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where is our support?

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  • where is our support?

    i like many of you was falsely accused. thankfully it was thrown out before going to court. however several things have really stung me, im sure many of you will agree:

    -i had to give up my position at work
    -through leaving my job i also lost my on site housing
    - my reputation to anyone who wasnt a close friend was sulleyed (people who knew who i am would judge without knowing i would never do anything like that)
    -confidence has been damage
    i had to spend considerable amounts of my personal savings (i had too much to qualify for legal aid, and also despite anything else i went for the best possible lawyer i could as i did not want to leave anything to chance
    - i had to move city to get away from a false accusation and gain employment again

    now the day i was told i was cleared i asked what i can do back, not for revenge but to try and regain some part of my former life, to stand for anyone falsely accused, to stand for anyone who has been raped and cannot get justice due to the lies of these evil entities (i refuse to see them as people anyone who can ruin someones life like that does not deserve recognition as a human being) i was told i could persue for compensation, but was unlikely to get a result.
    what disappointed me was not the finance, or job or even home but that someone can destroy a life without any kind of consequence . im sorry this is a rant but any support would be welcome as i now struggle to deal with continuing my life.
    cheers guys

  • #2
    Hi dens,

    All I can say is well done for coming through it and welcome to the ranks!

    As for what to do, this is a difficult one, what can be done?

    I fear that the internet and facebook are the devil's instruments in these cases: yes the falsely accused can do research and gain support from these sort of forums but so can the accusers; they will learn how the path of 'justice' is smoothed for them and that they are unlikely to see retribution unless they make multiple accusations.

    I suppose that one comes through the ordeal a stronger, less judgmental person and I suppose that with the present rate of false accusations we will eventually become a significant minority and should get a voice (such as the WAR crowd)
    'What doesn't kill you makes you stronger'


    • #3
      I still live with my case, deep down. I went through 16 months of hell, suspended from my bus driving job and then made to take a job as a cleaner or i would be sacked (sorry, in the companies words, my position would no longer be available) being diagnosed as clinically depressed and given uppers and sleepers. I am in a relationship at the moment with a fantastic woman who knows everything that happened and i still live with the fear that one day, it will all come back to haunt me. My partner (and many others) cannot comprehend how my ex has walked away scot free when the 'evidence' was so flimsy and simply based upon her and 2 of her friends (one of whom she was having a sexual relationship with whilst seeing me) about a couple of bruises she apparently had on her arm that they could not agree upon their position, formation etc. No dna, no photographs, no medical examinations and reported 4 months later when she had just started a relationship with another person.
      Who knows, one day i may get closure and see justice done, however i feel that given the state of the CPS, that day is no time in the near future.
      The only help we can get is through sites like this one because until the goverment/CPS actually realise the harm that false accusers do to a person, then maybe, just maybe it may set a precedent.


      • #4
        If the total cost of a false accusation could be quantified: i.e. not just the investigative, legal, and court fees but the cost to the economy in the loss of the productivity (even if temporary) of the accused person and the (more than likely) drain on welfare resources and professional counselling by the accuser, not to mention the usual requirement for NHS backup for both; then there would possibly be an public outcry, especially when multiple accusations occur.

        I can't even begin to guess at the cost per case but I imagine it will be in the order of around a £million or so.

        Unfortunately lots of folks are making a very good living out of this modern phenomenon and so are unlikely to rock the boat. However wouldn't it be good if, when the judge announced a 'not guilty' verdict he was obliged, at the very least, to announce the legal and court fees incurred, this might make headlines!
        'What doesn't kill you makes you stronger'

