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Objective of Bulletin and False Rape Accusation Forum

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  • Objective of Bulletin and False Rape Accusation Forum

    Having been in a similar situation to a majority of members on this site and thankfully received a NFA, can I ask what the objective of the site is?

    Apart from providing advice and support to those affected by this insidious social development, is there any thought to raising public awareness that this is all going on with the help and support of the police and the CPS? For both of the latter, a mentally damaged and warped individual is a gift, to enable both to claim and create positive statistics regarding their clear up rates and sentencing.

    So the BIG question is, 'What is the forum doing about it?'

    Have they considered linking up with other organisations such as NACSA, Families Need Fathers etc? Not wishing to appear sexist in the organisations mentioned, but stereo-typically the majority of these cases seem to stem from disgruntled ex-partners trying to get back at ex-partners!

  • #2
    Others will chime in shortly, but while your idea of going public about what goes on is great, the reality is that most people bury their heads in the sand and will either disbelieve this goes on, or will pretend it doesn't and then continue to ignore it.

    Unfortunately, politicians and those who can instigate the changes are the first to bury their heads in the sand. And so the hurt continues unabated. I'm considering putting a blog together to highlight what's been done to me, not that I believe for one second that anything will be done about it as a result.

    The aim of the forum is to help those in the FA situation to get through it with emotional support and practical advice, including from the legal side which many are unfamiliar with.
    Last edited by LS; 4 January 2012, 03:34 PM.


    • #3
      erm - its a support forum!

      It exists for men/women involved in both sides of rape and sexual assault. There have been numerous online petitions signed but all to no avail.

      We are a stand alone - fight in together group. Open to all, abused by a few but the majority of users past and present find us useful!
      And God promised men that good and obedient wives would be found in all corners of the world. Then made the world round .... and laughed and laughed and laughed ..


      • #4
        Hello Logan,

        This subject comes up from time to time, usually tacked onto the end of a thread so I can’t give you any specific links, though you may find some info in the Justice section.

        The consensus is yes, something ought to be done, but the difficulty is what direction to take. I guess that you’re thinking of raising the issue publically in the media but this will need someone willing to be interviewed and photographed.

        As you have just mentioned this forum is made up of members who have been through the same experience as yourself or their partners. Bearing in mind that more than a few false accusers are minors and the present public attitude to sex offences in general (“ no smoke without fire” etc, etc) it would take a brave man to face the TV cameras. Of course, if the false accuser had been prosecuted for wasting police time, this would be a different matter but, as we know, this seldom happens and, in any case, those prosecutions that are reported in the media hardly seem to raise any condemnation at all from the general public.

        So bearing in mind that, of necessity, we lurk in the shadows, what can be done? I am of the opinion that, in the present financial climate, we should stress how much taxpayer’s money is being wasted in prosecuting false accusations. The lawyers and the ‘Justice’ system won’t rock the boat and kill the golden goose, so the only hope is to write to our individual MP’s perhaps with a copy to Ken Clarke and David Cameron with details of our own experiences and the outcome.

        I have in fact already done this and received an extremely sympathetic reply from my MP.
        'What doesn't kill you makes you stronger'


        • #5
          On the one hand it may be a Support Forum, but is it just dealing with cases on a case by case nature, until each case is resolved and the falsely accused wanders of into the sunset never to be heard of again. The overall size of the group remaining at just a few core members

          Or is the intention to achieve a critical mass until the MP's are forced to listen? Two totally different objectives!



          • #6
            Hi Logan
            (I like your username by the way! Wolverine's real name...I am a little bit of a comicbook geek...)

            This is a good question. What are we doing that's pro-active? Well, I can only speak for myself, but I found this site when I was at the nadir of despair. The very kind, compassionate people here helped me cope, mainly by knowing that I wasn't alone and by offering practical advice on possible grounds for appeal as well as strategies for handling my grief. I have been an active member for over 7 years now and have lost count of the people who have come here in similar circumstances to the one I and my husband found ourselves is.

            We offer practical advice on the securing of evidence; what is admissible and what may not be; how to choose your legal team; what to expect at bail hearings, trial and sentencing. We are also experts on prison visits and coping strategies when you/your loved one comes out of prison.

            We have various members who have started petitions/spoken to their MPs/tried talking to the press, all without success. I agree 100% that more needs to be done to raise awareness of False Allegations and if you have any suggestions please please let us know.


            • #7
              since it seems to be question time - why are you here and what are you trying to get out of this forum?
              And God promised men that good and obedient wives would be found in all corners of the world. Then made the world round .... and laughed and laughed and laughed ..


              • #8
                i came across this site after my husband was falsely accused and i do not know what i would of done with out it.
                before this horrible nightmare began i can honestly say hand on heart i would be of the opinion why would women say they had been assaulted when they had not but now i know a lot of reasons why.
                i think if you had not been through this or know someone who has you would think the no smoke without fire.
                my hubbys trial is not till august and good or bad i will still come on this site either for more support or to give advice.


                • #9
                  i seem to remember last year some politician trying to change the way that sex offenders were categorized. as they they were put under the same blanket as paedophiles.
                  he was fighting to get the law changed it was televised at one point can.t remember his name but the public started screaming for his head on a platter... never heard a
                  peep out of him now ......


