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Objective of Bulletin and False Rape Accusation Forum

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  • #16
    Hedgecroft. If you put his name into the search box his threads will come up.
    And God promised men that good and obedient wives would be found in all corners of the world. Then made the world round .... and laughed and laughed and laughed ..


    • #17
      RFLH is right, it was Hedgecroft. He was interviewed on "This Morning" about the FA, but Holly and Phil seemed more interested in the fact that she had stolen his property than the emotional and personal ramifications of a false accusation.

      Logan, we do have a section for False Allegations in the news, where members post links to news stories. Hopefully some find it useful.

      I would not be a suitable person to head up the kind of organisation you suggest as my husband was actually convicted. Therefore an enhanced CRB would flag up that I live with a sex offender. Plus with a full time job and 2 kids I can't commit any more time than I currently do.

      With regard to your own case, you could approach the police and make a formal report that your ex-wife made a malicious false allegation against you. She attempted to pervert the course of justice, which in itself is a serious crime. Your case is unique because it is demonstrably a false allegation and not an issue of consent, or a word against word situation.


      • #18

        That's an interesting thought, is it as simple as that?

        I consulted with lawyers all the way through the episode, who were confident at the outset it would go to NFA. At the end of it all, I asked whether there was any action that I could take against the 'ex' or the police and the stock answer was 'no'! Hence why I'm here.

        I believe it was Sun Tzu in his 'Art of War' advised choosing your 'Generals', battles and battlefields carefully, in Gem's example of the MP who tried to support the FA's it is all a question of timing and the battles you choose to fight.

        Unfortunately, it would probably mean, as you have done in the Forum, separating cases where there is clearly a case of a person being falsely accused and championing something like that as your first battle.

        Offer to work with members of WAR, advise them how important it is when an accuser makes an allegation of this sort, to come forward within a reasonable time frame without destroying potential evidence.

        I know it probably sounds distasteful but you have to be the first to demonstrate how dangerous 'closed' mind thinking is, and perhaps they themselves as a result would see the number of accusations falling.

        Be prepared with stock answers as times have changed. Up until a few years ago every GP was considered a saint, then we had Harold Shipman, every MP was as honest as the day is long then we had the MP's expenses scandal, so isn't it conceivable that a person making a FA without offering a scrap of evidence may be lying?

        Coming back to my earlier point about timing your 'battle', in the current economic climate politicians are probably looking for 'just cause' for cutting back on these sorts of claims and services, it's a cost the country could do without in terms of police and CPS time, however it should be dressed up as a budgetary saving.

        I'm sure these are all things that have been considered in the past and I'm just re-iterating the same.



        • #19
          The coalition would never be interested in cutting back on anything to do with crime. The Conservatives have always been about coming down hard on offences, and being seen to cut back or water down the current legal setup would come across as letting Nick Clegg get his way for once.

          For the moment I wouldn't waste a 50p bet on it.


          • #20
            Originally posted by LS View Post
            The coalition would never be interested in cutting back on anything to do with crime. The Conservatives have always been about coming down hard on offences, and being seen to cut back or water down the current legal setup would come across as letting Nick Clegg get his way for once.

            For the moment I wouldn't waste a 50p bet on it.
            This goes back to what I was saying about choosing your battles, my comments were specifically aimed at the FA's and more so where no evidence is offered other than the word of the accuser.

            In cases such as these the full weight of the state is thrown behind the person making the accusation, although without any evidence being produced it is nothing more than one persons word against another. So the question is where's the crime or the offence?

            It also goes back to what I was saying about working with WAR to educate them into informing their 'Users', the importance of not destroying evidence and coming forward as soon as possible, if they feel something unto-wards has happened.

            This is not cutting back on crime or being lenient on offences, it's tidying up a system that allows spurious claims to go forward and does nothing to protect the falsely accused.

            Take again the position of DSK, the legal bods have looked at his case, and seem to be sitting on the fence as to his options, although they don't seem to be giving much hope of winning a case for either malicious arrest or prosecution. He could take a civil action against his accuser but will probably only take this step if he has no skeletons in the cupboard and will probably not get anything more out of it than the ability to clear his name.

            The point I'm making is that if a VIP such as DSK cannot protect himself against a false allegation, what chance has ordinary 'Joe Blogs' in the street. So, if we're talking crime or offence, what kind of society allows a person to accuse another person of such a heinous crime without offering any evidence? Again using the DSK case as an example once such an accusation is rebutted, it is not as though the falsely accused can just get on with life, DSK's political career and aspirations are in tatters!

