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  • #76
    The view I took was that going back to prison was letting them win, and I wasn't going to let them do that easily.
    It makes a big difference having a good PO, and one who is honest and not out to make a name for themselves. You do, however, have to protect yourself and I'd advise keeping notes of all conversations. When you find they don't seem to catch themselves out in lies, then you may have got a good one on which to build some trust.


    • #77

      she seems to be alright at the moment......
      but i dont trust any one ...
      and i have told her this .....
      i suppose she just see's it as she is doing her job......
      i know what u mean about letting them win if you go back inside......


      • #78
        All you can do is take her at face value for the moment, as you don't have anything else to do. There are a number of good ones out there and I may have just been unlucky to get an arsehole. Time will also tell too, once she gets to know you and not just the name behind a conviction, you may well be able to build on some trust with her. It just takes time.
        You will get thru this, because the alternative is just to let the system win, and that's not right.


        • #79
          you are right.....
          i have no other options......
          if in the future i find she didnt have my best interests......
          then i will have to deal with that situation when it arises.....
          at the moment i need to get my head in a good place which i know it is not at the moment......
          ive got the docs coming around again in 20 mins.....
          ive got to convince them that i am feeling better......
          dont want them carting me off....
          ive only known you a short time .......
          but your advice has been invaluable.......


          • #80
            Originally posted by skipton View Post
            if in the future i find she didnt have my best interests......then i will have to deal with that situation when it arises
            Exactly. That's the right attitude to have for now. Worry about worrying later on.


            • #81
              getting ready for the docs now.....
              hope i can stay in touch with you.....
              ill be back on later.....


              • #82
                skipton - is probation trying to get you to do C-GSOP - outside SOTP?

                Also, have you ever tried appealing the conviction?
                People Appealing Convictions of Sexual Offences ~

                PAFAA details ~


                • #83
                  RF, he did mention they've got him doing Better Lives course, which is SOTP which my PO referred to as CSOG.


                  • #84
                    That's the problem with posting on several threads all at once. I have answered this on the other thread.
                    People Appealing Convictions of Sexual Offences ~

                    PAFAA details ~


                    • #85
                      i do remember something about csog......
                      but they were calling it better lives.......


                      • #86
                        how did you get on at the docs?
                        And God promised men that good and obedient wives would be found in all corners of the world. Then made the world round .... and laughed and laughed and laughed ..


                        • #87
                          they seem happy that i have made some progress......
                          compared to when they first seen me......
                          i was in a bad way......
                          but they are still making daily viists......


                          • #88
                            Originally posted by skipton View Post
                            i do remember something about csog......
                            but they were calling it better lives.......

                            You should be doing this in the "3rd person" as otherwise it could impact on any appeal you might attempt in the future.
                            People Appealing Convictions of Sexual Offences ~

                            PAFAA details ~


                            • #89
                              3rd person

                              everything i did and am doing i make it clear that we are in hypothetical situation.......
                              they want me to re-enact the so called offence......
                              but i make it clear it is in as you say a 3rd person situation.....


                              • #90
                                to rflh

                                how has yopur day been......
                                hope something good happened.......could do with cheering up.......

