I've not posted before, but have been reading. I will try to summarize the situation.
At the end of March, at 2 am, police knocked on our door, and arrested my DH on suspicion of raping an eight year old child. This was supposed to have happened in 2002. They named the complainant- it was a girl who lived down the road from us at our old house, (we moved in 2004 from the SE to Midlands) a friend of our daughter's. This girl (now 17) had apparently gone into a police station and accused my husband of the most unimaginably horrific crime. She is the same age as my daughter and they used to play out the front together, were in same class at school but didn't really hang about together at school as my daughter said this girl was a 'bit odd'. Anyway, as I said, we moved area in 2004,husband relocated by his firm. we had a big kids leaving party at a local park, which the accuser attended, have photos of her waving us off as we left in the removal van. My daughter remembers them burying a 'time capsule' together in the other girl's back garden.. etc etc. My husband has little or no memory of this child because he was always working! He thinks he may have, in his life, said three words to her! Our son was born prematurely in 2002, the year she said these things took place, and I was therefore at home most of the time. Husband and I have been together since I was 18 he was 20 which is 16 years, I would trust him with my life, my children's lives. Not for one instant did I think he cold have done this, no one who knows him would. But still, they hauled him off in handcuffs, apparently treated him like Jack the Ripper, bailed him til 6th June. Told him social services would be in touch to speak to our daughter, so we told her, poor thing, trying to do her A Levels- and they NEVER came to speak to her. Never imposed any conditions on the bail. Took our laptop and PC but not the kids computers. So we got a letter then just before bail date to say he was rebailed, and then the other day the solicitor called and said it had been NFA'ed, we can pick up our stuff.
We thought we'd feel relieved, but just feel the same. Husband asked the solicitor what we could do now, how can we get this removed from his record- to be told there's nothing we can do. He tried to contact the OIC who pretty much hung up the phone on him. He is so angry and I'm worried that he's going to do something silly. We just don't understand WHY someone would do this. My husband has been down every train of thought- business related sabotage (far fetched I know) but not as far fetched as this being true! Does anyone have any idea as to why a teenage girl would falsely accuse someone she hardly knew? Because we are going crazy wondering. Also my husband is worried that if her family know about it, and believe her, what will they do when they find out it's been dropped? Surely we should feel better but it's just awful. Our youngest son who was prem has health problems and we were saving up to take him to Florida- which we now wont be able to do I think because of this complete lie on my husbands record. It is so so unfair, my daughter summed it up when she text her Dad (step Dad actually but he's been there all her life) that she loved him so much and would fight til her last breath to make sure his name was cleared- but we can do nothing?
Sorry this was long, if anyone has made it this far, thanks. x
I've not posted before, but have been reading. I will try to summarize the situation.
At the end of March, at 2 am, police knocked on our door, and arrested my DH on suspicion of raping an eight year old child. This was supposed to have happened in 2002. They named the complainant- it was a girl who lived down the road from us at our old house, (we moved in 2004 from the SE to Midlands) a friend of our daughter's. This girl (now 17) had apparently gone into a police station and accused my husband of the most unimaginably horrific crime. She is the same age as my daughter and they used to play out the front together, were in same class at school but didn't really hang about together at school as my daughter said this girl was a 'bit odd'. Anyway, as I said, we moved area in 2004,husband relocated by his firm. we had a big kids leaving party at a local park, which the accuser attended, have photos of her waving us off as we left in the removal van. My daughter remembers them burying a 'time capsule' together in the other girl's back garden.. etc etc. My husband has little or no memory of this child because he was always working! He thinks he may have, in his life, said three words to her! Our son was born prematurely in 2002, the year she said these things took place, and I was therefore at home most of the time. Husband and I have been together since I was 18 he was 20 which is 16 years, I would trust him with my life, my children's lives. Not for one instant did I think he cold have done this, no one who knows him would. But still, they hauled him off in handcuffs, apparently treated him like Jack the Ripper, bailed him til 6th June. Told him social services would be in touch to speak to our daughter, so we told her, poor thing, trying to do her A Levels- and they NEVER came to speak to her. Never imposed any conditions on the bail. Took our laptop and PC but not the kids computers. So we got a letter then just before bail date to say he was rebailed, and then the other day the solicitor called and said it had been NFA'ed, we can pick up our stuff.
We thought we'd feel relieved, but just feel the same. Husband asked the solicitor what we could do now, how can we get this removed from his record- to be told there's nothing we can do. He tried to contact the OIC who pretty much hung up the phone on him. He is so angry and I'm worried that he's going to do something silly. We just don't understand WHY someone would do this. My husband has been down every train of thought- business related sabotage (far fetched I know) but not as far fetched as this being true! Does anyone have any idea as to why a teenage girl would falsely accuse someone she hardly knew? Because we are going crazy wondering. Also my husband is worried that if her family know about it, and believe her, what will they do when they find out it's been dropped? Surely we should feel better but it's just awful. Our youngest son who was prem has health problems and we were saving up to take him to Florida- which we now wont be able to do I think because of this complete lie on my husbands record. It is so so unfair, my daughter summed it up when she text her Dad (step Dad actually but he's been there all her life) that she loved him so much and would fight til her last breath to make sure his name was cleared- but we can do nothing?
