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How odd - he's not in the listings. He has a 'mention' a few days before which isn't listed either - not that that's unusual. I've attended several that don't show on the fixed lists but think I'll have to phone CA Gen office to check given how far the family has to travel here and back
Just realised the 5th is the day before Good Friday
I think we've been misinformed or I got it wrong. He's named as being heard on the 4th I just noticed - I thought that was the 'mention'. Good job the family are booked into the Bridge for two nights not just the one.
I know it's an afternoon hearing due to his dad's problems with mobility and they've arranged for the lift to be manned at that time. I can't believe they have to book the sodding lift! Had that problem a couple of years back when a friend of mine had to struggle up the steps as I thought the lift was working as a matter of course and it wasn't so I had to push her up from behind........
Edit: The court number seems to have changed too.....I can't believe it....what a shambles......
And God promised men that good and obedient wives would be found in all corners of the world. Then made the world round .... and laughed and laughed and laughed ..
Now that you've finished derailing the thread HesI...
In response to your remark about audio tapes, it does surprise me that content is used in court without the person's permission being sought first. Are we still talking sexual encounters here? Surely it's illegal to record someone having sex without their knowledge?
This was not a sexual encounter but a taped conversation over a period of 45 mins in which a 30 second inaudible peice was said to prove a sexually inappropriate remark was made. This tape may have been spliced, rerecorded or altered in other ways, the rest was banter and fun in a family setting and with regard to the comment complained of, if taken with the sentence preceding and the comment post, it could not be claimed to be either sexual or innapropriate, but it was put to the Jury after the Crown told them what they were about to hear!!! The rest of the tape was not heard as the judge refused permission to allow it to be played!
Camera video evidence has been used at trials to clear the accused as they have somehow managed to record the 'act' while it was in process. Nasty thing to do but it has saved a few guys being sent down. They've not been made with the consent of the lying party.......
I shall see you on the 5th still, yep? Don't forget that memory stick with your trial stuff on it and I'll see what I can do with it.
Some of us are staying in the Bridge on Wednesday the night before the appeal but hopefully I will see you before the hearing at CA. Court 4 same as last time so you shouldn't get lost like you did before lol
I really should take more water with it! I meant Court 7 gggrrrrrr