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  • scared

    i have been out of prison 8 months now...after 5 years inside for a rape i did not commit....can anyone help me....

  • #2
    Hi skipton - what is it you want to know?
    And God promised men that good and obedient wives would be found in all corners of the world. Then made the world round .... and laughed and laughed and laughed ..


    • #3
      Hi Skipton, I'm in the same boat, been convicted of unlawful sex (again I didn't do it) and did 4 years. How can we help?


      • #4

        i dont know how to get my life depressed all the time ....


        • #5
          to late

          im not very good with computers.........but if there is any one here who can help me......i would really appreciate it ....or tell me when the best time to come online is.......


          • #6
            to life sucks

            would it be possible for you to give me some advice when you are not to busy......


            • #7
              I'm not busy at all. PM me if you like. If you click on my name LifeSucks at the top left and send me a private message, I'll help as much as I can. You can go into your inbox by clicking Private Messages at the top right of the screen.

              I've left you a message in your other thread also.


              • #8
                skipton, I know you're not good with computers, but you can always write on here as you have been. The way it works is you post a comment or a question, and we post one back in the same place.
                As you'll see there is a green dot next to your name and my name, that means we are both "here" whereas a grey dot means the person is away.
                I hope that makes sense. LS


                • #9

                  i feel so alone ....i dont know what to do...ive been diagnosed as clinically depressed.....i dont see no future unless the truth comes out


                  • #10
                    Hi I've sent you a message, but you need to see your gp. Depression is not a good place to be, not with this kind of emotional turmoil. You've obviously got a lot worrying you, which is why your gp should be your first port of call.


                    • #11
                      skipton - you do need a gp and get them to send you for counselling. I'm waiting to see a clinical psychologist due to abuse I suffered as a child. Until I can get an appointment I've had contact with several depts - including a Crisis Team and underwent CBT, I'm also seeing a counsellor. There is no shame in accepting help. Depression is an illness the same as any other illness.

                      I've also very recently contemplated suicide and was so close to it that I scare myself by thinking about it now.

                      If you pm me I can give you the email address of a place who provided me with help, just by listening.

                      You're not alone, we do care and we will do our best to help you. Please do not give in to despair.
                      And God promised men that good and obedient wives would be found in all corners of the world. Then made the world round .... and laughed and laughed and laughed ..


                      • #12
                        thank you

                        the crises have been visiting me every day for over a on 4 different type of meds ...but nothing does any good....


                        • #13
                          Just to clarify, RFLH, a Clinical Psychologist is the version who is there to help you.
                          The opposite, as I've explained to skipton on the other thread, is a psychologist employed by probation, who are most definitely NOT there to help. I just thought I'd clarify that so I didn't scare him off seeing a Clinical one.


                          • #14
                            that's ok LS, glad you cleared it up!

                            Skipton - you need medical help and you need it sooner rather than later. I've been in the same place as you and I'm glad I'm moving away from it now.

                            Please go and get an appointment with your GP as soon as you can.
                            And God promised men that good and obedient wives would be found in all corners of the world. Then made the world round .... and laughed and laughed and laughed ..


                            • #15
                              my meds are kicking in now ......iwould like to say a big thank you to both of you....its been good , because i feel so alone, some how it doesntthank you
                              as bad now.....
                              thank you

