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EBR Attridge

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  • EBR Attridge

    Well, I've written to Attridge's twice now, using their Contact Us form on their website and have received no response from them. I wrote in the week between Christmas and the New Year, and I sent a follow up on 13th January asking why I had had no reply from them.

    Today I rang them, and wasn't given a satisfactory answer as to why no one replies, and was told they would get Warren Brazier to ring me.
    Have a guess.... he hasn't rung back either.

    This is precisely why I can't recommend them.

  • #2
    Sorry to read this. It does not seem to be the norm - maybe you've just picked a really busy couple of days.

    LS if you are looking for another sol to help with appeal maybe you could let me know for sure as I have a lot on. I don't mind helping but most sols won't accept help from a lay person they do not know - so maybe before I start spending a great deal of time on it you could confirm this.
    People Appealing Convictions of Sexual Offences ~

    PAFAA details ~


    • #3
      RF, have no worries, I'd like you to do mine and I wasn't looking for anyone else to do it.

      The only reason I started this thread was because on another they were being recommended and Verity suggested chasing them up to find out if their non-replies to my emails (prior to you taking me on) were due to a site problem rather than laziness.
      I'm just reporting on how my experience of them hasn't improved.

      But don't worry hon, we're still on.


      • #4

        I should be in London in five to six weeks depending on CA for the leave to appeal hearing (and the appeal itself if leave is given) after today's shenanigans. If you can make it then I can take the paperwork off your hands. You'll need to tell me how much there is so I know whether to bring a small case on wheels or just a jiffy bag!!!
        People Appealing Convictions of Sexual Offences ~

        PAFAA details ~


        • #5
          Great, I can do then. It'll be jiffy bag. Dontcha just love the technological age. A suitcase worth onto a bit of plastic....


          • #6
            only when it works!!
            And God promised men that good and obedient wives would be found in all corners of the world. Then made the world round .... and laughed and laughed and laughed ..


            • #7
              Well, there endeth the lesson. Two emails sent, one phone call sent, with the promise of a return call, and ....... nothing. No response after two working days.

              That's the type of service you really don't need from a sol.


              • #8
                Originally posted by LS View Post
                Well, I've written to Attridge's twice now, using their Contact Us form on their website and have received no response from them. I wrote in the week between Christmas and the New Year, and I sent a follow up on 13th January asking why I had had no reply from them.

                Today I rang them, and wasn't given a satisfactory answer as to why no one replies, and was told they would get Warren Brazier to ring me.
                Have a guess.... he hasn't rung back either.

                This is precisely why I can't recommend them.
                I have had a phone call from Gerry today (Sunday) that it has come to his attention that members of the forum have not had a reply to e-mails.

                Gerry apologises profusely for this. The problem is the 'contact us' form sends communications through to the 'bosses' and can take time to filter through to a specific solicitor.

                Gerry asks that if anyone wishes to contact him they should do so on his direct e-mail address:

                Once again I convey his sincere apologies.

                I hope this explains the lack of communication satisfactorally.

                Last edited by Verity; 29 January 2012, 08:12 PM. Reason: can't spell among other things!!!


                • #9
                  Thank you VJ! Hopefully he won't be inundated!!!
                  People Appealing Convictions of Sexual Offences ~

                  PAFAA details ~


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Rights Fighter View Post
                    Hopefully he won't be inundated!!!
                    Only with v1agra emails.

                    When emailing to instruct any solicitor I'd always follow it up with a telephone call if you have not had a response within 24hours (mon-fri).

                    You don't neccessarily have to give details, just ring with your name, number and say you sent an email and politely ask can the appropriate person ring you back ASAP. I'm sure they will then search out the email if it hasn't landed yet.

                    I'm like most other tech savy people of the instant-response era, but you can never guarantee that firms email boxes aren't unattended.

                    Hope that helps.
                    Hope this post helps. But this post does not constitute legal advice, nor a contract/agreement for it.


                    • #11
                      Sorry, I thought I'd unapproved this thread, as I didn't feel it was appropriate to leave it up until I'd had a chance to email him, haven't had the motivation to do anything this last few days.


                      • #12
                        The problem with email form depend of the hosting company. I'm doing websites and when I'm setting contact form I see the difference. Ones you have email in 2 minutes and on different website ( different hosting company) you are receiving email after 5 days.
                        About phone calls.
                        I was calling Gerry on Friday morning ( I think 2 weeks ago ) and he called me back in the evening. So it was few hours later.
                        Can't say anything wrong for now an I think in my opinion and after some recommendations ( not only from Internet ), he and his team are good!
                        They were defending one person and after 3 hours in 1st traial day, the guy was found Not Guilty!!!

