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None too pleased

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  • None too pleased

    I know a False Accusation of rape is different, but in the last few days I've seen for myself just how it happens.

    Last year I witnessed a guy shoplifting on a grand scale. It was absolutely blatant, to the point he was clearing items off the shelves into a holdall. Anyway, I alerted the shop staff, who informed the police, and although I didn't get much of a view of the person's face I could describe his clothing well - distinctive black cap with white parts, black coat and a distinctive black bag. Back in January plod rang me to say they'd arrested the perpetrator.

    Although I didn't see enough of his face to give a description of, I could tell he was unshaven and what hair sticking out from under his cap was not blond or red. So when I was instructed to attend court, I hoped there would be other/more evidence to back up mine. Imagine my shock at fnding out (at court) that my evidence was the only evidence there was. On top of that, they only had a photograph of the "suspect," and the only thing he had in common with my description was his gender. The black hat was white, the black coat was now blue, the black bag had turned into a white one without the distinctive markings I'd seen. Wrong person, wrong hat, wrong clothes, wrong bag.

    It could have been an innocent mistake by the police (even though it's of the Huge, Glaring variety), but I'm beginning to wonder if it's similar to my treatment by ****ty Police who made it clear that they were "going to have me for anything." Was this another poor sap who's fallen foul of this separate Police force, and they've almost tried to make the evidence fit around him. Lucky I and the Prosecutor managed to speak before the case progressed, but it could have been so easily cleared up in advance if the police had come to me with their photo six weeks ago and asked me if that was the perpetrator.

    I'm not exactly a happy bunny when I think that my evidence has been totally misrepresented and an innocent person has had a False Accusation hanging over him for the last six weeks. This can happen far to easily, in my opinion.

  • #2
    That's appalling. Definitely sounds like they were just trying to pin it on anyone.
    At least you can rest easy LS, knowing that you did the right thing.
    Is this the "3rd person" you referred to in your reply to Macdougal's NFA?


    • #3
      Yes it is the same person. However, knowing I've done the right thing is little comfort, knowing that he's had the last six weeks of feeling like many on here do. Personally, I feel sort of angry; god knows how the person concerned feels. Next time I see something illegal happening, I'm just going to turn into a monkey of the See No/Hear No variety and walk on by.


      • #4
        Over the years I have been in touch with people (especially black guys) who have been convicted of something and then after the event it seems that witnesses have described either a white person or somebody of mixed race, leaning to the fairer side. The guys I have written to have been really black skinned and also the "wrong" height. One was of mixed race but fair skinned and the description was of somebody who was very black.

        I believe that in some cases the police will pin a crime on anybody who remotely fits the bill in order to gain a "detection" - a step up the ladder of promotion.

        Thankfully not all coppers are like that but it's the bad apples that ruin the reputation of all of them.
        People Appealing Convictions of Sexual Offences ~

        PAFAA details ~

