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Esther Rantzen's article on 'Operation Yewtree'
Wrote the following over a year ago (hint at the end surrounding the mentioning of 2012...)
At least Esther is happy...
What has happened to Britain where an innocent man or woman can have their life swung around to slap them in the face in the matter of a few hours?
Where an innocent and naive attitude and outlook is twisted into meaning a controlling and manipulating mind cleverly hidden where nobody that knows the person has ever seen it.
We're greeted on a continuous basis with horrific newspaper exclusives and television headlines portraying someone to have the ultimate in sly and perverted behaviour towards others, be they children, relatives or strangers in the street.
It is easy to get drawn into believing everything which is reported as it helps us feel better about ourselves and more 'normal' in our operating capacity within society. There is however a problem, we have a massively biased press which are basically entitled to print almost anything should someone be found guilty before a court of law. No sooner is the heinous criminal carted out the building in a plasma television laden van than a reporter somewhere is piecing together a story that will beat all previous stories and provide details sick enough to turn even the most hardened stomach.
It won't matter if it's true or not, the 'criminal' is away to suffer the consequences of their vulgar behaviour and nobody is really all that interested in what they have to say even if they did say something. Problem is of course, they aren't allowed to say anything as the media blackout anything that could possibly de-sensationalise the story and so deny them selling a few extra copies of their lies.
What goes on in court is not particularly exciting or anything special. A judge sits with a wig on and a funny "I'm more superior than you" attitude listening to a mid-twenties girl painting a picture of horror and betrayal from the prosecution side of the table whilst a defence solicitor attempts to keep her under control and stop her running out of breath with her three hundred words a minute expression and dictation of clear guilt aimed at the accused.
This would all be very well were it not for the fact that those in the court actually give her the time and attention that she so clearly seeks. They listen to her intently and build up a mental image of the information provided before accepting it all as fact and then looking towards the defence as if the case is sign, sealed and delivered with only a little in the way of mitigation being expected of them.
Time and time again an accused person leaves court being found guilty on little more than words. No forensics, no CCTV, no clearly injured party and, really, no crime having been committed.
Non-crimes are great. The state can clean them up, fine or jail the offender and then slam the door and start on the next 'victim' ready for processing. Actual 'evidence' is something that doesn't matter as long as the description of what's happened seems reasonable and the defence team don't get access to information in time. Nobody really hurts and plenty of people get rich, REALLY rich.
Entire Police departments are setup and employ literally thousands of people in the 'front line' to bring offenders in. No real crimes need to actually be committed, just 'statutory' ones. Minor inconveniences which need to be sorted out. Of course if the offender has previously been charged with something either similar or completely unrelated then it is time to 'escalate' proceedings as obviously they haven't learned from their previous experiences. So we have graduated offending whereby if someone doesn't actually see the harm caused by their offending, either because there isn't any or because the harm was on a 'what if' basis, then their low level offending can quickly be escalated into full scale serial offending.
The Police are all being paid continuously whether the cases go to court or are forgotten about or someone uses the report as toilet paper before it actually leaves the desk for the correct 'outbox'. When it goes to the prosecutor it doesn't really matter where it goes from there either as the prosecutor still gets paid regardless of their worth or use. The courts are always going to be there and the little people with wigs on will always look ridiculous and their little backroom servants will constantly mill around even if it's just to deliver fresh water to his lordship...
The defender meanwhile is left in limbo until someone along this long gravy train decides whether to prosecute or not, when to prosecute and where to prosecute. The statements will all be compiled into a self-serving admittal of guilt whereby if the accused wishes any chance of a fair hearing then they had better have a large wallet in order to inject some cash into the other train that's running parallel to the one already in motion. Defence solicitors and their armies of future pension drawing followers.
That of course is if you're lucky enough to find yourself as an accused person and actually have a job! It's quite a feat these days to be able to be both at once... The state truly love getting their hands into a working accused as they fork out over inflated rates for a solicitor and can still be stung for big bucks in fines when eventually beaten into submission and told they are guilty. Hell, fines are better than jail right?