            In the past WAR have been pretty vocal about 'No' meaning 'No', it's about time that as a society we set down ground rules as to what is acceptable in cases of this nature;

            I.e. As a start

            1/ It is unacceptable to come forward 'n' days after the event when it is impossible for police to gather DNA or forensic evidence. We need to educate people into realising that if they think something untoward has happened or if they want to be taken seriously they need to report it immediately;

            2/ Where no evidence is being offered by the accuser other than their word, we should look at other means of dealing with events, e.g. If the accused has never been in trouble with the police before!

            These are just a couple of examples but I'm sure we could come up with more.



            • #21
              another one for the list
              if the accuser is found to be a blatant liar on the stand and admits it to the jury !!!!
              the case should be thrown out and the accuser prosecuted ...
              my son got a guilty errr hello jury you listening ............


              • #22
                Originally posted by gem View Post
                another one for the list
                if the accuser is found to be a blatant liar on the stand and admits it to the jury !!!!
                the case should be thrown out and the accuser prosecuted ...
                my son got a guilty errr hello jury you listening ............

                I'm sorry to hear about your son!

                This is where we need the decent women of this country to start standing up for their menfolk, mothers for their sons and current partners against ex-partners. I realise this sounds divisive to womenfolk, but the state are/have declared open season on the 'men' of this country, simply on the say so of your 'sisters'.

                The menfolk aren't asking for rape laws to be done away with, just fair treatment under a system, that doesn't judge that because your a 'man' ergo something must have happened!

                Let's also get away from this image of 'all' women being 'sugar and spice...', at their extreme women can be just as violent as men and given to the same vices, let's not forget Jane Andrews and Tracie Andrews and their respective victims Thomas Cressman and Lee Harvey. If not violent then cunning, manipulative and downright deceitful as Gem's son has unfortunately found out.

                James Brown once warbled 'This is a mans world...', however in truth I think those words are being challenged on every front, if not honestly then dishonestly and in the case of the latter this is where we seriously need the help of our womenfolk!


                • #23
                  Originally posted by Logan-03 View Post
                  This is where we need the decent women of this country to start standing up for their menfolk
                  This is where the feminist feminazis of WAR will actually go against what you're trying to achieve.
                  They are anti-men, and supporting one would go against their beliefs.

                  Whenever they start ranting, they bring out this insatiable urge in me to pick up a frying pan and do non-cooking things to them with it.


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by LS View Post
                    This is where the feminist feminazis of WAR will actually go against what you're trying to achieve.
                    They are anti-men, and supporting one would go against their beliefs.

                    Whenever they start ranting, they bring out this insatiable urge in me to pick up a frying pan and do non-cooking things to them with it.
                    LS ,

                    I hear what you're saying, and have to say I would probably feel the same, if faced constantly with such 'closed minded' thinking.

                    However, in this instance we are asking for the womenfolk to do the fighting on our behalf and yes they will have to face the feminists of WAR, but if the spokesperson is female the feminists will get little sympathy for adopting an aggressive stance and not being prepared to listen.

                    Where 'closed-minded' thinking is encountered, it could be politely pointed out that such 'closed-minded' thinking actually gave rise to the 'Holocaust', is that what WAR are advocating?


                    • #25
                      Logan, the problem in asking us "womenfolk" to take up the sword is that unless they have experienced the horror of a loved one being FAd they are very unlikely to believe that such a terrible thing as a False Allegation of Rape actually exists.

                      I know that before my husband was FAd I was firmly in the "no smoke without fire" camp. Why would a reasonable person lie about such a horrendous thing? It's a bit like claiming you have cancer, when actually you have a clean bill of health, isn't it?

                      And speaking for myself as someone whose partner has been accused, tried and convicted I am trying to "do my bit" via this forum.


                      • #26
                        also when you stand by your man you're villified for it - no-one in their right mind would put their head above the parapet unless they wanted their whole life being picked over and blown apart.

                        I've been nailed to the wall once - I'd not go there again.
                        And God promised men that good and obedient wives would be found in all corners of the world. Then made the world round .... and laughed and laughed and laughed ..


