Originally posted by psychotic
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i may be naive but how exactly do cases get convictions without evidence?
Originally posted by Bigsister View PostIt's just easier to say well the police & court said they did it, so obviously they must have..
It's impossible to change the mindset of the majority on that unless and until they've seen it from the other side.
Originally posted by LS View PostThat's exactly the point. When someone is described as a "convicted" anything, everyone takes it as read that they are guilty.
It's impossible to change the mindset of the majority on that unless and until they've seen it from the other side.
It's only lately I have heard about the amount of people that plead guilty to get a lesser sentence. Then of course that goes in the newspaper that they pleaded guilty, so they were definitely guilty.
The awful thing is it can end up happening to anyone. Just being in the wrong place at the wrong time, can change your life forever.
i guess it was good to get the lawyer involved first
i understand how u guys feel... i know it must suck that it has gone all the way through court and got "convicted" and people started to judge u... a few good friends of mine so far right now are telling me to stay positive... positive energy will attract positive outcomes... i don't know how that can help u guys but i just want to stay positive for as long as i can... this coming from a special lady that has really given me a lot of support lately =)
I am completely & utterly hooked on this at the moment, & am nowhere near watching it all, it's a few years old, but it's very interesting. Miscarriages of justice meeting...
Sandra Lean, author of No smoke is in the first clip. She's very pretty too!..
from 26:22 in part 1...
Convictions without evidence.
Although throughout my questioning I constantly protested my innocence and my sol kepts reassuring me that this wouldn't go any further I always had in the back of my mind it would because from what I have read from here so many cases do go to court without evidence.
When I got my NFA nobody told me "I told you so" and common sense always said how can they convict someone just because of a story from no evidence.
My sol told me, no witnesses, no DNA, silly sounding story, how can it?
He was right.
The CPS do take ages to make the decision, it is a killer and your mind can't help but think the worst.
Just some thoughts on this, they may help people, they may not, but this is my experience.
My sol told me, no witnesses, no DNA, silly sounding story, how can it?
He was right.
He was right in your case. I've been dealing with appeals where there were no witnesses, no DNA and very silly sounding stories.....some out-loud laughable if it wasn't so tragic that the stupid jury still came to a finding of guilt.People Appealing Convictions of Sexual Offences ~http://www.pacso.co.uk
PAFAA details ~ https://pacso.co.uk/pafaa-people-aga...ions-of-abuse/
That's terrible.
I think though that we must encourage everyone to be positive when on bail if they have little evidence.
I know the saying prepare for the worst but in hindsight I just don't want anyone dropping as far as I did.
Do I sound silly saying that RF?
I just want people's wellbeing to be looked after
No you don't sound silly.
Some people assume that because there is no evidence apart from the word of the complainant and what he or she told other people, no DNA or forensics no injuries.......that nothing will happen and they do not prepare for the worst. On occasion when the worst happens is when the suspect can drop to an almighty low because he has not prepared himself for that.
I have visited guys in prison who did not expect to get charged, they were. They did not expect to get convicted so did not tell anybody what was happening to them, believing that the jury would see through the lies - they've been convicted and any helpful evidence their family or friends might have been able to give had they known about it, is not admissible at appeal.
That's it. Case closed. Somebody in prison labelled a rapist or worse, a paedophile for the rest of their lives - because they did not prepare.People Appealing Convictions of Sexual Offences ~http://www.pacso.co.uk
PAFAA details ~ https://pacso.co.uk/pafaa-people-aga...ions-of-abuse/
I think you're right about hoping for the best bit. Of course people need to stay positive.
It must be so darn hard though, as you know yourself. I can't even imagine what something like this does to a person. It just seems to get me mad the more I hear about it to be honest.
It's a hard one to crack, I went through all the emotions, what if I do go to prison for something I haven't done. It really drove me down and I did a lot of mental preparation for the worst event.
Now I even found it hard to go to the local shop. I don't want to be here anymore as in my mind I have said good bye to everyone from my home town and have no interest in returning. I want a new life.
2 years ago, before I met this woman I had lots of friends.
If they were real friends they would still be here for you. Have you tried to make contact with any of them?People Appealing Convictions of Sexual Offences ~http://www.pacso.co.uk
PAFAA details ~ https://pacso.co.uk/pafaa-people-aga...ions-of-abuse/
Conviction without evidence
Hi Jamie, sounds like you had a very lucky escape, must have got one of the good cops or one that hasn't yet been corrupted by the greed of promotion. There are still a lot out there, but they are scared to shop the bent ones who are normally in more senior positions.
Because rape convictions appeared to be low, no evidence to support that rapists were getting away with it except lots of noise from the Women's Rights sectors which hold great sway in Government circles, the Government decided that in sex -offence cases there was no need for corroborative evidence and therefore the word of the alleged victim was sufficient and Judge did not have to warn Jury.
DO NOT CHAT/TALK/GIVE INTERVIEW TO POLICE WITHOUT A SOLICITOR PRESENT,no matter how innocent you are. Preferably your own if not the Duty solicitor. It's in this first interview that police suspects condemn themselves by giving police information unwittingly that can be manipulated, used out of context etc. If new evidence comes to light or you remember things after this interview..DO NOT TELL THE POLICE, tell your solicitor, make sure you have one that deals with your issues. My qualifications, experience and 12 years of dealing with police corruption and harassment.
Police are not the only ones, you also have solicitors and barristers who don't/can't do the job, they get paid anyway. There are also bent Judges who have their own agenda's or side with police regardless. Need to know anymore Jamie?R U Reading this Deveaux?