the nasty statements from people about what happened to the girl. But when we looked at it the second time, third time and the more we look at it, we saw the inconsistencies and big gaping hole. This would give you more strength. Dont worry about seeing the this can help your partner's defense too.. somebody call it the unnecessary evil thing to deal with. :-)


            • #7
              The injustice feels like I am being killed from the inside out. It helps to know others are feeling that way. Plus side, he has seen that no matter what I have been there and I didn't have to be. (In his eyes, never mine)


              • #8
                Originally posted by tiftaf View Post
                The injustice feels like I am being killed from the inside out. It helps to know others are feeling that way. Plus side, he has seen that no matter what I have been there and I didn't have to be. (In his eyes, never mine)

                Yes, tiftaf, I feel violated with this situation to. I have never known the accuser. I know I have never hurt them or cause them trouble. The relationship of my partner with the accuser mother was finished by the time I met him.

                Our partner knows how much supportive we are and I also heard it from my partner I didnt have to be with him; I can go if I want. It also shows their love for us and selflessness-- to be able to save us from trouble by letting us go. But of course, we dont take that right :-) We know they need us also!


                • #9
                  If the alleged victim has said absolutely nothing in her interview apart from crying then I cannot see how the case has proceeded. I would have thought that an abuse of process argument might be relevant here.

                  How would they know what to charge the suspect with if she's not said anything? She must have at some point.
                  People Appealing Convictions of Sexual Offences ~

                  PAFAA details ~


                  • #10
                    She has probably said "I've been raped" to the OIC, but that's easy to say, then just bawl all the way through the interview.

                    I'd say that's how it's gotten to the stage it has. I wonder how it can go any further without any definitive interview from her.


                    • #11
                      To say "I've been raped" the officer is then obliged to ask her what that means, what went where etc.

                      If it's a younger person making the allegation they usually go through it step by step completely forgetting that by age 11 kids are discussing sex in explicit detail in the playground.

                      One recent ABE transcript I read, the complainant (who has been sexually active for 7 years) refers to her vagina as "a know ermm...." and the penis as his " know... his thing......ermmmmm".

                      All very coy and twee but they don't seem to see this is all play acting......
                      People Appealing Convictions of Sexual Offences ~

                      PAFAA details ~


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Rights Fighter View Post
                        If it's a younger person making the allegation they usually go through it step by step
                        Yes, a "veritable sex education lesson," as my barrister called it.

                        Back to the subject, the complainant's would have had to have given some sort of intelligent explanation. Perhaps there was another video interview?
                        Last edited by LS; 26 February 2012, 05:29 PM.


                        • #13
                          That's if they didn't already know about it to begin with It just encourages the liar to take on the persona of coy and inexperienced virgin when they are anything but......
                          People Appealing Convictions of Sexual Offences ~

                          PAFAA details ~


                          • #14
                            Sorry, crossed posts. I'm wondering if there was a second interview done, which is more intelligible, which maybe hasn't reached the sol.
                            Mine did 2 interviews.


                            • #15
                              More than likely. Otherwise I am sure there would be an abuse of process argument lurking somewhere....
                              People Appealing Convictions of Sexual Offences ~

                              PAFAA details ~