                        • #27
                          hi i must admit i have tried to fight the good fight with several people.
                          firstly with my family. a distant cousin and myself ended up having a blazing row over my son.s conviction. the first thing she said to me when he was charged was i thought your son was a good lad. i am so shocked he has done this. my reply was why didn,t you come to the trial with the rest of my family and x girlfriends and watch the farce yourself. her reply was they don.t bloody convict innocence people any more this is 2011 so saffron is right. the public do not believe this injustice is going on.i only have to see peoples faces when i try to explain the situation.they don.t bloody believe me. even social services told me i was in denial regarding my son.s conviction and i was viewing him in rose coloured glasses.they more or less told me to disown him. as i have young do i fight that


                          • #28
                            Hi Gem,

                            You've summed up the attitude of the general public very well and, in a way, these reactions are understandable; after all, if we are all perfectly honest, before we all were shown the coalface, as it were, we may well have echoed these reactions.

                            I well remember saying in the past, whenever a particularly newsworthy and lengthy trial hit the headlines: "Why bother with expensive trials, they wouldn't be arrested if they weren't guilty, just sentence them".

                            My particular turning point on my 'Road to Damascus' came when the response to my question "what evidence is there" was: "We have all the evidence we need; the complainant's word" ('fortunately' the allegation was current as well as historical so in the end the lack of physical evidence was crucial)

                            To get back on topic, I have this hope that as more and more FA's emerge out of the woodwork, eventually there will be a critical mass of folks affected by them, either directly or indirectly, and then the public attitude will change.

                            The police and CPS get a hard press on these pages but, like it or not, we get the justice system we deserve and they are following Acts of Parliament concocted by our MP's who are (or should be) reflecting public opinion.

                            As an example (which I might yet put on the Grumpy Old Sods website) I hold up huntin' & fishin'. Hunting is depicted and legislated against as a cruel sport with the proponents taking pleasure in inflicting distress by pursuing wildlife, and fishing, well exactly

                            Nothing to do, I suppose, with the fact that fishing is enjoyed by millions of folk, while hunting is practiced by the fortunate few who can afford a horse.

                            Once again, dragging myself back on topic, the falsely accused do need a figurehead to promote and highlight the frequent miscarriages of justice, but as we've all agreed it needs to be someone whiter-than-white to withstand the inevitable media intrusions into their private life; but the conundrum is that, unless someone is actually affected by an allegation, they are unlikely to see this as a cause that needs championing.
                            Last edited by Casehardened; 8 January 2012, 05:55 AM.
                            'What doesn't kill you makes you stronger'


                            • #29
                              I agree with casehardened about having a figurehead who can promote awareness on the issue of false allegations of rape or the abuse of women/men of the process for allegations of rape; that with their statements people are put through long periods of misery and worst lost their freedom. I dont know how laws are done/changed in the UK as I am not from here. From my country, congressmen are the lawmakers and they are the one who are approached by group of people who can lead towards investigation of critical issues with the aim of proposing a new policy or law.

                              there are some statistics on false rape allegations; but maybe not significant enough to get the media attention. It is also very true that most of the people we talked to will be shocked with what is happening; they do not know about compensation claims; or the varied motivations of women/men who do these allegations; or the easy process of accusing somebody of rape. I wouldn't know about it if it wasnt thrown to us. But as my partner said we have to tell people; educate them before anything happened to them. We now want to save people from suffering like us. But how to do it?

                              I find it sad that when I explain to people what happened I open myself and my partner to their judgment. Hence, I was very careful to say anything, I now begin to think who are open-minded enough among my friends to understand what we are going to without them thinking my partner has done it. But I don't worry about that much anymore at this point. I just show them articles of these false allegations and let them think. I have enough to worry about. I am fighting for my partner's life and mine and they can think what they want. I am more determined to win this thing and proved them wrong and show them these things happen to people.

                              I just know once we get through this I would continuously be here and help others who found their way here. The forum at a point when somebody is within this situation is most needed because it can save their lives. When you are in the middle of the situation, all you think about is surviving it and the forum is there to help them survive.

                              Definitely, I would be happy to support action towards promoting changes in law related to the issue :-)
                              Last edited by fighter; 8 January 2012, 06:48 AM.


                              • #30
                                never slept a wink last night going over this topic in my mind.
                                how about using a celebrity who have been accused .wonder if they would agree to be our champion. rapper aggro santos for one and john lesley host of wheel of fortune
                                just a thought i would be happy to add my story ........try typing celebrities accused of rape in google quite an eye opener