If you just so happen to find yourself unemployed and accused then we all have a problem. The states relentless money making prosecuting express train still pays all its workers for their perseverance in bringing an offender to justice regardless of actual cost. The offender however doesn't fork out any money and instead enlists the taxpayer as the tab collector for mounting a defence. Legal Aid pays a solicitor to have a fourth holiday for the year in return for providing a meaningless defence or bullying the accused into pleading guilty at the earliest opportunity so that the accused can get a discount on sentence. A DISCOUNT! The solicitor can then proceed onto the next chosen state victim and start all over again, aiming for the fifth holiday.
Now it's not good enough that thousands of individuals are getting very rich sensationalising meaningless crimes. There is room for serious crimes too. Serious crimes appear to require even less evidence than minor ones. Rape, for instance, appears to require less evidence than an everyday speeding offence yet the consequences of conviction are far greater. The crime cannot be played down as it is a sickening breach of an individual's personal space and well being but again, there is an issue...
To add to the thousands of individuals already getting rich there has to be even more people. Social workers, befrienders, medical professionals, counsellors and the lobbyist groups... The lobbyists have to be there, the adverts on the television have to be disgusting and gut wrenching and they just have to have 'charity' status to give them the whiter than white appearance that only comes with the territory. The public are supporting the two trains already hurtling along their tracks and yet they're led like sheep into donating money to 'further the cause' for all those so badly affected.
This in itself is not particularly bad. I would expect, if something happened to me , to be treated with dignity and respect whilst receiving all the help available. There are those in society however that seek attention and all the extras that go with it even though nothing has ever happened to them. There are those, like the manipulative and cunning criminals, who seek out victimhood as the rewards are simply too great to be ignored for the little effort that is required from them.
A false accusation of rape, which really needs little REAL evidence to prosecute, could result in the victim getting £11000. Yes, that's eleven THOUSAND pounds. The accused doesn't even need to be found guilty! It just needs to be found 'more likely than not to have happened'...
So, a few lies down the station, no court case, an application for some compo and it's time for a party whilst the accused is contemplating suicide as their entire life has just been brought to a standstill, their partners left them with the kids and their immediate family are looking at them with doubt.
Everyone else is getting rich whilst they can't face even waking up in the morning...
Say the victim decides that the money is taking too long to arrive or the Police are somehow motivated and competent enough to suss out a liar and decides that there really is no case to be answered. The accused doesn't get ANYTHING, not a single penny. It's fair enough to walk away having avoided a fine or a jail sentence but a false accusation of this type literally destroys lives. Does the state care? No, they incentivise it by offering £11000 to the victim whilst the real victim looses everything.
So, what are the answers to the many issues that society is facing with regards to criminals? Well, crime has to be stopped and criminals forced to pay. Lately there seems to have been a lot of work towards community sentences whereby offenders are made to work within the community either tidying up rubbish or painting things or whatever else is simple and relatively easy. This is all good but there hasn't been any reduction in council tax or other immediate bills as far as I can see so where have the cost savings gone? No doubt they are being swallowed up by the courts and prosecution and Police bringing even more offenders to justice in the vane hope that soon ALL of us will be on a community payback order meaning that David Cameron and his incompetent followers can succeed in their dreams for the 'Big Society'...
My answer? Short of an all out revolution we are running out of answers. The state machine is a well oiled controlling waste of resources that sustains the lives of far too many at the expense of everyone else, returning it to a more humane and liberal cycle is impossible.
Happy New Year 2012.Last edited by lawlessone2009; 9 January 2013, 01:01 PM.Wow... A signature option!
Originally posted by Faith View PostNot often I find myself agreeing with Esther Rantzen...but on this occasion, she has a point
Anyways... My posting was written over a year ago when I was still 'raw' (not long post charge) so some of my views were heavily clouded.
Not a lot's really changed since..............
Still hate esther though... Won't even capitalise the witches name or check if I've spelled it correctly....Wow... A signature option!
