It could also be a very very very negative thought inspiring article.
Take from it what you may. What happened to the lady involved is sad regardless of what the eventual outcome in the criminal matter was, nobody should take their life for justice or injustice.
I am sharing it not to take a moral high ground or show that this is some kind of 'result'. I am sharing it so that others can read it and take from it what they will. If you are guilty to a degree then please please consider your accuser when you are fighting your corner. If you are innocent then please also consider your corner when fighting to prove your innocence. Lives go on regardless of what the legal profession piles onto them.
Taking ones life is something that every single person accused of a sexual crime at least considers, I've dwelled in and out of it ever since my false accusation and I believe it to be completely normal. How's about considering the other side of the coin for a moment? Someone that believes enough that they were wronged and fight to right the injustice they feel they have suffered?
I know that there are a lot of cunning liars out there as well as twisted minds seeking revenge. I could be held all day to debate almost every angle conceivable with regards to sexual offences or motoring offences for that matter... The piece that is simply difficult to grasp here is that someone has taken their life. It's not a laughing matter, it's not a justice, it's not a result. it's not anything other than the needless loss of a fellow human being.
She could have been lying or she could have been 100% accurate, she's now dead.
If anyone on here is feeling suicidal then share it with us all. Take your time to understand that it is normal. Bridges, motorways, drugs, knives, ropes, potentially even guns are NOT the answer. You can go to hell and back but your life is not over until you are dead! I've said it before, I've been in the position of believing the absolute worst and I've been beyond near to actually doing it BUT suicide is not the answer!
Whether you be a victim or perpetrator or falsely accused person it makes no difference. You are ALIVE. The state do not kill people! You cannot be sentenced to death! You can spend a few years in jail at worst and then live a ruined life or a happy life or whatever life you are physically and mentally able to live but you are ALIVE. Equally, if you've been a victim of sexual abuse or rape do not give your life to the person that's stolen whatever it is you believe you have lost. I lack the knowledge of 'victim' so please excuse my ignorance.
Fight whatever battle it is you need to fight and if you loose then you loose. Pick up whatever is left and carry on living.
Seek help. Seek assurance. Do whatever you need to do but do not commit suicide. If the first person doesn't listen to you then go to the second. If you need to scream in the street DO IT!
That is the lesson I want everyone to take away from that article. I am posting it for that very reason.
Take from it what you may. What happened to the lady involved is sad regardless of what the eventual outcome in the criminal matter was, nobody should take their life for justice or injustice.
I am sharing it not to take a moral high ground or show that this is some kind of 'result'. I am sharing it so that others can read it and take from it what they will. If you are guilty to a degree then please please consider your accuser when you are fighting your corner. If you are innocent then please also consider your corner when fighting to prove your innocence. Lives go on regardless of what the legal profession piles onto them.
Taking ones life is something that every single person accused of a sexual crime at least considers, I've dwelled in and out of it ever since my false accusation and I believe it to be completely normal. How's about considering the other side of the coin for a moment? Someone that believes enough that they were wronged and fight to right the injustice they feel they have suffered?
I know that there are a lot of cunning liars out there as well as twisted minds seeking revenge. I could be held all day to debate almost every angle conceivable with regards to sexual offences or motoring offences for that matter... The piece that is simply difficult to grasp here is that someone has taken their life. It's not a laughing matter, it's not a justice, it's not a result. it's not anything other than the needless loss of a fellow human being.
She could have been lying or she could have been 100% accurate, she's now dead.
If anyone on here is feeling suicidal then share it with us all. Take your time to understand that it is normal. Bridges, motorways, drugs, knives, ropes, potentially even guns are NOT the answer. You can go to hell and back but your life is not over until you are dead! I've said it before, I've been in the position of believing the absolute worst and I've been beyond near to actually doing it BUT suicide is not the answer!
Whether you be a victim or perpetrator or falsely accused person it makes no difference. You are ALIVE. The state do not kill people! You cannot be sentenced to death! You can spend a few years in jail at worst and then live a ruined life or a happy life or whatever life you are physically and mentally able to live but you are ALIVE. Equally, if you've been a victim of sexual abuse or rape do not give your life to the person that's stolen whatever it is you believe you have lost. I lack the knowledge of 'victim' so please excuse my ignorance.
Fight whatever battle it is you need to fight and if you loose then you loose. Pick up whatever is left and carry on living.
Seek help. Seek assurance. Do whatever you need to do but do not commit suicide. If the first person doesn't listen to you then go to the second. If you need to scream in the street DO IT!
That is the lesson I want everyone to take away from that article. I am posting it for that very reason.
