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Woman jailed over rape claim lies

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  • Woman jailed over rape claim lies

    From BBC News (12th November 2009):

    Woman jailed over rape claim lies

    A woman who claimed she was a nurse has been jailed for making false allegations of rape against three men.

    Christina Dallison, 27, from Woodgate, Leicester, was sentenced to two years in prison at the city's crown court for perverting the course of justice.

    She approached one of the men in a job centre and told him she was a nurse, but later confessed she was an escort.

    Judge Michael Fowler told her: "Your acts are a betrayal of the victims of genuine rape."

    All of the victims, men in their 30s and 40s, had to live for several months with the rape allegations hanging over them, Leicester Crown Court was told.

    Judge Fowler added the rape claims "put in the minds of people that false allegations are in some way commonplace. We know they are not."

  • #2
    longer sentances

    Im glad to see ever since the Jennifer Day case back in June 2009 and her failed appeal. The judges in this country all appear to be giving 2 years in prison as the defacto sentence. Whilst it may not seem a lot if you have been through one of these false allegations but its a damn sight better than the **** 6 and 9 month sentences they used to hand out.

