Alleged rape & sexual assault cases to be reviewed
The criminal justice service is finally waking up to that which many of us who have experienced 'how' police handle such cases of allegation have known for years.
Namely police do not investigate, nor act impartially, or with integrity (or with any bloody honesty) they withhold & ignore evidence routinely.
They set out to build a prosecution case, even if it means ignoring (or burying) deference evidence repeatedly!
IT IS A BLOODY SHAMBLES at best a down right CORRUPT by police at worst! It is endorsed by senior rank up up to the top of the constabulary dung pile.
Oh, by the way HAPPY NEW YEAR! I usually pop by around this time of year.
The police began targeting me in 2004 as an outspoken gay man critical of police homophobia.
It went on for years & years. As a result I ended up here. The ONLY site/place that was supportive
I've had a disability Service Assistance Dog now for two years now, having been clinically & forensically diagnosed with PTSD, severe anxiety, panic attacks.
This as a direct result of catastrophic trauma caused by the vermin Neo-Nazi Homophobic Masonic Mafia like Crime Gang, some of you may call 'police officers'.
I will NEVER trust a police officer for the rest of my life.
They are without exception by membership vermin in uniform in my every experience as a victim of multiple crimes committed against me ALL instigated & encouraged by the men & women in blue.
In my household we genuinely open a bottle of wine & celebrate every single time a Devon & Cornwall police officer dies whilst on duty.
It is one less member of this corrupt, dishonest, bullying, threatening, homophobic, abusive, victimizing, persecutory, obfuscation, & malfeasance riddle organisation on the streets.
Any reduction in their ranks something to be celebrated!
So there must be a lot of persons here on daftmoo finally delighted (& many exonerated) that the way police handle victims of sexual assaut/rape allegation is slowly being acknowledged as, quite frankly sh*t.
Fourteen years on & the adverse impact & effect of false allegation & the vile way police STILL treat gay persons is still having a detrimental effect upon my life.
If I came across a police officer in the gutter, I'd step over the body & leave it there to rot like road kill.
Any with the cloud of false allegation hanging over you I wish you well, take hope...But under NO circumstance trust the police, any of the police.
How many cases thrown out? 900?
The criminal justice service is finally waking up to that which many of us who have experienced 'how' police handle such cases of allegation have known for years.
Namely police do not investigate, nor act impartially, or with integrity (or with any bloody honesty) they withhold & ignore evidence routinely.
They set out to build a prosecution case, even if it means ignoring (or burying) deference evidence repeatedly!
IT IS A BLOODY SHAMBLES at best a down right CORRUPT by police at worst! It is endorsed by senior rank up up to the top of the constabulary dung pile.

Oh, by the way HAPPY NEW YEAR! I usually pop by around this time of year.

The police began targeting me in 2004 as an outspoken gay man critical of police homophobia.
It went on for years & years. As a result I ended up here. The ONLY site/place that was supportive
I've had a disability Service Assistance Dog now for two years now, having been clinically & forensically diagnosed with PTSD, severe anxiety, panic attacks.
This as a direct result of catastrophic trauma caused by the vermin Neo-Nazi Homophobic Masonic Mafia like Crime Gang, some of you may call 'police officers'.
I will NEVER trust a police officer for the rest of my life.
They are without exception by membership vermin in uniform in my every experience as a victim of multiple crimes committed against me ALL instigated & encouraged by the men & women in blue.
In my household we genuinely open a bottle of wine & celebrate every single time a Devon & Cornwall police officer dies whilst on duty.
It is one less member of this corrupt, dishonest, bullying, threatening, homophobic, abusive, victimizing, persecutory, obfuscation, & malfeasance riddle organisation on the streets.
Any reduction in their ranks something to be celebrated!
So there must be a lot of persons here on daftmoo finally delighted (& many exonerated) that the way police handle victims of sexual assaut/rape allegation is slowly being acknowledged as, quite frankly sh*t.
Fourteen years on & the adverse impact & effect of false allegation & the vile way police STILL treat gay persons is still having a detrimental effect upon my life.
If I came across a police officer in the gutter, I'd step over the body & leave it there to rot like road kill.
Any with the cloud of false allegation hanging over you I wish you well, take hope...But under NO circumstance trust the police, any of the police.
How many cases thrown out? 900?