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I hate the woman and will never agree with anything she says, even if it's quite agreeable... I'll change my opinions/views before I cosy up with that woman.
Anyways... My posting was written over a year ago when I was still 'raw' (not long post charge) so some of my views were heavily clouded.
Not a lot's really changed since..............
Still hate esther though... Won't even capitalise the witches name or check if I've spelled it correctly....
Most definitely with you on that score chum, and was lucky enough to meet her a few years back and tell her quite how much I detest her. Sad?, yes but it did my mental health a lot of good.
Most definitely with you on that score chum, and was lucky enough to meet her a few years back and tell her quite how much I detest her. Sad?, yes but it did my mental health a lot of good.
She was on BBC News 24 either yesterday or the day before...
I couldn't find the remote so had to listen to her talking bull for about 2-3mins and constantly trying to sell her childline to 'any kids that might be watching'....
Every movement of her mouth sickened and repulsed me. She made absolutely no valuable input and instead tried to encourage all the abused kids to come forward and report crimes to her childline...
I'm not one to think that crimes of any nature should go unreported, it was the way she was implying that 'childline' was the saviour of the world... If children are having any difficulties at all then a visit to their local Police station should be their first AND ONLY act. Adding childline into the equation could result in a child being misled by an incompetent phone operator either into reporting a non-crime, fabricating additional pieces to what they believe is a crime in order to make it a crime or even not reporting something that clearly is a crime...
The only port of call is the Police. They are qualified and have the necessary resources.
I'm sure Esther makes a handsome living from her childline charity and it also gives her a nice public profile. I am by no means doubting that she does these things for genuine reasons but I cannot help but think that the additional 'status' it brings her is really what she seeks. Self-righteous moron!
I'm not one to think that crimes of any nature should go unreported, it was the way she was implying that 'childline' was the saviour of the world... If children are having any difficulties at all then a visit to their local Police station should be their first AND ONLY act. Adding childline into the equation could result in a child being misled by an incompetent phone operator either into reporting a non-crime, fabricating additional pieces to what they believe is a crime in order to make it a crime or even not reporting something that clearly is a crime...
The only port of call is the Police. They are qualified and have the necessary resources.
Really got to disagree with you. I think Childline is an amazing resource. I rang them a couple of times when I was younger and it was the fact they were not related to any statutory agencies that made it possible for me to open up. I have no experience of them in terms of talking about things which could be interpreted as crimes or which are crimes. As I understand it, volunteer counsellors have substantial training which should hopefully prevent children being misled and reporting a crime that never happened. For children who have experienced abuse going straight to the police can be scary. They may not know how to report a crime and crucially (and this comes from personal experience) police may not take them seriously. I recognise that there may be issues with childline volunteers encouraging a child to report what isn't really a crime but this is speculation (unless you know of any cases where it has happened?)
"I dreamt I went to the doctor's and she gave me eight minutes to live. I'd been sitting in the f**king waiting room half an hour." Sarah Kane (4.48 Psychosis)
Really got to disagree with you. I think Childline is an amazing resource. I rang them a couple of times when I was younger and it was the fact they were not related to any statutory agencies that made it possible for me to open up. I have no experience of them in terms of talking about things which could be interpreted as crimes or which are crimes. As I understand it, volunteer counsellors have substantial training which should hopefully prevent children being misled and reporting a crime that never happened. For children who have experienced abuse going straight to the police can be scary. They may not know how to report a crime and crucially (and this comes from personal experience) police may not take them seriously. I recognise that there may be issues with childline volunteers encouraging a child to report what isn't really a crime but this is speculation (unless you know of any cases where it has happened?)
I agree with you disagreeing with me.
I was out of line, sorry.
I just hate anything to do with that woman and unfortunately Childline bore the brunt of it.
Sorry and thank you for adding in a more valid view of the services they provide.
I am now taking it from another angle, writing it from the angle of the false accuser. It is a strangely therapeutic approach. I think I am crediting her with a little too much conscience but it's going to end up being a work of fiction based on experience rather than a log of my actual experience.
Have given this much thought, and can only congratulate you.
I'm currently re-editing seven pages of close typed rant/blog which ends up as an open letter from me to her.
It's strangely therapeutic to write. Hope that you are in an OK place. You know where I am.
Cathartic even. Not strange at all. I think deep down, one just needs them to see it... perhaps even react....
Yus thanks. No running this week, which is undisciplined and unmotivated, but two gigs, which is great. Hope all's going to go well with work.
Last edited by just married; 18 January 2013, 07:09 PM.