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    Would a recorded clear audio conversation where the accuser admits she lied about the rape be strong enough evidence for something such as this?

  • #2
    Have you already got this 'recording' or are you considering obtaining it?

    if it's the latter, I'd advise against it. She would be asked about it and all she would have to say is that you threatened her to say it. Not only does that make the evidence useless but it also lands you in hot water to boot.
    "Be sure your sin will find you out"

    Numbers 32:23


    • #3
      Originally posted by Faith View Post
      Have you already got this 'recording' or are you considering obtaining it?

      if it's the latter, I'd advise against it. She would be asked about it and all she would have to say is that you threatened her to say it. Not only does that make the evidence useless but it also lands you in hot water to boot.
      Even if the recording took place over a long distance phone call (recorded the phone call) and was part of a long conversation, all of which was recorded?


      • #4
        I don't really know, to be honest. Hopefully someone else may come along with more knowledge on this one.
        "Be sure your sin will find you out"

        Numbers 32:23


        • #5
          CM00, I hope you are not thinking about contacting your accuser again....You have done it before and were warned about it by the police....


          • #6
            Originally posted by Saffron View Post
            CM00, I hope you are not thinking about contacting your accuser again....You have done it before and were warned about it by the police....
            No, I should be hearing from the police any day now, the OIC told me he put forward for the case to be dropped, because there's really no evidence and she is an extreme attention seeker. He's just waiting to hear back on the result and then get back to me.

            The accusers mother thinks that she'll get in contact with me soon, once the bail is lifted i guess. The accuser thinks the case is dropped, in her little delusional world she already believes to herself that it all got dropped the day she made the report simply because she requested that she didn't want to press charges, she doesn't realise the police don't work like that and it's not up to her.

            She said some really dumb things during her 2 hour video interview though, she said that after the rape took place i didn't cuddle her and this upset her. She also boasted that i was well endowed. God knows what else she said, but shes always said ridiculous things for as long as i've known her, she would have really dropped herself in it. I'm not exaggerating atall when i say that this girl has some serious mental issues. Attention seeking, lying, blaming others for her problems, and not seeing things in a normal manner are her main thing. She also started claiming that she is a white witch and has "powers" in the past few months, she even bought a book of spells and i'm surprised she wasn't sacked from work when they saw her.. how can i put this... a candle lit, eyes closed, doing odd gestures... casting a spell, at least that's what she told them when they asked what she was doing. It sounds just like bipolar disorder. On several occasions during the last few months before she left she talked about the magical powers she has.
            Last edited by CM00; 22 February 2012, 11:27 AM.


            • #7
              Glad to hear you are thinking clearly. You are far better off without her in your life!


              • #8
                Going a bit off topic, but my sisters husband went exactly the same, he was never quite normal, but then one day he just went really weird, talking about being the hand of god and god talks to him. He became self obsessed, thought he was gods gift to women (he's an ugly *******) said horrible lies about my sister and it ended up in court. Several months down the line he had ran up £60,000 of debt and had nothing left, he was at rock bottom, and almost killed himself. My ex fiance, the accuser, it's all too familiar to his story, she's doing everything the same. He got diagnosed with bipolar 1, and from my experiences with my EX, it all makes too much sense, and since bipolar runs in her family, it has to be that.

                My Ex's own mother knows what she's like, and she knows i'm an honest person with good values. She wants my EX to get back with me. I don't know if i'll take her back or not after all of this, it depends largely on how much mental illness was a factor and if she is determined and willing enough to sort her mental issues out. I probably would be better off without her, but i've had 10 years with her, and that bond isn't easy to break. Especially if she comes back in a few months as her old self and is ready to accept help for her illness. With bipolar 1, they go into a manic state and they literally become a different person, this can be avoided through treatment.

                I've been discussing this on a bipolar support forum and if she is manic, when the mania ends she will go into a deep depression and regret all the wrongs she did, that's when the consequences of their actions hit them all at once, the more they wrecked the higher the chance of suicide, the suicide rate is high in bipolar people.
                Last edited by CM00; 22 February 2012, 11:42 AM.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by CM00 View Post
                  I don't know if i'll take her back or not after all of this
                  Tell me you're not even remotely considering taking her back???


                  • #10
                    Take her back?
                    Words fail me.


                    • #11
                      I don't know yet, i don't know what to do about it. She has tried to kill herself before over far lesser matters. If she is bipolar and currently manic, when she goes the other way and realises what she has done, thrown away everything, she may well just commit suicide. This is a serious issue in bipolar people because they tend to ruin their lifes while manic and then when they go depressed they feel like life isn't even worth living anymore, and it's not a normal depression, bipolar depression is something that people with normal chemically balanced brains can't even imagine.

                      Right now she's in the process of chucking away her inheritance, it takes a really screwed up person, to have been broke all their life, and then receive £70,000 and waste it all in a few months on a wild spending spree. There goes her chance for a better future. She is using the money she inherited as a means to gain friends, boasting about the money, offering money to everyone. This kind of recklessless with finances is a hallmark symptom of bipolar mania and they don't realise the error of their ways until the mania ends and the depression begins.

                      What will she have left at the end of this? Nothing. I expect her to try to return to me at that point if not sooner, and failing that, try to kill herself. She has overdosed and was hospitalized before because our relationship was going to end (my choice) and i ended up taking her back.

                      She has left all of her stuff at my house, everything. Her bills and letters all still come to this house, she planned nothing, and acted only on impulse. I believe the rape story started out as a means to gain attention from friends and got out of control when a friend talked her into reporting it to the police.

                      Yes i do realise that it's disgusting for her to go saying to people that i had raped her, and saying it to the police is a whole new level of insanity. I realise that she should never be forgiven for such actions, but it all depends on if she was mentally ill at the time, bipolar people who go manic are not themselves, they literally turn into monsters who will destroy everything around them, including their own life.

                      Ideally, if she gets diagnosed with bipolar, could she not then tell the police that she lied about the rape? I don't know if they'd throw her in prison if she is mentally ill. I think that she'll come back to me once she hits rock bottom, deeply regretful for what she has done, and possibly willing to admit the truth to the police.
                      Last edited by CM00; 22 February 2012, 02:09 PM.


                      • #12
                        I think you can argue that til your face goes blue...and in a way it's a credit to your personality to try and see the good in someone and be so forgiving.

                        But at the end of it all, the advice you will receive here will be the same: don't even go there. You are asking for trouble...and you may not be so fortunate next time.
                        "Be sure your sin will find you out"

                        Numbers 32:23


                        • #13
                          I agree with Faith. You are clearly determined to see the best in her, which makes you a decent person, if rather too trusting. However, she has utterly betrayed you. You could have ended up serving a Life Sentence.

                          Additionally you have not yet had a formal NFA - how would you feel if you answered bail and were actually charged? please remember that the CPS/Police do not necessarily need her to testify in court in order to proceed. There is a link to CPS procedures elsewhere on this site.

                          I am going to move this to a separate thread so that we don't hijack Colin's thread.


                          • #14
                            Eeeek I hadn't even realised this was someone else's thread!
                            "Be sure your sin will find you out"

                            Numbers 32:23


                            • #15
                              meaning of conversation

                              If the meaning of conversation is clear then you can use it as a evidence, it will be good for the final stage.