I never read her article... Just in case you think I'm an a-hole or something. If she is talking about something serious then please understand that I am in no way belittling whatever she is talking about.
I just seen her name mentioned, remembered my 'writing' and thought I'd share it... Since everyone's reading stuff...Wow... A signature option!
Trust me, I have no soft spot for the woman. She's a hatred and mob inciter if ever there was one, no matter how flowery she tries to come across.
However, her point in the article that accused celebrities should not automatically be reported under the heading of Yewtree as that automatically makes people assume they are paedophiles...when many of them are actually accused of different crimes which do not relate to children at all.
However, I would of course go a step further and suggest the radical notion that none of their names should be mentioned until there's a conviction but that's like wishing for snow in July."Be sure your sin will find you out"
Numbers 32:23
Nice one, lawless...
Not forgetting the industry rehousing, and providing benefits to the 'victim' (please note the inverted commas). Church run, council run, housing-association run, subsidized, government-funded, and with charitable status. Then also not forgetting the medical attention necessary to support the same 'victim', as they struggle to come to terms with starting a new life after such trauma.
I've been starting to edit up some kind of blog/journal on another site with a view to possibly publishing to whoever will listen. Or not. My problem, my FA being just over 9 months ago, my NFA, 7, is the heartbreak still ridiculously keeps flickering in and out.
Not much of a problem compared to most.
A bit off thread, I know, but just to acknowledge your writing from last year.Last edited by just married; 9 January 2013, 07:19 PM.I'm not ready to make nice
Not a bad idea to compile your writings, even if it only turns out to just be for your own therapy.
I started working on a novel based on my experience but as I was writing is as the character who represented me, describing the feelings was much too raw.
I am now taking it from another angle, writing it from the angle of the false accuser. It is a strangely therapeutic approach. I think I am crediting her with a little too much conscience but it's going to end up being a work of fiction based on experience rather than a log of my actual experience."Be sure your sin will find you out"
Numbers 32:23
[QUOTE=Faith;35916] Not a bad idea to compile your writings, even if it only turns out to just be for your own therapy.
I started working on a novel based on my experience but as I was writing is as the character who represented me, describing the feelings was much too raw.
I am now taking it from another angle, writing it from the angle of the false accuser. QUOTE]
I've taken my few pages down again... It's way too ranty.... but how to not try to sensationalize this kind of torment.... No-one who's not been touched by this would have a clue apart from their own prejudices.
Your 'another angle' will take me a while to get my head around, but I will.
I'm still in part trying to reason with a terminated relationship...... in these internet days.
I'm quietly back into running again, done 4 consecutive days of my 7.5 kms route..... quietly (shhhh!) pleased with myself. Friend on bicycle came with me on Weds in the role of trainer, and knocked 6 or 7 minutes off the previous day's time... Not bad for January.
By the way, a lovely friend brought round their lovely child a coupla days ago.... delightful day! And real nice new' hope' thoughts upon waking the following morning, instead of the usual nohope cycle.
Counselling remains ongoing..... overall, all is ok.
Wedding anniversary...... 11th.Jan. No appropriate emoticon available. Paint it black. x
ps. damn nice writing of lawless's up there.Last edited by just married; 10 January 2013, 02:39 AM.I'm not ready to make nice
Originally posted by just married View Posthopin' all's good with you.
(Sorry - gone off topic again)
"Only love can light the mirror of your soul" - Chris de Burgh
Originally posted by just married View PostHey mh, thanks.
I ran (and walked) around 1,000 miles along by the Thames last year to help clear my head. I'm very quietly testing the water to see if I can maybe think about continuing.
hopin' all's good with you.
Do not test the water!!!!!
Thames water is VERY dirty and touching the stuff will most likely result in death or serious injury.
Do not go near the water.
Wow... A signature option!
Originally posted by lawlessone2009 View PostKeep back from the water!!!!!!
Do not test the water!!!!!
Thames water is VERY dirty and touching the stuff will most likely result in death or serious injury.
Do not go near the water.
Very cold, too.
ps. poor old esther's been usurped.I'm not ready to make nice