Too personal or seemingly pointless... I'll try and think of some better questions 
Heres a wee incident that occured in my flat the other night that for the first time since I've been exposed to this community and your plight put the fear of God in me. I hope it doesn't cast me in a bad light but we all have our limits in life.
I live in a flatshare, I hate loud music coming through my walls, moreover I hate loud R&B teen pop music coming through my walls ALL day, ceaseless. I like peace and quite. I like to hear my thoughts.
If you're loud, unhygenic, and messy, irrespective of any other attributes, I will not like you, plain and simple.
And so, this young African girl recently moved into my flat and inhabits a room beside mine, she's sweet enough compared to others I've had the misfortune of sharing with.
She is home all day most days I am at home and she plays loud music from the moment she wakes to late in the evening(she once played 'TLC's - Waterfalls' easily more than thirty times back-to-back. I stopped counting at twenty). My ear plugs are virtuely redundant its so loud, not to mention her speakers are backed against the abutting wall to my room, therefore it sounds as though the music is coming from my room in certain areas of the flat.
I have pollitely asked her numerous times if she would turn it down as I'm trying to work but can't concentrate for the life of me. Her retort is always that she pays rent and she can do what she wants, and she continues by saying that I can do what I want.
Obviously I express that I want peace and quite and a compromise is the solution here. She will turn her music down a notch for the remainder of that day but lo and behold the following day it will be back to the unbearable.
The other night I had endured this music for more than 8 hours whilst trying to write, my output read back as lacklustre, subpar. It was only her and myself in the flat.
Suddenly the stress levels tipped into the red and I expelled a toxic roar and a chain of expletives to vent my frustrtion and calm myself down. I was indignant that she could be so arrogant, so selfish, so inconsiderate. Naturally she didn't hear this.
I went out to get some food and returned to much the of same, bellowing music, different song.
As my food cooked I knocked on her door a bunch of times and called her name, no answer.
Short of kicking in her door or turning off the mains(which I have done before, but doesn't serve me when I need light) I was at a loss what to do. I settled on eating my meal and then going back out for a walk to let it go down.
During preparation of my food I gathered a load of oft-unused plates and shoved them in a uppertier cupboard, one slide off the top and smashed on the tile floor as I skillfully caught another. I went to clear it up there and then but thought **** it, why bother?
Subsequent to my walk an hour or so later she knocked at my door inquiring about the plate and to clean it up. I said I'm doing something now and will tend to it later, my tone prompted her to ask what my problem is? So I told her in no uncertain terms what my problem was: her music. I didn't swear and I was temperate.
On hearing this she burst into a tirade, flinging her hands up in my face, "why do you not come to me if you have a problem?! you are crazy!", it was almost comical, almost.
I explained that I have asked, nicely, on a number of occasions if she could turn down her music and she choose not to, in full knowledge of my grievances.
Then, and this was the catalysit for my later anxiety, she started spitting that I was crazy and lying and she produced her phone exclaiming, "I'm going to phone the police. I'm going to phone the police and cry and tell them you're throwing plates at me and I'm scare you will hit me!"(not verbatim) to which I told her to do just that and we'll see how that unravels. I turned away from her and closed my bedroom door.
As I came back to my laptop I was thinking about how immature she had underscored herself to be... and then it struck me like the power of two planets colliding: What if she does phone the old bill and says I've struck her? What if she claims I tried to sexual force myself upon her? The plate throwing came from nowhere, and then the violence threat, she could be the type to fabricate a story out of malice. What if?... WHAT IF...?
All I could think about was this place and its members. I was clearly drenched in paranoia, but for a good hour or so I ruminated about being questioned, strip searched, swabbed, the whole nine yards. Unrelenting thoughts of quandary.
Not a pleasant feeling, and needless to say its merely a drop in the ocean to what the guys on here have encountered.
I feel like a big fool reading this back because its so trivial, but its testimony to what impact a window into your lives has had on me.
