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Man appeals to sue his rape accuser

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  • #16
    This situation wouldn't happen if the system had done its job properly, too often cases go to court and the Crown know their clients have lied, even to the extent of editing the lies exaggerations and contradictions out in transcripts - aiding and abetting the crime and criminal.

    I accept Saffron anyone should and has the right to post, it makes for a more meaningful and interesting debate, however one should understand the failures of the system and the damage it promotes even supports and sponsors

    It is no surprise some real victims are afraid of the system as much as anyone falsely accused, you read so many reports of trials where the accused was guilty by admitted the crime YET maintained their innocence?

    Why should anyone have the right to a trial when their admit their crime? Can or should a jury find someone innocent of any crime they admit they committed? That is simply incomprehensible and preposterous.


    • #17
      if someone was allowed to privately sue someone who accused them of a crime even if the accuser had not been found guilty of perverting the course of justice etc then it would descend into chaos. the system, no matter how flawed, is meant to be even. both parties need to be working in the same framework for it to have any meaning. he was emotionally damaged by the criminal systems treatment of her accusation. if they had not charged him etc then her accusation would have been nothing more than libelous in which case civil court would have been the appropriate place to sue and she would have been the appropriate person to sue.
      "I dreamt I went to the doctor's and she gave me eight minutes to live. I'd been sitting in the f**king waiting room half an hour." Sarah Kane (4.48 Psychosis)


      • #18
        im fed up of reading how we cannot sue people who make false accusations as it will deter women who have been genuinely raped, money is not the answer, instead of suing we need to ask why the cps and police bring charges against people based upon no evidence whatsoever and in such a very public way, i dont think the victims of rape or the person falsely accused needs money , the victims of rape want justice and to see their perpetrators face jails and the people accused falsely want their records wiped clean so how does money solve anything? in all seriousness educate me on this (not said sarcastically as Im here to learn)

        being falsely accused is like being mentally assaulted, sorry if thats offensive but i feel devastated and violated and traumatised and it wasnt even me who was facing charges but my husband

        i feel dirty and imperfect what do you all make of that???

        am i going to get compensations, counselling a nice big fat cheque no im bloody well not and neither do i want any of those things

        the biggest injustice is against my totally innocent children, i think no matter what happens to grown up men or women there has to be SOME change regarding anonymity for the accused .

        if a person is found guilty then anonymity can be lifted but prior to that zilch, this **** about it encourages other victims to come forward needs to be dropped, at the moment it encourages anyone with a grudge against the accused to come crawling out of the woodwork with glee

        regardless of whether the accused is guilty or not if there are children involved under 18 then it should stay PRIVATE , why should children be made to suffer from a police investigation regardless of the outcome for everyone involved?

        if a person is charged it goes public which is TOTALLY WRONG and the children face untold difficulties thats my first gripe

        i also think it should remain anonymnous for the accused as well as it affects the whole family not just the accused

        i have edited this post as best as i can so as not to cause offence to people suffering from a genuine assault
        Last edited by depressedwife49; 14 September 2009, 07:46 AM.


        • #19
          p.s. frank when i posted about my husbands charges being dropped on another thread , your reply was "thats very nice but you know this forum shouldnt just be a shoulder to cry on" and you made me go grrrrrr as well

          please think before you tell other people what they should feel or type, forums are for us to express ourselves not to take swipes at other peoples feelings, and we dont all want to be political activists ,

          what we do want is to be able to put our trust in a efficient fair system so that we dont have to become criminal law specialists overnight, its a bit like going to the doctor and having your arm stitched up i dont want to have to go home and perform plastic surgery blue peter style on a wonky line of stitches


          • #20
            Hi Depressed Wife

            Believe me, many of us on this forum are on your side and agree with you. Unfortunately the law is the law and there is not much any of us can do about it.

            FG is no long on this forum so hopefully there will be no way he can cause offence to you and others, again.

            I am sorry but I cannot recall your story at the moment, I've recently moved house (all very traumatic) and also am now unwell.

            I am also busy catching up with appeal (and one pre-trial) work. If you would like further advice maybe you would like to PM me a brief background to your hubby's case and where it is at now?

            People Appealing Convictions of Sexual Offences ~

            PAFAA details ~


            • #21
              i Depressed Wife, having been in the same position myself I know exactly how you feel. Our lass had to move school in the exam year, needless to say it caused unnecessary trauma for her and has affected her life since.

              It's a shame that people don't understand the ripple effect - they're not hurting one person, its that person's family. The strain is immense and ever afterwards its the 'no smoke withouit fire' that's the final straw to many relationships. The hurt and stress goes on.

              Money isn't the answer - anonimity and justice is.
              And God promised men that good and obedient wives would be found in all corners of the world. Then made the world round .... and laughed and laughed and laughed ..


              • #22
                Those who lie from malice (and for money) don't actually care who they hurt or how far the ripples are cast.

                Some however are really shocked when people they thought would "side" with them do not. Possibly because they are known liars so the extra one that causes damage is not believed.
                People Appealing Convictions of Sexual Offences ~

                PAFAA details ~


                • #23
                  anominity I agree with even though I have been raped. I would hate to see my rapists pictures and full names in the press. It would damage my life too if that was to happen and I can't really understand why any person who has been raped would want their rapist named and shamed so to speak because it just makes things more painful.

                  Money money money... hmmmm its the bain of the system. Any amount of money could not comppensate for what I have been through as its me who hahs it all logged in my head and unless somone could magic it all away then that would be priceless let me tell ya....

                  Compensation if any should be done quietly and discreetly and not be headline news in the press.. but on the other hand the tax payer including myself would like to know where my money goes... acces to compensation expenditure are available so that ok... just checked. I think money would be a very welcoming factor for false rape accusations. It does need to be hush hush.
                  Life is full of options is just choosing the right one thats hard....

