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To Complain or Not to Complain that is the Question.

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  • To Complain or Not to Complain that is the Question.

    Saturdays are have been a little over shadowed for the past three week with Tafs bail conditions which states he has to attend a local police station between one and two on that day.

    Not last week, the week before we went to the police station and (this seems to be a regular thing bless him) suddenly Taf felt the need to explain why he was there and that he was under a false allegation etc etc and the whole story basically. The police man had the worst attitide I have ever seen in a person let alone someone in uniform. He looked at Taf like he was something that had fallen off this guys shoe then looke at me and said: 'So let me get this right, you were shagging her whilst you were married to your wife. Taf then tried to explain the real situation ut b y then this police officer was well and truly on his moral platform. I asked to be let out of the room because I thought I was going to hit him or at least tear him off a strip so I thought it best to excuse myself.

    Last week, the police officer was an older guy and he was lovely. This week, I didnt feel the need to go in with Taf so I waited in the car. When Taf came out he told me that it was the same vile police officer from the previous visit. Taf signed the form and apparently he said to Taf 'Where's your girfriend then?'

    a) what's it got to do with him where I am and b) why have such a bad frickin attitude?

    Shall I complain?

  • #2
    I would. I'd take the officer's shoulder badge number and report his attitude. Find out from another officer who the station's highest bod is, and report it.


    • #3
      Absolutely you should. He'll probably get his a*se covered for him but he shouldn't be speaking to people like that.
      "Be sure your sin will find you out"

      Numbers 32:23


      • #4
        Sounds like one for Police standards dept. However he will deny the conversation took place - was this on tape? Did anybody else hear it?
        People Appealing Convictions of Sexual Offences ~

        PAFAA details ~