Take care. Stay strong.

Heres a wee incident that occured in my flat the other night that for the first time since I've been exposed to this community and your plight put the fear of God in me. I hope it doesn't cast me in a bad light but we all have our limits in life.
I live in a flatshare, I hate loud music coming through my walls, moreover I hate loud R&B teen pop music coming through my walls ALL day, ceaseless. I like peace and quite. I like to hear my thoughts.
If you're loud, unhygenic, and messy, irrespective of any other attributes, I will not like you, plain and simple.
And so, this young African girl recently moved into my flat and inhabits a room beside mine, she's sweet enough compared to others I've had the misfortune of sharing with.
She is home all day most days I am at home and she plays loud music from the moment she wakes to late in the evening(she once played 'TLC's - Waterfalls' easily more than thirty times back-to-back. I stopped counting at twenty). My ear plugs are virtuely redundant its so loud, not to mention her speakers are backed against the abutting wall to my room, therefore it sounds as though the music is coming from my room in certain areas of the flat.
I have pollitely asked her numerous times if she would turn it down as I'm trying to work but can't concentrate for the life of me. Her retort is always that she pays rent and she can do what she wants, and she continues by saying that I can do what I want.
Obviously I express that I want peace and quite and a compromise is the solution here. She will turn her music down a notch for the remainder of that day but lo and behold the following day it will be back to the unbearable.
The other night I had endured this music for more than 8 hours whilst trying to write, my output read back as lacklustre, subpar. It was only her and myself in the flat.
Suddenly the stress levels tipped into the red and I expelled a toxic roar and a chain of expletives to vent my frustrtion and calm myself down. I was indignant that she could be so arrogant, so selfish, so inconsiderate. Naturally she didn't hear this.
I went out to get some food and returned to much the of same, bellowing music, different song.
As my food cooked I knocked on her door a bunch of times and called her name, no answer.
Short of kicking in her door or turning off the mains(which I have done before, but doesn't serve me when I need light) I was at a loss what to do. I settled on eating my meal and then going back out for a walk to let it go down.
During preparation of my food I gathered a load of oft-unused plates and shoved them in a uppertier cupboard, one slide off the top and smashed on the tile floor as I skillfully caught another. I went to clear it up there and then but thought **** it, why bother?
Subsequent to my walk an hour or so later she knocked at my door inquiring about the plate and to clean it up. I said I'm doing something now and will tend to it later, my tone prompted her to ask what my problem is? So I told her in no uncertain terms what my problem was: her music. I didn't swear and I was temperate.
On hearing this she burst into a tirade, flinging her hands up in my face, "why do you not come to me if you have a problem?! you are crazy!", it was almost comical, almost.
I explained that I have asked, nicely, on a number of occasions if she could turn down her music and she choose not to, in full knowledge of my grievances.
Then, and this was the catalysit for my later anxiety, she started spitting that I was crazy and lying and she produced her phone exclaiming, "I'm going to phone the police. I'm going to phone the police and cry and tell them you're throwing plates at me and I'm scare you will hit me!"(not verbatim) to which I told her to do just that and we'll see how that unravels. I turned away from her and closed my bedroom door.
As I came back to my laptop I was thinking about how immature she had underscored herself to be... and then it struck me like the power of two planets colliding: What if she does phone the old bill and says I've struck her? What if she claims I tried to sexual force myself upon her? The plate throwing came from nowhere, and then the violence threat, she could be the type to fabricate a story out of malice. What if?... WHAT IF...?
All I could think about was this place and its members. I was clearly drenched in paranoia, but for a good hour or so I ruminated about being questioned, strip searched, swabbed, the whole nine yards. Unrelenting thoughts of quandary.
Not a pleasant feeling, and needless to say its merely a drop in the ocean to what the guys on here have encountered.
I feel like a big fool reading this back because its so trivial, but its testimony to what impact a window into your lives has had on me.
Take care. Stay strong.