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'Mongolian Warriors had the courage of lions, the patience of hounds, the prudence of cranes, the long-sightedness of ravens, the wildness of wolves, the passion of fightingcocks, the keenness of cats, the fury of wild boars and the cunning of foxes.' BE A MONGOLIAN WARRIOR WHEN DEFENDING YOUR INNOCENCE!
It does represent a "challenge". Especially the legal side of it. A fit for purpose system? No. Police refusing to investigate evidence that proves innocence. Just interested in doing their job with the minimal of effort yet living off our taxes.
21st century problems being handled by a 16th Century mind set & professional "education". Setting up another innocent generation to suffer parental alienation & struggle on 80 years on the planet with that struggle as to why they do not have Fathers. This is just not right.
Cor that really does sting. Motivated to resolve, you can bet your "last dollar & your axe" on this one.
Take care & hopefully Maddii can help ventilate the problem onto the public stage.
I am conscious of the thread hijack but just to say a big "I am very proud of my daughter" comment.
In ABE interview for over a hour my daughter said 7 times she "had had enough" as per Police instruction. Police ignored her requests. My daughter got up & left the room! She is 5 & showed a blessedly determined spirit.
6 months on for a second ABE after Mother has worked on her for that time, she too demonstrated a keenness to leave. She is conflicted over telling a lie. The Police advice was "if you do not know say "I don't know"". What were most of my daughters answers? "I don't know".
Some disclosure was made due to coaching from Mum (however) but none of it consistent (to a very heavily embellished Mother's statement that was more graphic than graffiti) & not taken forward as the context was just too chaotic. When recapping Police retold the "story" (their words). Carolyn responded to the allegation that I did perform a certain act "No of course not!"
I cannot say the wife will not try for a 3rd time (especially when daughter has to leave her private school (which she likes) due to the cost of divorce & litigation). However so far, so good.
Fact Finding Hearing Oct. Hopefully I will be allowed to prove my innocence. Home Lost. Daughter's private education lost. Reputation damaged. All for a house that I would of given the wife if she has asked. Well well...
They interviewed a 5-year-old for an hour??!! And ignored her requests to stop? That's appalling! What a resilient and determined little girl she is! No wonder you are proud of her. She knows the difference between truth and lies better than many adults.
Well done to her!!
'Mongolian Warriors had the courage of lions, the patience of hounds, the prudence of cranes, the long-sightedness of ravens, the wildness of wolves, the passion of fightingcocks, the keenness of cats, the fury of wild boars and the cunning of foxes.' BE A MONGOLIAN WARRIOR WHEN DEFENDING YOUR INNOCENCE!
Well done Mr B and thank you for being brave enough to make contact.
As the spouse if someone falsely accused I can't help with this unless Maddii wants to talk to family members, but it seems you have covered everything that applies to you and accusations borne out of divorce very comprehensively. There are so many different types of FA. The only thing I would ask therefore, is if Maddii expressed an interest in talking to anyone who has been falsely accused outside of a marital relationship. A teenaged boy accused by his teenaged girlfriend? A one night stand? An historical accusation from an adult child complaining of an 'event' from decades ago? Siblings accusing one another? Accusations by the mentally ill?
They all bring their own and different issues, and it would be good I think, if Maddii explores as much as she can.
Thank you though for your input. Too often these things go nowhere because no-one is willing to take part.
I'm definitely keen to talk to more people including family members of people falsely accused and people accused from one night stands etc. Please do drop me an email. maddii.lown@sky.uk
I've been away from the forum for a while,but this seems interesting/positive.
It's a dangerous but possibly worth while step to take though!
I can only see change IF FA risks are behaviours are known. It is an unequal struggle. So, with the application of common sense & staying on message with a focus relevant to the channel & the ability of the audience to absorb via that channel, we at least get the situation exposed.
Writing letters to the PM & MP whilst individually noble, without some crude orchestration, this initiative can be ignored. Public opinion cannot. Preventing FA yet not impeding true allegation could be considered difficult. However if common sense & diligence is actually applied it is perfectly possible to be professionally independent & look for facts & let them tell the story.
At present all Accusers are believed. On 22 Dec 2015 I was accused. This can happen to anybody (usually male though from what I see, however the indirect impacts affect both genders). Is that fair? Is that serving "natural justice" as opposed to the artificial version executed in the legal process? It is a perverse & twisted mind that executes FA knowing full well that the weight of the law designed to protect the FA is being used as weapon. Those that maintain the law should execute significant stewardship of it. However this is NOT done. Saville has a lot to answer for. The Police have even more to answer for. They appear to be highly variable in their capability to steward the law in this regard. A court exist to dispense justice but also to prevent injustice.
Historically a person's reputation was paramount to him doing business. Even now, visiting countries with poor record keeping infrastructure, your reputation opens doors. People will look after you IF you have a good reputation. Destroy that & you are lost. Hence there WAS a selection pressure to keep a good reputation & it was defended by society as a whole.
Now with record keeping being far more advanced in the UK, reputation's are devalued as the record trail "proves" that something did or did not happen. The value society puts on reputation is less. Crudely put certain brands had a good reputation in say the 1950's yet now are produced in China with a loss of the quality that they once had.
It appears the same ablation of respect for reputation is happening socially. Just my thoughts.
Mr B
I'm definitely keen to talk to more people including family members of people falsely accused and people accused from one night stands etc. Please do drop me an email. maddii.lown@sky.uk
I will send you a PM when that facility is available to you.
'Mongolian Warriors had the courage of lions, the patience of hounds, the prudence of cranes, the long-sightedness of ravens, the wildness of wolves, the passion of fightingcocks, the keenness of cats, the fury of wild boars and the cunning of foxes.' BE A MONGOLIAN WARRIOR WHEN DEFENDING YOUR INNOCENCE!
Hi all
I've been off the forum for a while ; trying to recover from the horror of last year. Our son's case ended correctly e.g. Unanimous NG .... but the bitterness, corruption and unfairness of the whole system which lets our whole country down still lingers deep.
Just looked in to see how others are doing and this post intrigues me.
If there is any way you can bring this meaningfully to the attention of the public (most importantly the political elite & law makers ) so they see the catastrophic impact on innocent people and their families, resulting from the presumption of GUILT that is now inherent in these cases, I would be interested in talking to you & will pm you
It's all swung way too far !
If someone lies in an insurance claim they get prosecuted but FA's get protection via life long anonymity
One of the PAFAA FB members has been interviewed by Maddi and it will be aired later this month. Hopefully a link will be posted just before it is aired so people can watch it.
One of the PAFAA FB members has been interviewed by Maddi and it will be aired later this month. Hopefully a link will be posted just before it is aired so people can watch it.
Did any more ever happen with this? I never saw a link alerting people to the programme. Did it all come to nothing?
'Mongolian Warriors had the courage of lions, the patience of hounds, the prudence of cranes, the long-sightedness of ravens, the wildness of wolves, the passion of fightingcocks, the keenness of cats, the fury of wild boars and the cunning of foxes.' BE A MONGOLIAN WARRIOR WHEN DEFENDING YOUR INNOCENCE!