I want to post a story, but im a bit nerve's can any one help me
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help to post a story
hi jennywren, i know how nerve wracking it can be, but you've come this far so it seems like you're ready as you ever will be. If you've read other posts you'll know that all stories posted are taken as true, so please don't be worried about not being believed - the people here are only here to support and help you, not question you! You only have to put in details you want to, and because it's anonymous you always have the get out clause of walking away if it gets too much - it won't. A rough draft of what you want to say can help. Once posted it's easy to go back and edit or delete it. Hopefully you'll find it a release to put your feelings out there, and regardless of your position there'll be people here who have been in the same spot and will be able to help. And once your story's out there the right people will be along to offer advice. I hope you post soon.
Hi Jennywren, as Lemming says - post away - it really does help and you'll also get the benefit of advice that you could probably do with right now.And God promised men that good and obedient wives would be found in all corners of the world. Then made the world round .... and laughed and laughed and laughed ..
Hi Jennywren
Don't be afraid. It doesn't matter if your post is a little garbled and confiused, and no-one here will question you. As Lemming says, we take everyone at face value, and no-one will accuse you of making anything up. sometimes it can really help to get it down on screen, and you will be anonymous. you can also edit/delete your post if you feel like it.
hope we will hear from you soon.
Welcome to Jenny Wren
I would add that you should not post any identifying features (such as name and area in the UK) as this is an open forum which means anybody could be reading it at any time.
Other than that, please feel free to give a basic description of what the problem is and how it affects you. We can then advise you further, depending on what it entails.
Welcome aboard!People Appealing Convictions of Sexual Offences ~http://www.pacso.co.uk
PAFAA details ~ https://pacso.co.uk/pafaa-people-aga...ions-of-abuse/
Our Son was set up for a conviction
this story is about a police cover up,we have been fighting for justice for 16 months and have met with nothink but comtempt our son was set up for a conviction of rape in 2006 by the investigating officer ,our son was found not guilty by the jury of 7 women &5 men thier is a whole story to post ,
Our Son was set up for a conviction
this story is about a police cover up,we have been fighting for justice for 16 months and have met with nothink but comtempt our son was set up for a conviction of rape in 2006 by the investigating officer ,our son was found not guilty by the jury of 7 women & 5 men in 28 minutes i have still to give the full story,
Hi Jenny Wren
Are you in the UK? I ask because a verdict of not guilty (or guilty for that matter) from a divided jury 5 - 7 is not acceptable in a court of law here in the UK. The minimum that can be accepted either way is 10 - 2 majority otherwise it is a hung jury and the matter has to be tried again before a different jury.People Appealing Convictions of Sexual Offences ~http://www.pacso.co.uk
PAFAA details ~ https://pacso.co.uk/pafaa-people-aga...ions-of-abuse/
Silly me! I am in the midst of doing all sorts so didn't read it properly!!!People Appealing Convictions of Sexual Offences ~http://www.pacso.co.uk
PAFAA details ~ https://pacso.co.uk/pafaa-people-aga...ions-of-abuse/
Hi Saff...
I've been looking in regularily, ...but have been deeply affected by depression & suicidal thoughts...that and a strong desire to petrol bomb the homophobic local police (not going to happen, but I am getting angrier and angrier at the homophobic corruption in my local police force as it continues unabatted and ...uninvestigated!!!!)
Terribly terrbly sad, and I know it is wrong, but in our house everyone cheered when that Chief Constable was found dead in Snowdonia. That would never ever have been the responce or have happened in our home a few years ago...and certainly NEVER from my pensioner mother, but...
One less homophobic bast*rd was the comment made in our home... I have no idea if he was homophobic or not, but he was a police officer...and therefore by proxy, the very high probability is, that he was therefore homophobic.
These days I see the police entirely in a new light as the ENEMY of the public.
Contempt & hatred towards the police is the benchmark in our home now due to the level of corrupt dishonesty we have encountered from the police. I even went so far as to publish the names on numerous websites of the dishonest corrupt & homophobic police officers we have encountered.
I see a police officer = I see a Nazi.