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Policeman's daughter 'cried rape after night with ex-lover'

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  • Policeman's daughter 'cried rape after night with ex-lover'

    A policeman's daughter who had a sordid one-night stand with an ex-boyfriend cried rape the morning after, a court was told.

    Alex Warren was arrested and locked up for 22 hours after Tracey Knowles made her bogus complaint, the court heard.

    He had not seen her for six months after ending their relationship because he feared she was becoming too serious about him. They had, however, been in touch through a social networking website and on the night in question, met up in a bar.

    Rape allegation: Alex Warren, right, said he was horrified by the claims made by his ex-girlfriend, Tracey Knowles,

    Afterwards they went back to Mr Warren's house, where they had 'some very uninhibited sex indeed', Lisa Hennessy, prosecuting, told the court.

    But the next morning the atmosphere soured when Mr Warren refused to give Knowles a lift home, she said.

    They parted on 'less than friendly terms' before Knowles told her boyfriend and a friend that she had been raped. When she told her parents, they contacted police.

    Miss Hennessy played part of Knowles's video interview with police to the jury at Gloucester Crown Court.

    In it Knowles claimed Mr Warren tied her hands to the posts of his four-poster bed, ignored her pleas that she did not want to have sex, and raped her.

    Miss Hennessy told the court that Knowles made up the rape story because she had to explain her night away to her current boyfriend.

    'She was also annoyed that the sex had failed to win back Mr Warren so we say she cooked up a story to cover herself and to gain revenge on him,' she said.

    The court heard Knowles told her boyfriend that she had been raped and he then confronted Mr Warren at his home with the accusation.

    Horrified, Mr Warren then contacted Knowles on the Facebook site asking what she meant. She denied making the accusation – although later she said that 'it might have slipped out but I was not being serious'.

    Mr Warren, a car firm worker, said he was 'very upset' when officers arrested him and locked him up after arriving at his home with three cars and a van.

    He denied the rape charge and showed officers his Facebook correspondence with Knowles.

    'When Knowles was contacted again she admitted she had made up the allegation and she signed a statement saying she had agreed to everything including bondage,' Miss Hennessy told the court.

    'She said said she was very sorry for the trouble she had caused.'

    The court heard Knowles was interviewed a second time and admitted that she had 'consented to everything'.

    'She admitted that as a policeman's daughter she knew very well Mr Warren would be arrested.'

    Knowles, 20, of South Cerney, near Cirencester, denies making a false allegation of rape with intent to pervert the course of public justice in June last year.
    The trial continues.
    And God promised men that good and obedient wives would be found in all corners of the world. Then made the world round .... and laughed and laughed and laughed ..

  • #2
    'She said said she was very sorry for the trouble she had caused.'
    That's ok then just slap an £80 fine on her and have done with it.

    The little witch should get 8 years and a place on a Register for liars. Oh no, silly me - that's what her victim would have got and a place the the SOR to boot.
    People Appealing Convictions of Sexual Offences ~

    PAFAA details ~


    • #3
      Here's the link:

      Interestingly, it appears that she had been tried for this in february, but the jury failed to reach a verdict:

      JURY failed today to reach a verdict in the trial of a South Cerney woman accused of making a false rape allegation.
      After a retirement of more than a day at the end of a three day trial the Gloucester crown court jury could not reach agreement and was discharged.
      The judge, Recorder Llewellyn Sellick, gave the prosecution seven days to decide whether they wished to seek a retrial of Tracy Knowles, 20, of Beverstone Road, South Cerney.
      She had denied doing an act tending or intending to pervert the course of justice by making a false allegation of rape against Alexander Warren between June 15 and 18 last year.

      I would have thought that making the accusation to police, and then saying that actually the sex had been consensual is an admission of attempting to pervert the course of justice? She signed a statement saying she had consented to everything....would be interesting to know what her defence is....

      As ever in these cases, she has done a huge disservice to genuine survivors, and those currently involved in trials hoping to see their attackers convicted.