                  • #10
                    Yeah, you could put it down to either Wolverine or Logan's Run, both great in their own way!

                    Why am I here much the same reason as everybody else, I've had a false allegation made against myself, however I was luckier than most as it went to NFA in a matter of months.

                    The allegation was made by my ex-partner, I believe because she wanted the house or me to buy her out. Unknown to myself she was having an affair with a colleague.

                    I say luckier than most, as the day she claimed the incident took place, a bank holiday, we actually went for a swim 'as a family'. In her statement she alleged it occurred in the morning. We actually have CCTV surrounding the house, which would have showed the 'family' leaving in my car to go to the local pool. I even had the receipts to support my statement. Finally, after going for the swim we went for lunch as a family, which she paid for, I believe on her card. So a reliable paper trail of events.

                    All of this information was offered to the investigating officers but to tell the truth they weren't interested. Basically, they seemed happy to support her with whatever she came up with.

                    The daft thing was shortly after all this, she herself took out a court order against me in which she gave an undertaking to leave the house after 3 months, for me to live there until sold.

                    She went off and got herself a flat in London, that she decided she didn't like after 3 months. She approached me asking if she could move back in, saying the flat was making our daughter ill because of condensation/dampness and effectively she would like us to try again.

                    Unfortunately, I thought I was safe having a court order saying she wasn't meant to be there, but couldn't have been more wrong. Two weeks after moving back in she announced she thought it wasn't working and would like me to move out!

                    What really got me about the whole episode, is that when I finally got the letter of NFA and released from bail conditions (I had to stay away from the house for 3 months), it became apparent that the police were aware that she was having an affair from the start and could have clearly seen the motive behind the accusation.

                    On top of this the ex in discussions, prior to letting her back in the house more or less admitted, the suggestion actually came from the officers themselves rather than her, she actually dropped the allegation the following day.

                    So, my question I suppose is what can/could I do about it?

                    Having read a few postings on the site it seems taking an action against the police for malicious arrest, would probably take a number of years and best the only option I have is to make a complaint to the IPCC.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Logan-03 View Post
                      On top of this the ex in discussions, prior to letting her back in the house more or less admitted, the suggestion actually came from the officers themselves rather than her, she actually dropped the allegation the following day.
                      Is it possible, rather than this being the truth, that she simply told you this in order to gain your sympathy so you would let her return to your home? After all she does seem to have been a bit manipulative in her dealings with everyone including the police.

                      I can understand your anger but perhaps the police are not the correct target; step back for a moment and consider that if things were ok between you and she had made an accusation of rape against someone else, wouldn't you have wanted a thorough investigation to have taken place rather than a cursory NFA?

                      In common with others who have gone through this experience your emotions post-NFA will be all over the place, notwithstanding the additional stress caused by the break-up of your relationship, so allow yourself some time before taking any action.
                      'What doesn't kill you makes you stronger'


                      • #12

                        In answer to your question, as to suggestions;

                        Perhaps having a 'Wall' identifying cases highlighted in the media where a person has been falsely accused. This would assist users of the site when approaching MP's, if they could reel of several names of individuals who have been falsely accused, without hesitating. This would help to make the individuals case more credible in the eyes of the MP.

                        Perhaps top of this list should be Dominique Strauss-Kahn (like him or loathe him), but he is a perfect example of no matter how rich or powerful an accusation of this nature can bring you down.

                        There is also Julian Assange the Wikileaks founder although his case has yet to come to trial.

                        During 2010 there were a couple of cases, one of which involved a woman who turned out to be a serial accuser, another involved a man who was falsely accused while he was on remand the accuser, used his residence as her own and started selling his assets, sports car etc.

                        Another case involved a Powys woman who accused her husband of raping her six times, she went on to retract the accusation, then state they were true on the verge of being jailed for perverting the course of justice. Of course her case was highlighted by the rape charities, who turn a blind eye to the possibility that even one of the accusers may have lied

                        From a group presentation perspective, as a spokes person, I might be stating the obvious, but it would be helpful if the front person was a woman! This might stop male reporters taking a diametrically opposed view and being aggressive in interview, providing the front person is an effective speaker.


                        • #13
                          Hi Casehardened,

                          Events with myself happened back in 2010, so I have given it plenty of time!

                          It's been something that has been at the back of my mind for a while, it was only on visiting this site recently, that I noted that things aren't going to change and will probably happen over and over again, unless an awareness is created!


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Logan-03 View Post
                            Events with myself happened back in 2010, so I have given it plenty of time!
                            Yes indeed, and you have made some very good points in your reply to Saffron especially in respect of the fronts 'person'.

                            I'm thinking of my reaction when the woman who heads WAR appears on telly; whoever heads up such an FA organization will need to have whiter than white background as someone will look in the cupboard for skeletons (rules me out)
                            'What doesn't kill you makes you stronger'


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Logan-03 View Post
                              another involved a man who was falsely accused while he was on remand the accuser, used his residence as her own and started selling his assets, sports car etc.
                              He was a member of this forum at the time, though I've forgotten his username.
                              'What doesn't kill you makes you stronger'

